The intent of the site plan review process is to preserve and enhance the character of a neighborhood, achieve compatibility with adjacent development, mitigate potentially negative impacts on traffic, parking, drainage and similar environmental concerns, improve the overall visual and aesthetic quality of the Village, and increase the capability of the Zoning Law to adapt to a variety of unique circumstances.
Site plan review shall be required in accordance with New York State Village Law. No construction or site improvement work may commence until site plan approval, where required by this chapter, has been granted. The Planning Board, at a regular meeting, shall review and approve, approve with modification or disapprove a site plan in connection with any matter requiring submission of a site plan.
Site plan review shall not be required for the:
Construction of a single- or two-family dwelling on a single lot in an approved subdivision.
Permitted accessory structures to single- and two-family dwellings.
Ordinary repair or maintenance or interior alterations to existing structures or uses.
Exterior alterations or additions to single- and two-family dwellings.
Exterior alterations or additions to existing structures which would not increase the gross floor area by more than 20%.
Maintenance of existing sign structures or placement of signs in all districts.
Placement of a mobile home or manufactured home in an approved mobile home or manufactured home park.
Application. Application for a building permit for any land use or activity requiring site plan review and approval shall be made to the Code Enforcement Officer, who shall receive and review such application and refer it to the Planning Board for review. As a part of the review, the Building Official shall certify that the site plan meets all the minimum requirements of this chapter. If the site plan does not meet all minimum requirements of this chapter, the applicant may appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance in accordance with the provisions of Article 65 of this chapter.
Application materials. All applications for site plan review shall be made by the owner or the owner's agent and filed with the Village Clerk. No application shall be accepted, considered or scheduled for public hearing until all required materials have been deemed to be complete and accurate. The application shall include, as applicable, the following information prepared by a licensed engineer, architect, landscape architect or surveyor:
Location name and address of owner, name of designer (if any) of the proposed development.
Identification map showing the location of the site within the Village.
Scale, North arrow, and date.
Present zoning district in which the site is located.
Location of the site in relation to all abutting properties and streets, and showing existing property lines, rights-of-way, and easements.
Existing and proposed buildings structures and land uses.
A proposed layout of streets and other vehicular circulation facilities including the location and width of driveways and type of curbing on site, loading and maneuvering areas, and ingress and egress to existing and prospective streets and highways.
Projected number of seating or employees, if needed, to determine the number of parking spaces.
Any wetlands and/or floodable area included in the 100-year floodplain.
A topographic survey extending 50 feet beyond the property line may be required.
A storm drainage and grading plan showing the collection and disposal of stormwaters, or, if applicable, a stormwater pollution prevention plan.
A plan showing proposed utilities and, if required, easements. If a private sewerage system is used, plans for the system shall bear the stamped approval of the Ontario County Department of Health.
Existing major vegetation (trees and shrubs) and proposed landscaping treatment including species, location, and planting size and full-growth size.
Drawings or sketches that illustrate the height, bulk, and design characteristics of the proposed building, and indicate major materials to be used.
Location and type of exterior lighting, and location and dimension of exterior signs, including ground and wall signs.
Any other information required by the Planning Board to explain the proposal.
Application form, project narrative form, SEQR documentation.
Developer's clause:
On behalf of _____ (Developer-Applicant), we hereby certify and agree that the submitted plans meet all the requirements and specifications described in Article 62 (Site Plan), and any other applicable sections of the Village of Shortsville Code. Notwithstanding any notes, provisions or specifications in the plans, we agree on behalf of the Developer-Applicant that Village of Shortsville Code specifications shall take precedence over any such notes, provisions or specifications which may be inconsistent with and/or not in conformance with the Village of Shortsville Code specifications. We further agree that in the event of any inconsistency or ambiguity between the notes, provisions or specifications on the final plans and the Village of Shortsville Code, that in all cases the Village of Shortsville Code specifications shall be controlling with respect to the work, materials or other requirements.
Signature of Developer
Signature of Developer's Engineer or Design Professional
Waiving requirements. The Planning Board may waive any of the previously listed requirements with the determination that they are unnecessary for a complete assessment of the project.
Additional requirements. The Planning Board may also require additional information beyond the previously listed requirement be presented in graphic form, and accompanied by a written text, and/or prepared by a licensed professional if such additional materials are deemed necessary for a complete assessment of the project.
Fees. Upon filing an application for site plan review, all applicable fees shall be paid.
Environmental assessment. The environmental assessment shall be in accordance with the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA).
Public hearing. Before a site plan is approved, the proposed site plan shall be considered by the Planning Board at a public hearing. Notice of said hearing shall be given via newspaper, mail, and posted notice as provided in § 95-60.3 of this chapter.
