[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Fairhaven 8-8-2016. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Council on Aging  — See Ch. 16.
The name of the organization shall be the "Fairhaven Council on Aging," hereinafter referred to as the "Council," as established by the Town Meeting of Fairhaven, Massachusetts, on March 31, 1966, pursuant to MGL c. 40, § 8B.
To identify the total needs of the elderly population of the community.
To educate the community and enlist support and participation of all citizens about their needs.
To design, advocate and/or implement services to fill these needs, or to coordinate existing services.
To cooperate with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs and Coastline Elderly Services, Inc. (Area Agency on Aging) and to be cognizant of state and federal legislation and programs regarding elders.
The principal office of the Council is located at 229 Huttleston Avenue, Fairhaven, Massachusetts 02719.
The Council shall consist of seven regular members and four alternate/associate members (who are appointed for a one-year term) who shall vote for the nonattending regular seven members. Prospective Council members shall be nominated by a majority of the existing members of the Council for consideration by the Board of Selectmen. Council membership shall reflect the makeup of the community-at-large and shall be composed of at least 51% of persons 60 years of age or older.
Council members are appointed for a term of three years with the option of being reappointed at the pleasure of the Board of Selectmen. Alternate/associate members may also be appointed to fill the unexpired term of members whose positions are vacated. Council members may be removed by the Board of Selectmen following a hearing. People in office shall serve up to two successive terms in the same office's position. There shall be at least a one-year hiatus prior to a previously elected position held for two successive years.
All voting rights shall be vested in the members, and each individual member shall be entitled to one vote with respect to any question or matters that may come before a meeting of the Council.
Regular meetings of the Council shall be held monthly on the second Monday of the month at 9:00 a.m. at the Council office, unless otherwise voted by the Board.
Special meetings of the Council shall be called at any time at the request of at least four members of the Council. Notice must be sent to each member of the Council at least three business days prior to the special meeting date, and the Town Clerk must be appropriately notified at the same time.
Annual meetings of the Council shall be held on the second Monday of June at 9:30 a.m. after the regular meeting at the Council office for the purpose of electing officers.
At all meetings of the Council, the presence of a simple majority of the total membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Votes shall be cast only by voting members in attendance.
Meetings shall be conducted with Roberts Rules of Order as a guide.
Regular attendance is expected of all members. In the event of four absences of regular scheduled meetings during any fiscal year - July 1 through June 30 - members shall be considered to have automatically resigned and the Board of Selectmen will be notified. Exceptions are meetings missed due to personal illness and agreed to by the Board of Directors as acceptable absences.
The officers of the Council on Aging Board shall consist of a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
Officers of the Council shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Council and shall take office at the end of the meeting.
Elections of officers to fill vacancies may take place at any regular or special meeting and shall be for the unexpired term of the previous incumbent; however, the office of the Chairperson, if vacated, shall be filled by the Vice Chairperson for the unexpired term of the Chairperson's normal term of office. The position of Vice Chairperson will be filled by election.
Officers are elected for a term of one year to coincide with the annual meeting subject to provision of § 207-5 (July 1 through June 30). Any officer may succeed himself/herself according to terms described in § 207-5.
The Chairperson shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Council and subject to the direction of the Council. He/she shall be in charge of the business affairs and property of the Council in its general operations. He/she shall prepare an agenda, with the assistance of the Director, preside at all meetings of the members, nominate all committees and serve as an ex officio member of those committees.
The Vice Chairperson shall exercise all functions of the Chairperson during the latter's absence or disability, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions of the Chairperson.
The Director shall see to it that:
Minutes of the meeting of the Council are recorded.
Notices are given in accordance with the bylaws and as required by state law.
The annual report of the Council is forwarded to appropriate town and state officials.
The Treasurer shall see to it that:
There is supervision over and responsibility for funds, securities, receipts and disbursements of the Council.
Books of accounts of all the business and financial transactions of the Council are kept up to date.
Members receive a monthly statement of the financial condition of the Council.
An annual budget is prepared.
Amendments of these bylaws may be considered at either a regular or special meeting of the Council called for such purpose. Notification of such meeting and its purpose shall be given at least 14 days prior to assembly. Such notification shall contain the text of the proposed amendment. The proposed amendment must be approved by a majority of the Council members.
The Executive Director manages the day-to-day operation for the purpose of coordinating or carrying out programs designed to meet the needs of the aging in coordination with the Department of Elder Affairs. As chief administrator, the Executive Director, who serves as a professional advisor to the Board of Directors, is the principal point of contact within the Senior Center and has the responsibility for the overall management of its operations and programs. The Executive Director initiates, recruits, supervises, and provides or delegates resources, including authority to employ clerical or other assistants subject to the authorization of Town government. The Executive Director reports to the Town Administrator. An evaluation of a new employee will take place every quarter for the first year, and annually thereafter.
Committees may be appointed by the Chairperson as the need arises to conduct the business of the Council subject to the approval of the Council.
The effective date of these bylaws shall be the date of that meeting at which these bylaws shall have been approved by a majority of members present. The date on which this approval was voted is June 11, 2013.