[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of South Nyack 10-20-1952. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 11-15-1988 by L.L. No. 10-1988]
No building, house or other structure shall be moved or transported through or across any street or highway within the Village of South Nyack unless the person, association or corporation desiring to move or transport said building, house or other structure deposits with the Village Clerk a sum of money as set forth in the fee schedule adopted by resolution of the Board of Trustees to ensure compliance with all of the conditions imposed by this chapter. Said deposit will be returned to said person, association or corporation after certification by the Chief of Police to the Village Clerk that all conditions hereof have been fulfilled.
[Amended 11-15-1988 by L.L. No. 10-1988]
The person, association or corporation desiring to move or transport any building, house or other structure shall deposit with the Village Clerk an insurance policy in amounts as set forth in the fee schedule adopted by resolution of the Board of Trustees, naming the Village of South Nyack as an additional insured, for public liability and property damage.
The person, association or corporation desiring to move or transport any building, house or other structure within the corporate limits of the Village of South Nyack shall file with the Village Clerk of the Village of South Nyack a description of the proposed route within said Village to be used for said moving or transporting and the day, date and time that he/she desires to effect said moving or transporting.
Any person, association or corporation desiring to move or transport any building, house or other structure within the corporate limits of the Village of South Nyack must secure the approval of the Board of Trustees of said Village, and said moving or transporting shall be subject to the recommendation of the Chief of Police, and the actual moving or transporting shall be subject to and under the control of the South Nyack-Grand View Police Department.
[Amended 6-25-2019 by L.L. No. 3-2019]
Any person, partnership or corporation who or which commits, takes part or assists in any violation of any provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be subject to a Type A penalty as set forth in § 1-15 of the Village Code.