[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of South Nyack 11-22-1983 by L.L. No. 10-1983. Amendments noted where applicable.]
There are many circumstances that occur that require Village authorities to communicate with the actual owner of real property situated in the Village. These occurrences may be the result of emergencies or a situation requiring the enforcement of the laws of the State of New York and local laws and ordinances of the Village of South Nyack. The Village Board of South Nyack finds that a registration of the address of the actual owner of real property situated in the Village is necessary to accomplish the purpose.
All owners of real property situated in the Village of South Nyack shall, not later than January 31, 1984, file with the Village Clerk of the Village of South Nyack, on a form to be provided by the Village for that purpose, the name, address and telephone number of the actual owner of such real property. In the event that the owner of such property is a corporation, the name and address of a managing agent shall also be supplied. Noncorporate owners not residing in the Village may also designate an agent residing in the Village to whom all Village inquiries regarding the property can be made, but the name and address of the actual owner shall also be required.
Whenever the ownership of a parcel of real property situated in the Village of South Nyack is transferred to another person or corporation, the transferee shall, within 20 days of such transfer, file the appropriate address of owner form, designation of agent form (if required) with the Village Clerk.
[Amended 6-25-2019 by L.L. No. 3-2019]
Any real property owner who shall willfully fail to file such form with the Village Clerk at the times herein required shall be subject to a Type A penalty as set forth in § 1-15 of the Village Code. Each month that the violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.