These standards and guidelines shall be applied to all new construction, as well as modifications to the exterior of an existing building and additions for nonresidential development in the Village Center (VC) District.
Purpose. The purpose of these design-based criteria is to maintain the traditional and architectural character of the VC District and to ensure future development is compatible and harmonious with its original character and design. The objectives of the VC District are as follows:
Encourage a pedestrian-oriented and pedestrian-scaled right-of-way, public realm, and streetscape as well as promote safe pedestrian movement, access, and circulation.
Maintain the dense concentration of commercial, office, civic, cultural, and residential uses that create a mixed-use environment that contributes to the vitality of the district and fosters pedestrian activity.
Promote the use of traditional building materials, architectural features, and fenestration that exist within the district when determining appropriate replacement and new construction materials.
Ensure the placement and design of buildings to respect the traditional development pattern that is characterized by little-to-no front or side setbacks, common walls between buildings, and structures that are or appear to be at least two stories in height.
Ensure existing and newly constructed buildings have front facades that have storefronts at street level with a primary entrance on the street, large display windows, an upper facade with regularly spaced windows, and a cornice or some other architectural treatment to terminate the facade.
Utilize alleys and rear entrances to provide safe and convenient access to the rear of the buildings.
Continue to provide on-street parking opportunities.
Minimize the visual presence of off-street parking by requiring it placed to the side or rear of buildings and screened from view.
Traditional or original elements. The application of the term "traditional" or "original" when used in this section to describe elements of the district's buildings, character, or design refers to that of the mid-nineteenth to early 20th century.
The placement of nonresidential development shall follow the minimum front setback and maximum front setback requirements of Article 21, Table 21-3, of this chapter. Relief from this provision may be provided for historically appropriate architectural elements and pedestrian amenities, such as recessed entries or chamfered corners, as deemed appropriate by the Village Planning Board.
All nonresidential development shall extend to both side property lines, allowing for no side setback to the extent practicable.
All nonresidential development shall be or appear to be at least two stories in height.
Nonresidential development shall also follow the maximum building height, maximum lot coverage, and maximum building footprint requirements of Article 21, Table 21-4 of this chapter. Relief from this provision may be provided for historically appropriate architectural design elements, as deemed appropriate by the Village Planning Board.
New construction or remodeling shall incorporate a roof form that reflects the adjacent late 19th to early 20th century buildings. Flat roof slopes shall slope to the back and will have a decorative cornice at the top of the building. Peaked or gable roofs shall have significant overhangs and decorative brackets are encouraged.
Entry points shall be located to afford direct access from the sidewalk. Corner buildings may have two separate entry points or a single entry point at the corner.
Building facades shall reflect the traditional late 19th to early 20th century style of the Village.
All of the facades of the building that face a public street shall be architecturally consistent (i.e., building materials, style, etc.) with each other.
The pedestrian zone, the area two to eight feet above the sidewalk, shall have a minimum of 60% clear glass. Opaque or heavily tinted glass is not permitted.
The pedestrian zone should not be obscured to allow visual access to the interior of the building. Displays that allow visual access of a minimum of three feet into the building and window treatments such as curtains or blinds shall be permitted.
No external security devices (coiling shutters, accordion gates, etc.) shall be utilized. Alternative security systems such as lighting, alarms, and interior barriers are to be used when necessary.
A visual separation shall be provided between the first and second story of a building. This element may consist of decorative trim, awnings, or a change of material that creates added relief in order to add a shadow line that delineates the end of the first story.
Large buildings, greater than 40 feet in width, shall be designed to look like multiple smaller buildings.
All new construction or remodeling that is visible from the public right of way shall utilize materials that appear to be smaller in scale such as brick or clapboard. Larger scale materials, such as concrete block, shall be limited to the rear of the building.
Brick selected for new construction or renovation shall reflect that of the surrounding late 19th to early 20th century buildings.
Vertical siding is permissible if it reflects the late 19th to early 20th century style architecture.
All wood shall be finished using either stain or paint.
All metal shall be colored.
The use of stucco, vinyl siding, plastic panels, sheet metal, clear-coated aluminum, stainless steel, or smooth concrete is not permitted unless it already exists within the district.
Awnings shall be consistent with the materials and styles used in the late 19th to early 20th century (i.e., canvas, wood, etc.).
If awnings are placed on a facade they shall be consistent with shape of the window that they are located over. For example, an awning placed over an arched window shall be arched and an awning placed over a rectangular window shall be a flat-topped awning.
Awnings shall have a triangular or curved profile.
Awnings may not be backlit.
Doors should allow visual access to the interior of the building with the use of transparent materials, such as glass paneling or glazing. If the door is solid, it shall be multi-paneled to provide visual interest.
All doors shall be painted or stained; to accent the building.
Existing windows and window openings shall not be covered up or changed in size unless the proposed change is part of an effort to restore the original appearance of the building.
A minimum of 25% of the facade for the upper floor shall incorporate transparent glass openings.
Upper-floor openings should be residential in size, proportion, and character.
Drive-through facilities must be placed to the rear of the structure in order to ensure that its presence does not obstruct pedestrian access to the building and along the public right of way. A detached facility may be used to accomplish this.
The Village Planning Board reserves the right to consult with any other board, commission, department, agency, and/or official it deems advisable for the purposes of design review and considerations.
The Village may also engage the services of engineers, planners, architects, attorneys, or other professionals to aid in the consideration of all development within the Village Center. The applicant shall reimburse all costs incurred for such professional services to the Village.
The intent of this section is not to prohibit the demolition of nonresidential structures within the VC District, but to preserve existing structures that significantly contribute the character or historical significance of the district. This section includes the expectation that owners will assume the role of caretakers for district structures, with responsibility for maintaining and protecting district buildings. Furthermore, this section shall have no limitation on the Village's ability to take whatever action necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
Demolition approval. The demolition of any nonresidential structure within the VC District is considered an unlisted action under SEQR. Site plan approval for the property must be obtained from the Planning Board prior to the issuance of a demolition permit. The Planning Board shall grant the demolition and issue a demolition permit when the applicant submits suitable evidence that one or more of the following conditions exists:
The structure contains no features of architectural and historical significance contributing to the character of the district within which it is located.
The reasonable economic use for the structure as it exists or as it might be preserved is of such minimal level, and the reuse value of the property without the structure is of such level, that there exists no feasible and prudent alternative to demolition.
Deterioration has progressed to the point where it is not economically feasible to preserve and reuse the structure consistent with the standards of this article.
The proposed redevelopment is consistent with the purpose and objectives of this article.
Historical significance. The Planning Board will also consider the structure's architectural character, historical significance, and physical condition, and whether prohibiting demolition will deny the owner of economically viable use of their land. Principal structures will be afforded more protection than accessory buildings.
Safety hazards. The Village Board of Trustees may grant relief from this provision if the structure is deemed to be an immediate and irreparable safety hazard by the Code Enforcement Officer.
Demolition without permit. Property owners who demolish buildings without obtaining approval of the Planning Board shall be required to rebuild the structure to its original historical specifications if deemed appropriate after consideration by the Board. All expenses incurred as a result of said demolition and rebuild requirements shall be the responsibility of the property owner.