[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Palmer 10-26-1981 STM by Art. 4 (Ch. 137 of the 2007 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.
[Amended 7-11-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-12]
In accordance with MGL c. 128A the Town Manager of the Town of Palmer shall not approve a site for a track to be used for any form of racing in connection with pari-mutuel betting unless the following provisions are met in all regards:
The area for a site must not be within two miles of a church, cemetery or burial ground, school playground, public park or recreational area or fire station.
The area for a site must contain sufficient property so that it will provide for a five-hundred-foot buffer zone between the area of the racetrack, including any barn, kennel, concession stand, parking area or any other building utilized for the racetrack, and any abutting property line, including a public way.
The petitioner shall provide an engineering plan, complete in detail as to elevation, drainage, sewerage, water and building layout. This must be first filed with the office of the Building Inspector with a complete building plan by a certified architect as is necessary for the issuance of a building permit.
A noise study shall be provided by the petitioner with a certification by a qualified noise engineer that there will be no appreciable increase of noise which will affect abutting and other property owners.
A traffic study shall be provided by the petitioner with a certification by a qualified traffic engineer that the public highways as they presently exist in the Town of Palmer will be sufficient for traffic attracted to a track at the site which is the subject matter of the petition, and further, a certification that said traffic will not materially interfere with the provision of adequate fire, police, ambulance, snowplow and other necessary services.
The Planning Board shall, prior to the approval of any site, render detailed written factual findings that said site approval shall not adversely affect the residential, rural and the agricultural nature of the Town of Palmer, including the natural, scenic, historic and aesthetic qualities of the present environment, the existing conditions with respect to clean air, water and noise, traffic, sewage disposal and other factors affecting the environment of the Town of Palmer.
The engineering plan and architectural plan shall be approved by the Building Inspector, Conservation Commission, Historical Committee and Planning Board.