[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Palmer as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 6-11-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-05]
The purpose of this article is to vote to accept the provisions of MGL c. 60, § 3F; the law would allow the Town to designate a place on its property or motor vehicle excise tax bills or mail with such bills a separate form whereby taxpayers may voluntarily check off, donate and pledge an amount of money, which shall increase the amount already due, for the purposes of providing support for veterans and their dependents in need of immediate assistance.
This fund, under the direction of the Veteran Services Department, will enable the Town to act expeditiously when responding to immediate needs of veterans and their dependents. Expenditure from the fund can be made without further appropriation and will be only utilized to provide emergency food, transportation, heat and oil expenses.
MGL c. 60, § 3F
Section 3F: Voluntary donation to multiple veterans’ assistance fund by designation on municipal property tax or motor vehicle excise bills.
[Text of section added by 2016, 141, Sec. 12 effective July 14, 2016.]
Section 3F: A city, or town or district that accepts this section may designate a place on its municipal property tax bills or motor vehicle excise bills or mail with such bills a separate form whereby taxpayers of the city, town or district may voluntarily check off, donate and pledge an amount of money which shall increase the amount already due to establish and fund a municipal veterans assistance fund which shall be under the supervision of the local veterans agent, the board or officer in charge of the collection of the municipal charge, fee or fine or the town collector of taxes.
[Paragraph inserted following the first paragraph by 2016, 283, Sec. 9 effective October 6, 2016.]
Any amounts donated to the fund shall be deposited into a special account in the general treasury and shall be in the custody of the treasurer. The treasurer shall invest the funds at the direction of the officer, board, commission or other agency of the city or town who or which is otherwise authorized and required to invest trust funds of the city or town and subject to the same limitations applicable to trust fund investments except as otherwise specified in this section. The fund and any interest thereon shall be used for the purposes of this section without further appropriation.
Money in the fund shall be used to provide support for veterans and their dependents in need of immediate assistance with food, transportation, heat and oil expenses. The city, town or district’s veterans’ services department shall: (i) establish an application process for veterans and their dependents to obtain assistance; (ii) establish standards for acceptable documentation of veteran status or dependent status; and (iii) establish financial eligibility criteria for determining need and amount of assistance for eligible applicants. The veterans’ services department shall be responsible for reviewing each applicant and fairly applying the eligibility and level-of-need standards.
[Adopted 6-11-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-06]
This article establishes and authorizes revolving funds for use by Town departments, boards, committees, agencies and officers in connection with the operation of programs or activities that generate fees, charges or other receipts to support all or some of the expenses of those programs or activities. These revolving funds are established under and governed by MGL c. 44, § 53E 1/2.
A department or agency head, board, committee or officer may incur liabilities against and spend monies from a revolving fund established and authorized by this article without appropriation, subject to the following limitations:
Fringe benefits of full-time employees whose salaries or wages are paid from the fund shall also be paid from the fund.
No liability shall be incurred in excess of the available balance of the fund.
The total amount spent during a fiscal year shall not exceed the amount authorized by the Town Council on or before July 1 of that fiscal year, or any increased amount of that authorization that is later approved during that fiscal year by the Town Council.
Interest earned on monies credited to a revolving fund established by this article shall be credited to the general fund.
Except as provided in MGL c. 44, § 53E 1/2 and this article, the laws, Charter provisions, ordinances, rules, regulations, policies or procedures that govern the receipt and custody of Town monies and the expenditure and payment of Town funds shall apply to the use of a revolving fund established and authorized by this article. The Town Accountant shall include a statement on the collections credited to the fund, the encumbrances and expenditures charged to each fund and the balance available for expenditure in the regular report the Town Accountant provides the department, board, committee, agency or officer on appropriations made for its use.
The Table establishes:
Revolving Fund
Department, Board, Committee, Agency or Officer Authorized to Spend from Fund
Fees, Charges or Other Receipts Credited to Fund
Program or Activity Expenses Payable from Fund
Restrictions or Conditions on Expenses Payable from Fund
Other Require- ments/Reports
Fiscal Years
Legion Field
Town Manager, or his designee
Revenues from gate receipts and associated fees
Expenses related to lights at Legion Field
(Spending Limit in FY 2018: $20,000 - Reference Only)
Fiscal Year 2019 and subsequent years
Recreation Fund
Town Manager, or his designee
Revenues from fees charged to individuals participating in a program, donations, gifts and private sponsorships
Supplies, contractual services, administrative expenses, wages for part-time staff, equipment and facilities repair
(Spending Limit in FY 2018: $30,000 - Reference Only)
Fiscal Year 2019 and subsequent years
Gas Inspections
Building Inspector
Fees charged and received by the Building Inspector for gas inspections
Salaries or wages of inspectors performing gas inspections and contractual services related to those inspections
Salaries or wages of full-time employees shall be paid from the annual budget appropriation of the Building Inspector and not from the Fund (Spending Limit in FY 2018: $30,000 - Reference Only)
Fiscal Year 2019 and subsequent years
Plumbing Inspections
Building Inspector
Fees charged and received by the Building Inspector for plumbing inspections
Salaries or wages of inspectors performing plumbing inspections and contractual services related to those inspections
Salaries or wages of full-time employees shall be paid from the annual budget appropriation of the Building Inspector and not from the Fund (Spending Limit in FY 2018: $30,000 - Reference Only)
Fiscal Year 2019 and subsequent years
Electrical Inspections
Building Inspector
Fees charged and received by the Building Inspector for electrical inspections
Salaries or wages of inspectors performing electrical inspections and contractual services related to those inspections
Salaries or wages of full-time employees shall be paid from the annual budget appropriation of the Building Inspector and not from the Fund (Spending Limit in FY 2018: $100,000 - Reference Only)
Fiscal Year 2019 and subsequent years
Senior Center
Director of the Council on Aging
Revenues and program fees relative to the Palmer Senior Center
Authorized expenses for payments to instructors, presenters, service providers special programs and equipment
(Spending Limit in FY 2018: $20,000 - Reference Only)
Fiscal Year 2019 and subsequent years
Bulky Day
Town Manager, or his designee
Revenues from fees associated with the disposal of bulky items during Town-run Bulky Day(s)
Funds shall be used in direct support of expenses related to the disposal of articles that are too large to be disposed through normal trash collection services
(Spending Limit in FY 2018: $20,000 - Reference Only)
Fiscal Year 2019 and subsequent years
Sealer of Weights and Measures
Town Manager or designee
Fees charged and received by the Sealer of Weights and Measures and turned over to the Town Treasurer
Supplies, contractual services, expenses, wages for part-time staff, equipment and facility repair
Salaries or wages of full-time employees shall be paid from an annual budget appropriation and not from the Fund
Fiscal Year 2020 and Subsequent Years