The location and boundaries of the zoning districts established by this Zoning Law are shown on a Zoning Map maintained by the Village Clerk. The Village Clerk, with help from the County, will be responsible for keeping the Zoning Map up-to-date. The Official Zoning Map, together with all notations, references, data and other information shown on the map, is adopted and incorporated into this Zoning Law. It is as much a part of this Zoning Law as if actually depicted within its pages.
The Village Clerk is responsible for directing revisions to the Official Zoning Map to reflect its amendment as soon as possible after the effective date of Zoning Map amendments (rezonings). No unauthorized person may alter or modify the Official Zoning Map. The Village Clerk may authorize printed copies of the Official Zoning Map to be produced and must maintain digital or printed copies of superseded versions of the Official Zoning Map for historical reference.
When the law establishing a zoning boundary identifies the boundary as following a particular feature or reflects a clear intent that the boundary follows the feature, the boundary will be construed as following that feature as it actually exists. The Official Zoning Map must note any such relationship between a zoning boundary and other mapped feature on the Zoning Map when entering the zoning boundary.
Where any uncertainty exists about a zoning boundary, the actual location of the boundary will be determined by the Zoning Board of Appeals using the following rules of interpretation:
A boundary shown on the Zoning Map as approximately following a river, stream, lake or other watercourse will be construed as following the actual centerline of the watercourse. If, subsequent to the establishment of the boundary, the centerline of the watercourse should move as a result of natural processes (flooding, erosion, sedimentation, etc.), the boundary will be construed as moving with the centerline of the watercourse.
A boundary shown on the Zoning Map as approximately following a ridge line or topographic contour line will be construed as following the actual ridge line or contour line. If, subsequent to the establishment of the boundary, the ridge line or contour line should move as a result of natural processes (erosion, slippage, subsidence, etc.), the boundary will be construed as moving with the ridge line or contour line.
A boundary shown on the Zoning Map as approximately following a lot line or parcel boundary will be construed as following the lot line or parcel boundary as it actually existed at the time the zoning boundary was established.
A boundary shown on the Zoning Map as approximately following a street or railroad line will be construed as following the centerline of the street or railroad right-of-way.
A boundary shown on the Zoning Map as approximately following the boundary of an adjacent municipality will be construed as following that boundary.
A boundary shown on the Zoning Map as approximately parallel to, or as an apparent extension of, a feature described above will be construed as being actually parallel to, or an extension of, the feature.