[CC 2012 § 21.010; Ord. No. 186]
It shall be the duty of any and all property owners owning land abutting on any street within the limits of the City to construct and maintain sidewalks abutting on and along such streets whenever so required and ordered by the Board of Aldermen. Tax may be levied on property owner per Section 88.710, RSMo. (cf. RSMo. 88.710)
[CC 2012 § 21.020; Ord. No. 188]
The Board of Aldermen may, by ordinance or resolution, condemn wooden and defective sidewalks, and may remove walks so condemned, and may provide for the construction of new sidewalks so condemned and removed.
[CC 2012 § 21.025; Ord. No. 189a]
Immediately upon the passage of any ordinance calling for the construction of any sidewalk, it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Works and Utilities, or other person designated by the Board of Aldermen, to serve written notice upon the owner of the land in front of which said sidewalk is to be constructed if such owner is a resident of the City. If such owner is not a resident of the City, such notice shall be served upon his/her tenant or agent, but if such owner has no tenant or agent in the City, then such notice shall be mailed by registered mail to his/her post office address. Such notice shall contain a statement declaring the passage of the ordinance ordering the construction of said sidewalk within thirty (30) days from the passage of said ordinance.
[CC 2012 § 21.030; Ord. No. 190]
If any person owning property abutting on any street within the City shall fail or refuse to construct any sidewalk, within thirty (30) days from the date of the passage of the ordinance ordering the same, and in strict conformity with the provisions, plans, specifications therefor, upon proper notice as provided by Section 510.160 of this Article, the Board of Aldermen may then by ordinance provide for the construction of such sidewalk by contract and payment for the construction thereof by the issuing of special tax bills against the property abutting thereon, including the grading therefor, and with or without curbing as may be provided in the original ordinance ordering the construction of such sidewalk.
[CC 2012 § 21.035; Ord. No. 191; See also Sec. 21.060]
Before any ordinance shall be passed ordering the construction of any sidewalk by contract, the City Engineer or other proper party designated by the Board of Aldermen shall make and file with the City Clerk plans and specifications and an estimate of costs therefor; and no contract shall be entered into for such construction for a price exceeding such estimate.
[CC 2012 § 21.040; Ord. No. 192]
When the Board of Aldermen shall have passed an ordinance providing for the construction of a sidewalk by contract, said Board shall advertise for bids to be filed with the City Clerk for furnishing that material and labor and constructing said sidewalk, and such advertisement shall be published in a weekly newspaper within the City for two (2) consecutive weeks or more. Said advertisement shall state that the City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All bids received by the City Clerk shall be opened at the first meeting of the Board of Aldermen after the period prescribed for receiving bids has expired, and the contract shall be awarded to the lowest and best bidder unless for any reason all bids are rejected. If no bids are received, or if all bids are rejected, the Board of Aldermen in its discretion may readvertise for bids.
[CC 2012 § 21.045; Ord. No. 193; Ord. No. 194]
Whenever the Board of Aldermen shall advertise for bids for the construction of any new sidewalk of any kind, or for the construction of new sidewalks in the place of sidewalks condemned, and shall receive no bids, or if all bids are rejected, the Board of Aldermen may proceed to construct or reconstruct such sidewalks at the expense of the City, and the Superintendent of Public Works and Utilities, or other person designated by the Board of Aldermen, shall keep an accurate account of the amount expended for labor and material, including grading and filling, opposite each lot or piece of ground, and present the same to the Board of Aldermen for assessment; and each lot or piece of ground abutting on the sidewalk shall be liable for the costs thereof as so reported to the Board of Aldermen, and special tax bills shall be issued for the amount thereof, and such tax bills shall be valid in all respects.
[CC 2012 § 21.050; Ord. No. 194]
Whenever any sidewalk shall have been constructed as herein provided, either by contract or by the City at its own expense, and the same shall have been approved and accepted by the Board of Aldermen, the Board of Aldermen shall, by ordinance, assess the costs thereof against the lots or pieces of ground abutting thereon. It shall then be the duty of the City Clerk to issue special tax bills therefor against the lots or pieces of ground abutting thereon and deliver them to the contractor, if such work is done by the City without contract, then such special tax bills shall be made out in the name of the City and shall be collected by the City Collector.
[CC 2012 § 21.051; Ord. No. 194]
The special tax bills provided for herein shall contain a correct description of the land against which they are issued, the name or names of the owner or owners thereof, the number of the ordinance ordering the sidewalk construction, the name of the street on which the sidewalk was constructed, and shall provide that the City shall be liable in no other manner than by the issuance and delivery of such special tax bill.
[CC 2012 § 21.055; Ord. No. 194; Ord. No. 195]
The special tax bills provided for in this Chapter shall bear interest after thirty (30) days from the date of issue at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum, and every such special tax bill shall be a lien against the lot or piece of ground described in said bill until the same is paid.
[CC 2012 § 21.060; Ord. No. 197]
No formality shall be required to authorize the repairing of sidewalks. The Superintendent of Public Works and Utilities, or other person designated by the Board of Aldermen, may without notice cause such repairing to be done, keeping an account of the cost thereof and reporting the same to the Board of Aldermen for assessment; and each lot or piece of ground shall be liable for its part of the costs of such repair done or made along or in front of such lot or piece of ground and special tax bills shall be issued by the City Clerk to defray the costs of said repairs.
[CC 2012 § 21.070]
Nothing herein contained shall preclude the authority of the Board of Aldermen to pay the costs of any construction, reconstruction, repair of maintenance of any public sidewalk or other public work, out of the general revenue fund, provided that the proceedings of said Board ordering or contracting for such work specify that payment be made out of the general revenue funds.