[Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Ambridge 6-9-2015 by Ord. No. 1273. Amendments noted where applicable.
Uniform construction codes — See Ch. 115.
Grading and excavation — See Ch. 146.
The word "person" as used in this chapter shall mean any natural person or persons, association, partnership, firm or corporation.
No person shall cause or permit any building to be razed or partly razed upon any property owned by that person, or upon any ground rented by him, without first having obtained a permit therefor. The permit shall be issued by the Borough Manager upon the filing of an application specifying the razing procedure and the payment of a fee in the amount prescribed in the schedule of municipal fees established by resolution of the Borough Council.
The person who razes or partly razes any building under a permit granted under § 92-2 shall comply with all provisions of the law and with all other ordinances of the Borough which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter and shall also comply with all of the following provisions:
If the water service to the building is to be discontinued, the street must be opened and the waterline disconnected from the main waterline, in compliance with ordinances and laws relevant thereto.
If the sewer line is to be discontinued, it must be properly plugged on the property side of the curb.
The person razing or partly razing a building shall carry liability insurance in the amount of $100,000 and the same must be exhibited to the Borough Manager before the work begins, and that person shall also secure workers' compensation insurance and any other insurance required by law.
The person razing or partly razing a building, as aforesaid, shall secure the services of a professional exterminator and is required to fumigate the premises prior to razing in order to guarantee that rats and other vermin are eliminated.
The person razing or partly razing, as aforesaid, shall be required to control all dust by proper soaking, or wetting, or otherwise, to keep the area as free from dust as possible.
No burning shall be permitted on the premises.
All materials and debris are required to be hauled away from the area in covered trucks so as to prevent the littering of streets and highways.
No ditch may be left open for a period of more than 24 hours.
All backfilling must be thoroughly tamped with the property backfill.
The contractor and all the property owners are jointly and severally responsible for furnishing barricades and flares and the operation of them for the protection of the public in and about the operation of the work.
Where there is an opening on any paved street or alley, the surface of that street or alley must be replaced on top of a minimum of eight inches of concrete or asphalt, as determined by the Borough Manager, and that concrete or asphalt must extend 18 inches over the original width of the ditch. The paved surface over the concrete or asphalt shall correspond to the same material as exists in the balance of the street. In all cases, the total depth of paving must equal or exceed the existing base and top. All the above work must be completed as outlined within a ninety-six-hour period from the time of the street opening.
The property owner must obtain a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation permit when required.
It is the property owner's responsibility to notify all utility companies (gas, electric, telephone, etc.) prior to excavation.
All work shall be completed within five days after its commencement unless otherwise noted on the permit.
Before a permit may be issued, the applicant must deposit with the Borough a sum of money in an amount prescribed in a schedule established by resolution of the Borough Council. Such deposit may be made in the form of cash, money order, certified check, or bank cashier's or treasurer's check. Upon inspection of completed work to the satisfaction of the Borough Manager or Borough Engineer, the security deposit shall be returned to the person who made it, less deductions for any corrective work done by or for the Borough.
Before a permit may be issued, the applicant must sign a performance bond and indemnity agreement in the form prescribed by the Borough.
Upon completion of the work, the holder of the permit shall report the completion to the Borough Manager. The Manager may, after completion, or at any time during the course of the work, cause an inspection of the building to be made; and if there is evidence that any requirement of the law or of this chapter has not been complied with, the proper officers of the Borough shall commence prosecution under that law, or this chapter, to secure compliance.
If any work authorized by any permit has not commenced within a period of 30 days after its issuance, the Borough Manager shall require the permit holder to relinquish that permit, and the permit shall become invalid.
Offenses defined.
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter is guilty of a summary offense.
Each day a violation is continued shall be deemed a separate offense.
Penalties. A person convicted of an offense under this chapter shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $300 nor more than $600, plus all costs of prosecution, or, in default of payment, to undergo imprisonment for not less than 10 nor more than 30 days.