This article regulates and limits the continued existence of uses, structures, lots, and all accessory uses and structures established prior to the effective date of this chapter that do not conform to the regulations set forth by this chapter in the applicable zoning districts in which such nonconformities are located. Such nonconforming uses, buildings, or lots are subject with the regulations set forth in this article for the purposes of the following:
To permit these nonconformities to continue, but to minimize any adverse effect on adjoining properties and development.
To regulate their maintenance and repair.
To restrict their rebuilding if substantially destroyed.
To require their permanent discontinuance if not operated for certain periods.
To require the conformity if they are discontinued, and to bring about the eventual compliance with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and this chapter.
Determination of nonconforming status. The determination of any nonconforming use shall be made by the Code Enforcement Officer.
Repair and alteration. Normal maintenance and repair of and incidental alteration to a building occupied by a nonconforming use are permitted if they do not extend or expand the nonconforming use. No structural alteration or enlargement shall be made in a building occupied by a nonconforming use, except where required by law, i.e., court ordered, or to adapt a building to a conforming use or to any other use permitted under Subsection C or in a building occupied by a nonconforming use permitted to extend under Subsection D.
Change of use. A nonconforming use may not be changed to a more intensive nonconforming use nor shall a conforming use be changed to a nonconforming use. Any nonconforming use when changed to a conforming use shall not thereafter be changed back to a nonconforming use. A nonconforming use, building, or structure shall not be enlarged except upon the issuance of a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Extension or enlargement of nonconforming use. Extension or enlargement shall mean:
The enlargement of such building so as to create additional floor space or an increase in height.
The extension within any existing building to any portion of the floor area not formerly used for such nonconforming use, except where such additional floor area was manifestly designed for such use at the time such use became nonconforming.
The extension of the use to any area outside of the building.
In the case of a nonconforming, non-building land use, the use of any additional land on which no substantial operations were previously conducted, provided that any such extension or enlargement is on the same lot occupied by the nonconforming use on the effective date of this chapter.
Damage and destruction. If a building occupied by a nonconforming use is damaged to the extent of 50% or less than its assessed valuation, excluding the full value of the land, as determined by the Village Assessor, such building may be repaired, provided that substantial work is undertaken within one year after such damage; otherwise, such building shall thereafter be occupied only by a conforming use and structure. This provision shall not prevent the repair of a nonconforming building damaged to the extent of more than 50% of its assessed valuation, provided that substantial work is undertaken within one year after such damage; otherwise, such building shall thereafter be occupied only by a conforming use and structure.
Discontinuance or abandoning of use. A nonconforming use that has been discontinued for 12 consecutive months shall not be reestablished and any future use shall be in conformance with the provisions of this chapter. Where multiple uses exist, partial abandonment shall take place for those specific uses that meet the aforementioned criteria. The following conditions, which are not exclusive, shall contribute towards the discontinuance and abandonment of a use or structure:
Failure to occupy the property to continue the nonconformity;
Failure to maintain regular business hours, typical or normal for the use (past operations of the use and/or industry standards may be used to determine typical hours);
Failure to maintain any equipment, supplies, stock, or utilities that would be used for the active operation of the use; or
Failure to maintain, or renew when expired, any valid federal, state, or local permit or license that is required for the active operation of the use.
Nonconforming parking and loading facilities. A building, use or occupancy lawfully existing at the time this chapter or any amendment thereto becomes effective, but which does not conform to the off-street parking and loading requirements, may be occupied or continued without such facilities being provided. Any such spaces that may be provided thereafter shall comply with the requirements of Article 51 of this chapter. If an existing building, use or occupancy is altered so that there is an increase in the number of dwelling units, seating capacity, employees or floor area, or if the use is changed to one requiring more off-street parking and loading spaces, the number of such spaces shall be provided at least equal to the number required for the increased area of the building or use in accordance with all provisions of Article 51 of this chapter.
Nonconforming lots. No parcel or lot, after the adoption of this chapter or amendment thereto, shall be used or divided in a manner which prevents or diminishes compliance with the requirements established by this chapter or amendments thereto. Lots subdivided prior to the adoption of this chapter or any amendment and not meeting the minimum lot size requirements may be built upon, provided that the bulk requirements for any use within the district are met except as provided in this chapter.
District changes. Whenever the boundaries of a district shall be changed so that more restrictive provisions hereof apply to a lot or use, the foregoing provisions shall also apply to any nonconforming use existing therein or created thereby.
Lots in more than one district. Where a zoning district boundary line divides a lot in single ownership at the effective date of this chapter, leaving part subject to more permissive regulations and part subject to more restrictive regulations, the Zoning Board of Appeals after public hearing may permit an extension of the use of that lot into the district where it is otherwise prohibited, provided that the extension does not extend more than 50 feet into that district. Furthermore, the Zoning Board of Appeals may impose conditions on that extension to protect a neighboring property.