The Mobile Home Park District is listed below:
Table 24-1: Mobile Home Park District
District Name
Map Symbol
A. Mobile Home Park
Mobile home park. The purpose of the Mobile Home Park District is to support the goals and policies contained in the Village of Shortsville Comprehensive Plan while providing residents with a housing alternative by permitting mobile homes and the development of mobile home parks within the Village. The intent of this district is to regulate the placement of mobile homes and the design of mobile home parks to ensure they are attractive and well maintained, thereby protecting the health, safety, welfare, and quality of life of all residents within the Village of Shortsville.
These provisions specified herein shall apply to the approval of new parks, as well as the expansion, alteration, or addition of existing mobile home parks.
Special use permit. New mobile home parks may be allowed in the Mobile Home Park District upon issuance of special use permit by the Code Enforcement Officer in accordance with Article 64 of this chapter.
Existing park compliance. This article shall also apply to all existing mobile home parks located in the Village of Shortsville after this chapter becomes effective. Said parks are subject to the following:
Existing mobile home parks shall henceforth be maintained and operated in compliance with all provisions of this chapter.
Mobile home parks permitted or established prior to the effective date of this chapter are exempt from the provisions of § 95-24.4B.
Enforcement. Any law enforcement officer or authorized agent of the Village of Shortsville shall enforce all the provision of this article.
Inspection. The Code Enforcement Officer and any other authorities invited by the Code Enforcement Officer may inspect the mobile home park at reasonable intervals and at reasonable hours to determine whether or not there has been compliance with this article and with other applicable codes, rules, and regulations.
Drainage and grading. All lands used as a mobile home park shall be well drained, and free from heavy or dense growth of brush or woods. The land shall be properly graded to ensure proper drainage during and following rainfall and shall at all times be so well drained as to be free from stagnant water.
Subdivision. Each mobile home park shall be subdivided and marked off into lots, which are subject to the following requirements:
No more than one mobile home shall be permitted to occupy any one lot.
The area required by the setback from any public right-of-way shall be seeded to lawn, landscaped, and maintained as a lawn to eliminate any fire hazard.
Table 24-2: Mobile Home Park Lot Requirements
Lot Requirement
A. Minimum lot size
8,000 square feet
B. Minimum lot width
80 feet
C. Minimum lot setback from public right-of-way
50 feet
D. Minimum setback on each lot
15 feet
E. Maximum lot coverage
Numbering. Each lot shall be numbered according to the plan or layout submitted with the license application, and the number of each lot shall be clearly displayed on such lot so as to be readily visible from the street or highway on which the lot faces.
Parking. Off-street parking shall be provided for two cars at each mobile home lot.
Streets within mobile home park.
The street systems shall remain as private roads and shall be designed and maintained by the owner.
All streets and thoroughfares within each mobile home park shall have a travel surface of at least 20 feet in width.
The travel surface shall be hard surfaced and capable of supporting emergency vehicles weighing up to 15 tons.
All turns and curves shall be such as to allow the maneuverability of emergency vehicles.
Each mobile park shall be easily accessible from an existing public right-of-way. Where a mobile park has more than six mobile homes, two points of entry and exit must be provided unless a large improved turnaround area for emergency vehicles is maintained.
There shall be no dead-end streets.
Sidewalks. Sidewalks having a minimum width of four feet shall be provided along at least one side of all interior streets to all recreation areas and storage areas.
Lighting. There shall be a light source of 100 lumen each 300 feet of roadway, at a minimum.
Electric service and connections. Each mobile home park shall provide weatherproof electric service and outlets for each lot. All such connections and outlets are to be of a type approved by the New York State Board of Fire Underwriters, or the equivalent. All electrical distribution lines shall be placed underground.
Disposal of sewage and other water-carried wastes. All sewage and other water-carried wastes shall be disposed of into a municipal sewage system whenever available; a suitable connection to that system shall be provided at each lot.
Storage. The park owner/operator shall provide a central storage area, or each lot is permitted a side addition of up to 25% of the existing unit, with a permit, where it will not violate lot setbacks.
Sales. The sale of and display of mobile homes will be allowed as part of a mobile home park, so long as each mobile home occupies an individual lot.
Skirting. Within 30 days of arrival in the park, each mobile home shall be required to enclose the bottom portion of the home with skirting or another enclosure; such skirting or enclosure must be continuously maintained.
Living area. A mobile home shall have a living area of no less than 720 square feet. In cases of a doublewide mobile home the living area shall be no less than 1,100 square feet.
Facilities. No mobile home shall be parked or located within a mobile home park that does not contain a water closet, a lavatory and a shower or bathtub.
Condition. All newly sited mobile homes shall be no more than 15 years old at the time they are sited. All newly sited mobile homes shall also meet all federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
Use. All mobile homes shall be used solely for single-family residential occupation.
New mobile homes. The siting of any new mobile home(s) shall only be permitted as part of a mobile home park in the Mobile Home Park District of the Village.
Existing mobile homes outside the M-H District. All mobile homes presently sited in the Village of Shortsville outside of the Mobile Home Park District shall be allowed to continue as a preexisting, nonconforming use in accordance with Article 63, in addition to the following regulations:
An existing mobile home may only be replaced with a newer mobile home provided the new home meets federal HUD requirements. The replacement mobile home shall meet current setback requirements for the district in which it is located.
Under no circumstances can a mobile home be placed on a new lot outside of the M-H District.
Every mobile home park shall be under the direct management of the owner, permit holder, or his agent or representative. The owner, permit holder, or agent shall operate such park from an office located within the park and is directly responsible for the care of said park.
Registration. The owner or permit holder for a mobile home park shall maintain a permanent record in writing of all persons occupying or using the facilities of such mobile home park. Such record shall be a matter of public record and shall at all times be available for inspection by any law enforcement officer or authorized agent of the Village. The records shall include the following:
Name and address of the owner of each mobile home;
Number of the park unit upon which the mobile home is located;
Make, model number, and year of each mobile home;
Date of arrival and departure from said park of each mobile home; and
All applicable New York State Health Department records.
Duties. It shall be the duty of the license holder of every mobile home park to provide for the following:
Collection of garbage and all other waste materials;
Maintenance of a clean and sanitary condition throughout mobile home park grounds, including the prohibition of the accumulation or storage of rubbish, garbage, and refuse, and the placement or storage of unregistered vehicles of any kind;
Maintenance of all private streets within the mobile home park, including snow removal and other activities required to keep the streets passable at all times; and
Maintenance of any landscaping, open space, or recreational areas designated with the grounds of the mobile home park.
All applicable development standards (see Part 5) in this chapter shall also apply in the Mobile Home Park District.