Intent: To permit residential development of low density. This district represents a continuation of developmental patterns now existing extensively within Corbin City, with sufficient controls.
Regulations in District: The use, height and area regulations of this article, and those regulations set forth elsewhere in this Ordinance where applicable to these sections and general regulations of Article XVI are the regulations in the R5 Rural Residential District.
A building or land shall be used only for the following purposes:
Principal uses and buildings:
Single family detached dwellings.
Public playgrounds, conservation areas, parks and public purpose areas, subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Public utility substations, subject to the same standards as set forth applicable thereto in the regulations for the R Riverfront District.
Municipal uses, subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Accessory Uses, Buildings and Structures. Accessory uses, buildings and structures shall be uses, buildings and structures customarily incidental to the principal uses listed as permitted. Accessory structures shall not exceed four in number, no more than two of which shall be Accessory Buildings. Accessory structures shall not exceed 2% of the total lot area. Accessory uses, buildings and structures shall be understood to include:
Private auto garage for the exclusive use of building residents.
Private swimming pools, intended for use of building residents, provided:
That the water edge of the pool shall be at required setback from all property lines.
That adequate fencing in compliance with the Uniform Construction Code N.J.A.C. 5:23 shall be installed.
Private utility sheds, greenhouses, bath houses, and playhouses provided that they comply with all other sections of this article and ordinance.
The keeping of farm animals or fowl for the enjoyment of the residents and not primarily for commercial purposes.
Home occupations.
Farm markets.
Lot size: five acre minimum.
Lot width and frontage: 200 feet minimum measured at building setback line.
Lot Coverage: 5% maximum.
Front Yard Setback: 100 feet minimum, principal and accessory buildings. In the case of corner lots, all yards and one side yard will be considered a rear yard.
Side Yard Setback: Not less than fifty foot minimum.
Rear Yard Setback: 100 feet minimum.
Height: Building, 35 feet maximum from finished grade.
See § 17.12.
Fence and wall requirements of the Riverfront Residential District along with the conditions and standards therein shall apply here.
Fences and walls shall be permitted provided:
That all perimeter fences or walls shall be placed within the property line. Chain link fencing shall not be allowed within that portion of the lot extending from the front property line to the front building line of the principal structure.
That no portion of any fence or wall shall be more than four feet in height above finished grade, except that privacy fences shall be allowed provided that they are limited to the rear and side yard and do not extend forward beyond the front line of the principal structure. Such fences shall not exceed six feet in height above the finished grade and shall be constructed of materials that are in architectural conformity with the principal building.
That no fences or wall shall be placed within 15 feet of a street corner.
[Amended 4-10-2017 by Ord. No. 5-2017]
Official highway route number signs, street name signs, official directional signs.
Signs advertising the sale or rental of premises provided:
That such signs shall not exceed six square feet.
That such signs shall be erected only on the premises to which they relate.
That signs bearing the words "sold or rented" shall be removed 30 days after being posted.
Signs for public utility substations shall be subject to individual Planning Board review and approval.
Signs advertising permitted home occupations having a maximum area of six square feet setback a minimum of five feet from the front property line. If illuminated, such lighting shall be shielded to prevent glare.
Signs advertising farm markets totaling no more than 32 square feet for each farm market. Such signs must be located on the same property as the farm market they advertise.
No flashing lighted signs shall be permitted.
[Added 4-10-2017 by Ord. No. 5-2017]