In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 2003 Draft Code have been included in the 2012 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 2003 Draft
Location in 2012 Code
Ch. 1, Administration and Government
Part 1, Elected Officials
A. Time and Place of Meetings
Ch. 15, Art. I
B. Time for Public Participation
§ 1-111, Compensation of Mayor
Ch. 50, Art. II
§ 1-112, Compensation of Borough Council
Ch. 50, Art. II
§ 1-113, Compensation of Tax Collector
Ch. 50, Art. I
Part 2, Administrative Code
Ch. 5
Part 3, Pensions and Disability Plan
A. Firemen's Pension Fund
B. Municipal Employees' Pension Fund
C. Police Pension Fund
D. Disability and Life Insurance Plans
Ch. 38, Art. I
Part 4, Firemen's Relief Association
Ch. 24
Part 5, Fire Insurance Proceeds
Ch. 158, Art. I
Part 6, Authorities
A. Municipal Authority
Ch. 10, Art. I
B. Parking Authority
Ch. 10, Art. III
C. Water Authority
Ch. 10, Art. II
Ch. 2, Animals
Part 1, Animal Regulations
Ch. 82, Art. I
Ch. 3, Bicycles (Reserved)
Ch. 4, Buildings
Part 1, Numbering of Houses and Vacant Property
Ch. 90
Part 2, Nuisance or Dangerous Structure
Ch. 5, Code Enforcement
Part 1, Standards of Habitability
Ch. 110, Art. II
Part 2, International Building Code
Ch. 115, Part 1, Art. I
Part 3, National Electrical Code
Ch. 115, Part 1, Art. II
Part 4, BOCA National Fire Prevention Code
Ch. 115, Part 1, Art. III
Part 5, BOCA National Plumbing Code
Ch. 115, Part 1, Art. IV
Part 6, BOCA National Mechanical Code
Ch. 115, Part 1, Art. V
Part 7, BOCA National Property Maintenance Code
Ch. 115, Part 1, Art. VI
Ch. 6, Conduct
Part 1, Curfew
Ch. 120
Part 2, Disorderly Conduct
Ch. 190, Art. III
Part 3, Prohibiting the Discharge of Firearms
Ch. 132
Part 4, Lewd Activities and Public Indecency
A. Prohibiting Public Indecency
Ch. 190, Art. I
B. Lewd Materials
Ch. 190, Art. II
Part 5, Tampering with Public Property
Ch. 208, Art. I
Part 6, Public Drinking
Ch. 70
Part 7, Littering
Ch. 165
Ch. 7, Fire Prevention and Fire Protection
Part 1, Outdoor Burning
Ch. 100
Part 2, Fireworks Regulations
Ch. 136
Part 3, Special Fire Police
Ch. 53
Ch. 8, Floodplains
Part 1, Subdivision and Land Development
Ch. 140, Part 3
Part 2, Regulation for Construction of Buildings
Ch. 140, Part 1
Part 3, Floodplain Districts
Ch. 140, Part 2
Ch. 9, Grading and Excavating
Part 1, Grading and Excavation Permit
Ch. 146
Ch. 10, Health and Safety
Part 1, Weeds
Ch. 202, Art. II
Part 2, Rat Extermination
Ch. 202, Art. I
Part 3, Restaurant Regulations
Ch. 110, Art. I
Part 4, Nuisance or Unsanitary Conditions
Ch. 110, Art. III
Ch. 11, Housing
Part 1, Landlord Required to Report Rental Units
Superseded by Ord. No. 1226
Ch. 12, Libraries
Part 1, Laughlin Memorial Library
Ch. 30
Ch. 13, Licenses, Permits and General Business Regulations
Part 1, False Alarms
Ch. 65, Art. I
Part 2, Amusement License Fees
Ch. 76
Part 3, Sexually Oriented Businesses
Ch. 236
Part 4, Peddling
Superseded by Ord. No. 1177
Part 5, Christmas Tree Sales and Storage
Ch. 220, Art. I
Ch. 14, Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks (Reserved)
Ch. 15, Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 290
Ch. 16, Parks and Recreation
Part 1, Park Regulations
Ch. 186
Ch. 17, Planned Residential Development (Reserved)
Ch. 18, Sewers and Sewage Disposal
Part 1, Sewer Rental
Ch. 225, Art. I
Part 2, Smoke and/or Dye Tests
Ch. 225, Art. II
Ch. 19, Signs and Billboards
Part 1, Billboard Registration and Tax
Ch. 242, Art. I
Ch. 20, Solid Waste
Part 1, Garbage Collection
Superseded by Ord. No. 1228
Part 2, Recycling
Superseded by Ord. No. 1228
Part 3, Garbage Collector License
Ch. 252, Art. I
Part 4, Dangerous Wastes
Ch. 152, Art. I
Part 5, Municipal Waste Flow Control
Ch. 252, Art. II
Ch. 21, Streets and Sidewalks
Part 1, Sidewalk and Street Construction
Amended by Ord. No. 1231; see Ch. 265, Art. I
Part 2, Construction of Sidewalks, Curbs and Curb Cut Ramps
Ch. 265, Art. III
Part 3, Street Openings and Excavations
Ch. 265, Art. II
Ch. 22, Subdivision and Land Development
Ch. 270
Ch. 23, Swimming Pools (Reserved)
Ch. 24, Taxation; Special
Part 1, Realty Transfer Tax
Ch. 276, Art. III
Part 2, Earned Income Tax
Ch. 276, Art. I
Part 3, Occupation Privilege Tax
Superseded by Ord. No. 1221
Part 4, Per Capita Tax
Ch. 276, Art. IV
Part 5, Business Privilege Tax
Ch. 276, Art. VI
Part 6, Mercantile License Tax
Ch. 276, Art. II
Part 7, Exemptions
A. Exemption for Per Capita and Occupational Privilege Taxes
Ch. 276, Art. V
B. Exemption of Real Property Taxes Within the Enterprise Zone
Ch. 276, Art. VII
Part 8, Taxpayers Bill of Rights
Ch. 276, Art. VIII
Ch. 25, Trees
Part 1, Preservation, Maintenance, Planting, Transplanting and Removal of Plants, Shrubs and Trees
Ch. 282
Ch. 26, Water (Reserved)
Ch. 27, Zoning
Ch. 310
A. Annexation of Territory
Ch. A320
B. Bond Issues and Loans
Ch. A320
C. Franchises and Services
Ch. A320
D. Governmental and Intergovernmental Affair
Ch. A320
E. Plan Approval
Ch. A320
F. Public Property
Ch. A320
G. Sewers
Ch. A320
H. Streets and Sidewalks
Ch. A320
I. Water
Ch. A320
J. Zoning; Prior Ordinances (Reserved)