[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Palmer as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 10-26-1992 STM by Art. 14 (Ch. 8, Art. I, of the 2007 Code)]
The Conservation Commission of the Town of Palmer is hereby authorized to:
Establish a comprehensive management plan for all of the real and personal property under its care, custody and control. This management plan shall be in writing and may from time to time be amended. The plan shall describe the manner in which real and personal property under the Commission's care, custody and control may be used, developed, leased, restricted or made or maintained available for recreational and conservation use.
Operate, maintain and manage the property under its care, custody and control and to sell forest or agricultural products derived from said property to the extent described in the comprehensive management plan and consistent with its mandates pursuant to the provisions of MGL c. 40, § 8C.
Enter into contracts to carry out the purposes set forth in this article. The contracts authorized hereunder shall not be subject to and shall be exempt from the provisions of Chapter 30B of the General Laws.
The Commission shall have the authority to establish and promulgate standards of operation and performance criteria for all work done in connection with any property under its care, custody and control. Such standards and performance criteria may include, but are not limited to:
Restrictions on the nature and kind of work performed.
The manner and method pursuant to which such work is performed.
Restrictions on performance of work according to season or other conditions.
Methods of stream crossings.
Repair of stone walls.
The use of oil or other toxic or harmful material on its property or in connection therewith.
Imposition of hold-harmless requirements on persons or entities with whom it contracts.
The Commission may also require any person performing labor or services to maintain liability insurance and performance bonds. Any standards adopted by said Commission may be incorporated into any of its contracts.
[Amended 3-13-1995 STM by Art. 32]
Notwithstanding the provisions of MGL c. 44, §§ 53 and 53A, any income received from leasing or from the sale of forest or agricultural products by the Commission shall be deposited by the Commission in a special fund in the office of the Town Treasurer as custodian; provided, however, that the total income received from leasing and from the sale of forest or agricultural products by the Commission shall not exceed $10,000 in any fiscal year. Said Treasurer may invest and deposit the funds so held in the same manner and with the same limitations as described in MGL c. 40, § 8C, and any income derived therefrom shall be credited to the fund. The funds so deposited into this special account shall be available to the Commission without further appropriation to maintain and improve land and property under its control, to purchase and acquire real property or real property interests, including restrictions affecting land use, and for any other purpose for which the Commission may otherwise expend funds pursuant to the provisions of MGL c. 40, § 8C, or any other special or general law.
Such purposes may include, but are not limited to:
Land surveys, recording fees and costs, plant and wildlife surveys, marking of trees or areas for cutting, management surveys and mapping.
Improvements to its property, including trail establishment or improvements, parking, road improvements for roads on its real property, trash, rubbish and garbage pickup, improvements to the environmental quality of its property, protection and development of wildlife and plant habitats, protection and development of soils and restoration of historic sites.
Purchasing legal or other professional or consulting services which it deems useful to achieve or further the purposes of the Commission.
The Commission may receive and accept gifts of funds from any source and appropriations from the Town of Palmer for deposit into the special fund described herein.
[Amended 7-11-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-12]
The Town Accountant shall annually audit the special fund and shall submit a copy of the audit to the Town Manager. The audit shall be printed in the Town of Palmer Annual Report.
This article is intended to expand and not to limit the powers and authority of the Palmer Conservation Commission and shall not be construed to limit or deny the Commission any rights, power or authority otherwise granted by any special or general law or ordinance.