[Added 10-13-2016]
As used in this chapter, "house of worship" shall mean: A building or structure, or group of buildings or structures, which by design and construction are intended for the conducting of organized religious services, and accessory uses customarily associated therewith including, but not limited to, the following: educational services, facilities for weddings, funerals, religious ceremonies, parish houses, rectories, convents, and other similar functions directly related with the principal function of the house of worship, places of assembly for self-help and support groups, indoor or outdoor activities particularly related to said use and other similar accessory functions relating to ministry, provided that such uses are not residential in nature.
A house of worship may consist of the following primary use, together with a combination of one or more of the following ancillary uses:
Principal use. House of worship, at times referred to herein as the "principal structure."
Ancillary uses.
Cleric's residence.
An apartment, group of rooms, or other residence for the facility's religious leader within the same building or structure located on the same lot as the house of worship hereinafter referred to as "cleric's attached residence."
An apartment, group of rooms, or other residence for the facility's religious leader in a separate or distinct structure from the same building or structure as the place of assembly for religious services or worship, but on the same lot or lots as is situated said place of assembly, hereinafter referred to as "cleric's detached ancillary residence."
Facilities for religious education and instruction, including but not limited to Saturday or Sunday school, after-school learning and adult study groups, within the same building or structure as the place of assembly for religious services or worship, hereinafter referred to as "attached educational facilities."
Facilities for religious education and instruction, including but not limited to Saturday or Sunday school, after-school learning and adult study groups, in one or more separate and distinct building(s), whether connected or not, on the same property or tract of land as the house of worship, hereinafter referred to as "detached ancillary building educational facilities."
Facilities for social functions such as, but not limited to, weddings, funerals, religious ceremonies and other similar events, hereinafter referred to as "detached ancillary building social facilities" in one or more separate building(s), whether connected or not, on the same property, or tract of land, as the house of worship.
Facilities for a convent or other housing for members of a religious order, separate and apart from a residence for the facility's religious leader, as referred to in Subsection B(2)(a) hereof.
Upon proper application and hearing, as herein provided, a house of worship shall be permitted as a conditional use in all zoning districts of the Borough, provided that the Planning Board finds and determines that the following conditions have been met:
For a house of worship consisting solely of the primary use set forth in § 270-182, a place of assembly for religious services or worship, the following minimum area, yard and dimensional standards must be met:
Minimum lot size: three acres.
Minimum lot width: 250 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 400 feet.
Minimum front yard setback: 75 feet.
Minimum side yard setback: 50 feet.
Minimum rear yard setback: 100 feet.
Minimum buffer width: 50 feet.
Maximum building coverage: 25%.
Maximum impervious lot coverage: 65%.
Maximum principal building height same as zone district requirement for permitted uses. Steeples, bell towers, crosses, minuets and similar vertical projections shall be permitted to exceed the maximum permitted building height limitation by 20 feet so long as the circumference or perimeter of the vertical projection does not exceed 10% of the roof surface of the principal structure.
For a house of worship consisting of the primary use set forth in § 270-182B(1), a place of assembly for religious services or worship, together with the ancillary use set forth in § 270-182B(2)(a), a cleric's attached residence, the same area, yard and dimensional standards for the primary use only shall apply.
For a house of worship consisting of the primary use set forth in § 270-182B(1), a place of assembly for religious services or worship, together with the ancillary use set forth in § 270-182B(2)(b), attached educational facilities, the same area, yard and dimensional standards for the primary use only shall apply.
For a house of worship consisting of the primary use set forth in § 270-182B(1), a place of assembly for religious services or worship, together with any one or more of the following detached ancillary uses, the following additional area, yard and dimensional standards must be met for each separate detached ancillary use, as set forth on Table I, Area, Yard and Bulk Standards for Houses of Worship, annexed hereto and incorporated by reference herein.[1]
A cleric's detached residence, as herein defined:
Minimum lot size: an additional 0.5 acre.
Detached ancillary educational facilities, as herein defined:
Minimum lot size: an additional 1.0 acre;
Minimum lot width: an additional 50 feet;
Minimum side yard setback for one side yard: an additional 10 feet; and
Minimum side yard setback for other side yard: an additional 10 feet.
Detached ancillary educational facilities shall not exceed two stories or 35 feet in height, whichever is less.
Detached ancillary building for social facilities as herein defined:
Minimum lot size: an additional 2.5 acres;
Minimum lot width: an additional 150 feet;
Minimum lot depth: an additional 200 feet;
Minimum front yard setback: an additional 25 feet;
Minimum side yard setback for one side yard: an additional 25 feet;
Minimum side yard setback for other side yard: an additional 25 feet;
Minimum rear yard setback: an additional 50 feet; and
Minimum buffer width from adjoining residentially developed or zoned lots: an additional 25 feet.
