[R.O. 2008 § 120.080; Ord. No. 6298 § 1, 1-12-2017]
The purpose and function of this Article is to promote the educational, cultural, economic, and general welfare of the community by establishing a process for the City to obtain funding for Artwork and to commission, acquire and/or publicly display artwork on a permanent or temporary basis.
The provisions in this Article shall not apply to artwork proposed by other persons and entities for installation and display on private property.
All artwork commissioned or acquired by the City shall be the property of the City.
Only the City, upon approval of the City Council, may install, maintain and display artwork on City property.
[R.O. 2008 § 120.090; Ord. No. 6298 § 1, 1-12-2017]
Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases in this Article shall be interpreted so as to give them the same meaning as they have in common usage and so as to give this Article its most reasonable application. For the purposes of this Article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them by this Section.
An individual generally recognized by critics and peers as a professional practitioner of the visual, performing or language arts, based on his or her body of work, educational background, experience, exhibition history, publication and/or creation of artworks. For commissioning and acquisition purposes, an artist cannot be a City employee, a current member of the Cultural Arts Commission or a former member of the Cultural Arts Commission who served within the past year, or any person or firm under contract with the City.
An aesthetic creation of permanent or temporary medium or combination of media resulting from the skill and creativity of an artist or artists.
The O'Fallon Cultural Arts Commission.
Members of the O'Fallon Cultural Arts Commission.
Artwork commissioned or acquired by or on behalf of the City for public display or artwork sponsored by the City and brought to the City for temporary display.
A document that guides the planning and execution of a specific public art project and sets out the basic framework of the project including: (i) goals and location; (ii) budget and funding; (iii) time line; (iv) the artist selection process and community engagement process; (v) a marketing, promotion or education plan; (vi) a list of internal and external stakeholders; and (vii) possible collaboration with other entities.
[R.O. 2008 § 120.100; Ord. No. 6298 § 1, 1-12-2017]
There is hereby established an advisory board known as the Cultural Arts Commission for the City of O'Fallon, Missouri.
[R.O. 2008 § 120.110; Ord. No. 6298 § 1, 1-12-2017]
The Cultural Arts Commission shall consist of not less than five (5) and no more than eight (8) members. At least five (5) members shall be residents of the City. If the Commission consists of more than five (5) members, the remaining members may either be residents or be a non-resident with expertise in the field of art or the display thereof.
Each appointed member of the Commission shall have one (1) vote on all matters before the Commission.
The City Council shall make every reasonable effort to appoint persons to the Commission from the various wards and areas of the City and persons with a history of professional or volunteer experience in the visual or performing arts and an interest in contributing to the development of O'Fallon's Art and Culture Program.
On establishment of the Commission, the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Council, shall appoint the members of the Commission with staggered terms ranging from one (1) year to three (3) years. Thereafter, all members shall be appointed for terms of three (3) years each by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Council.
Members shall serve without compensation.
In addition to a member of the City Council who shall serve as the Council liaison with the Cultural Arts Commission, the Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Parks and Recreation Board may each appoint one (1) of their members to serve as liaisons to the Cultural Arts Commission. Such liaisons may offer information and recommendations to the Commission, but shall not have a vote on any matter before the Commission.
[R.O. 2008 § 120.120; Ord. No. 6298 § 1, 1-12-2017]
The O'Fallon Cultural Arts Commission shall have the following advisory and recommending powers and duties:
Recommend fund raising efforts to the City Council and, upon approval by the City Council, conduct fund raising efforts and solicitation of funds for the purpose of commissioning, acquiring, maintaining and publicly displaying Artwork by the City;
Make recommendations to the City Council with regard to standards for suitable public art pieces to be commissioned, acquired or displayed by the City by utilizing recognized criteria and community standards;
Research available Public Art and Artists and make recommendations to the City Council, when necessary concerning the commission or acquisition of specific Public Art or the arrangement for the temporary display of Artwork belonging to others;
Locate and recommend appropriate sites for the display of Artwork, taking into consideration such factors as availability of the site, visibility of the site, impact on property and persons in the near vicinity of the site, accessibility to the site, ease of maintenance of the sites, requisite approval by appropriate government agencies and other similar factors;
For each Public Art recommendation to the City Council, prepare a Public Art Project Plan and provide such Plan to the City Council as part of the Commission's recommendation;
Assist the City in promoting the art displayed on sites within the City and educating the public about the art;
Encourage and promote the use of art by others for the purpose of education, pleasure, and welfare of the people of the City; and
Serve as advocates for art and culture in O'Fallon.