Decision. The Planning Board shall act upon a site plan application within 62 days of the receipt of a certified complete application, or within 62 days of public hearing if one is required. Upon issuing a decision, the Planning Board shall provide a written statement to the applicant stating whether or not the site plan is approved, approved with modifications, or disapproved. A copy of the appropriate minutes of the Planning Board shall be a sufficient report.
Approval. Upon approval, the Planning Board shall endorse its approval on a copy of the site plan and shall immediately file it and a written statement of approval with the Village Clerk. A copy of the written statement of approval shall be mailed to the applicant. All approvals shall be conditional upon final approval by the Building Inspector, as appropriate, of all construction designs and specifications.
Approval with modifications. The Planning Board may conditionally approve the final site plan. A copy of a written statement containing the modifications required by the conditional approval will be mailed to the applicant. After adequate demonstration to the Planning Board that all conditions have been met, the Planning Board shall endorse its approval on a copy of the site plan and shall immediately file it and a written statement of approval with the Village Clerk. A copy of the written statement of approval shall be mailed to the applicant. All approvals shall be conditional upon final approval by the Building Inspector, as appropriate, of all construction designs and specifications.
Disapproval. Upon disapproval of the site plan, the decision of the Planning Board shall immediately be filed with the Village Clerk and a copy thereof mailed to the applicant along with the specific written findings providing the basis for disapproval.
Performance standards. In all districts, uses are not permitted which violate applicable county, state and/or federal codes and regulations pertaining to environmental issues. The Planning Board, under its powers of site plan review and approval, shall decide whether uses meet these standards.
Relevant comments. In reviewing site plans it shall be the responsibility of the Village Clerk to obtain comments or approvals in writing from any relevant Village department/division before a decision on approval is made.
Referral to county. Where required by § 239-m of the General Municipal Law, the site plan application shall be forwarded to the County Planning Board for its review.
Inspections. The Building Inspector or Code Enforcement Officer shall be responsible for the overall inspection of site improvements, including coordination with other officials and agencies, as appropriate.
Site plan termination. Site plan approval shall be valid for a period of five years from the date thereof for the purpose of obtaining building permits. Failure to secure, without subsequent revocation or termination, a building permit during this period, or revocation or termination of a building permit subsequent to this period, shall cause the site plan approval to become null and void. Upon application, the Planning Board may extend this period to not more than seven years from the date of final site plan approval. Nothing herein shall prohibit a new application for site plan approval following such termination in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
The Planning Board shall review the site plan and supporting data before approval, approval with modifications, or disapproval of such site plan, taking into consideration the following:
Adequacy and arrangement of vehicular traffic and circulation, including intersections, road widths, channelization structures and traffic controls.
Adequacy and arrangement of pedestrian traffic access and circulation, including separation of pedestrians from vehicular traffic, walkway structures, control of intersections with vehicular traffic and pedestrian convenience.
Relationship of proposed uses to existing adjacent uses, including but not limited to landscape transitions, buffering, and harmony of uses.
Adequacy of landscaping and site treatment, including but not limited to plant types and sizes, hardscape elements, lighting, setbacks, protection of adjacent residential uses.
Relationship of proposed buildings to the site, including but not limited to building placement, access, pedestrian movement, parking, and building scale.
Appropriateness of building design, including but not limited to design quality and relationship to surrounding building scale, style, materials, and sightlines.
Location, arrangement, size, design and general site compatibility of lighting and signs.
Adequacy of interior circulation for emergency vehicle access.
Adequacy of water supply, stormwater, and sanitary waste disposal facilities.
Conformance with this chapter and the Village's Comprehensive Plan.
The Planning Board may require changes or additions in relation to yards, driveways, landscaping, buffer zones, etc., to ensure safety, to minimize traffic difficulties and to safeguard adjacent properties. Should the Planning Board require changes or additional facilities, final approval of site plan shall be conditional upon satisfactory compliance by applicant in making the changes or additions.
Any applicant wishing to make changes in an approved site plan shall submit a revised site plan to the Planning Board for review and approval.
The Planning Board reserves the right to utilize the professional services an individual or firm to assist in their review of a site plan application. The applicant shall reimburse the Village for all reasonable and necessary expenses for engineering, legal, architectural, planning, and other professional services incurred by the Village in connection with the review and consideration of their site plan application for approval.
Applicants are encouraged to schedule a pre-application conference prior to submitting a site plan review application in order to receive a conceptual review by the Code Enforcement Officer and/or the Planning Board. The purpose of the pre-application conference is to provide the applicant with the opportunity to seek nonbinding, advisory direction from the Village in order to better prepare the applicant and project application for the site plan review process. Materials presented during the pre-application conference may be incomplete and/or conceptual in design; however, site plan review materials submitted as part of the formal application are still subject to the requirements of this article.