Detached ancillary building for social facilities shall not exceed two stories or 35 feet in height, whichever is less.
Facilities for a convent or other housing for members of a religious order, separate and apart from a residence for the facility's religious leader:
Minimum lot size: an additional 2.0 acres;
Minimum lot frontage: an additional 150 feet;
Minimum lot depth: an additional 200 feet;
Minimum front yard setback: an additional 25 feet;
Minimum side yard setback for one side yard: an additional 35 feet;
Minimum side yard setback for other side yard: an additional 35 feet;
Minimum rear yard setback: an additional 50 feet; and
Minimum buffer width from adjoining residentially developed or zoned lots: an additional 25 feet.
Convents or other housing for members shall not exceed two stories or 35 feet in height, whichever is less.
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this chapter.
For a house of worship consisting of the primary use set forth in § 270-182B(1), a place of assembly for religious services or worship, together with any one or more of the following detached ancillary uses, the following maximum lot coverage and improved lot coverage requirements shall apply:
Detached ancillary educational facilities:
Maximum building coverage: 28%; and
Maximum impervious lot coverage: 62.5%.
Cleric's detached ancillary residence together with educational facilities:
Maximum building coverage: 25%; and
Maximum impervious lot coverage: 60%.
Detached ancillary educational facilities together with a detached ancillary building for social facilities:
Maximum building coverage: 25%; and
Maximum impervious lot coverage: 60%.
Cleric's detached ancillary residence together with outside educational facilities and social facilities:
Maximum building coverage: 25%; and
Maximum impervious lot coverage: 60%.
Detached ancillary educational facilities, detached ancillary building for social facilities and facilities for a convent or other housing for members of a religious order, separate and apart from a residence for the facility's religious leader:
Maximum building coverage: 22%; and
Maximum impervious lot coverage: 60%.
Off-street parking.
In addition to the area, yard and bulk requirements set forth herein, houses of worship shall also meet the following conditions with respect to off-street parking:
A house of worship consisting solely of a place of assembly for religious services or worship shall provide one parking space for each three permanent or fixed seats based on seating capacity.
Any such church or other house of worship not having permanent or fixed seating shall provide one parking space for each three persons based on capacity attendance, which shall be calculated by taking the total square footage of the place of assembly for religious services or worship and dividing it by the square footage of space allotted to each person in attendance as stated in the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code (BOCA Code).
For the purposes of calculating the number of seats, every 22 inches of pew or bench length shall be considered one seat. For the purpose of determining the minimum total required number of parking spaces on site, only those uses operating simultaneously creating the greatest parking demand shall be calculated.
In addition to the off-street parking required for a house of worship consisting solely of the primary use set forth in § 270-182B(1), a place of assembly for religious services or worship, there shall be provided the following off-street parking;
For a cleric's attached residence or detached residence: two parking spaces;
For attached or detached educational facilities: 1.25 parking spaces for every teaching station (e.g., teacher's desk) for children under the age of 17, and two parking spaces for each three persons age 17 or over participating in the educational program;
For social facilities, the required parking shall be one parking space for each three persons based on the maximum capacity of the facility as determined by application of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code (BOCA Code), plus 10%;
For a convent or other housing for members of a religious order, separate and apart from a residence for the facility's religious leader: one parking space for every three members of the religious order;
For any other ancillary use not listed herein, additional parking shall be one parking space for each three persons based upon maximum capacity of the facility as determined by application of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code (BOCA Code);
No off-street parking facility shall be located in the required front yard setback of a property used as a house of worship;
Every house of worship shall provide within the minimum required buffer a fifteen-foot-wide landscaped buffer along the side property line. If adjacent to a residential zone, the required landscape buffer within the minimum required buffer shall be no less than 30 feet in width. No parking spaces or their associated drive(s) shall encroach into a required buffer area except where accessing a street;
All exterior lighting shall be arranged so as to reflect light away from all adjoining premises. Lighting sources shall not exceed 18 feet in height. Fixtures near a residential property shall be equipped with house side shields.
Signs. See § 270-20H(2). A freestanding sign shall not exceed 20 feet in height.
The Zoning, Area and Bulk Schedule for Allendale, New Jersey, is hereby amended and supplemented as set forth in the annexed table. Said table is incorporated by reference herein as though set forth at length.[1]
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this chapter.