[Amended 6-17-1996 by Ord. No. 221]
Commercial and industrial uses adjacent to residences and residential districts. Every commercial or industrial use occupying land immediately adjacent to a residence or residential district shall have a screening area visually separating the commercial or industrial use from the adjoining residence or residential districts. The screen shall be in the form of either a wall, fence, hedge, berm or compact evergreen planting, which is maintained in good condition at all times. Density of plantings shall be determined by the Planning Commission. The height of the screen shall not be less than eight feet, except where the screen would interfere with traffic or pedestrian clear vision and safety, in which case it shall be reduced in height to 30 inches or less. All fences shall be installed with the solid (good) side facing the residence or residential district.
Residential districts.
[Amended 6-6-2016 by Ord. No. 280]
Fences in residential districts may be located within a side yard or rear yard, as those terms are defined in this chapter. Fences must be placed entirely in the confines of a residential lot. No fence shall be located within a required front yard, clear vision corner, or side yard on a corner lot where adjacent lot(s) have front yards facing the same street as the subject property side yard, without the approval as a special land use by the Planning Commission, who shall take into consideration the type of materials to be used, effect of the fence on neighboring properties, traffic and pedestrian vision and safety, and any other factor deemed relevant by the Commission. All fences shall be installed with the solid (good) side facing away from the parcel with any bracing installed on the inside of the fence toward the parcel. Hedges and fences must be placed entirely within the confines of a residential lot. No hedge, planting, fence, berm or wall shall extend at a height greater than 30 inches along a drive, street, alley, sidewalk, or other vehicular or pedestrian travelway within 20 feet of an intersection of any two of the above, to create a clear vision corner at the intersection. All hedges or fences in residential districts, except in those areas where commercial and industrial uses occupy land immediately adjacent to a residence or residential district (Subsection A above), shall be installed at a maximum height of six feet and maintained in good appearance except as allowed in this section. No fence or wall shall be constructed of materials harmful to residents, such as protruding nails, barbs, spikes, nor electrically charged. All hedges and fences shall be installed and maintained with their good sides out away from the property on which they are installed. All hedges and fences which exist prior to the adoption of this section that require repairs and/or maintenance of 1/2 the installation cost shall comply with the conditions of this section.
Only decorative fences, which shall be 80% open uniformly along the length of the fence, shall be allowed to be installed in front yard areas at a height greater than 30 inches, but not greater than 49 inches. Decorative fences shall include fences with designs made of wood, plastic or metal, not including wire or poles.