[R.O. 1996 § 120.150; Ord. No. 3334 § 1, 9-6-2000]
The purpose of the Blue Springs Public Art Commission is:
To acquire, maintain, and display works of art at sites within the boundaries of the City of Blue Springs;
To determine which works of art are suitable for such acquisition and display by utilizing recognized criteria and standards after establishing project guidelines and artistic criteria;
To determine and select appropriate sites for the display of such art, taking into consideration such factors as availability of the site, visibility of the site, impact on property and persons in the near vicinity of the site, accessibility to the site, ease of maintenance of the site, requisite approval by appropriate government agencies and other similar factors;
To promote the acquisition, maintenance and upkeep of works of art on sites within the City through private fund raising, contributions of specific art or funds to acquire and maintain the sane, grant applications, and short- or long-term loan agreements with art museums, artists, art organizations, galleries, or businesses;
To provide recommendations to the City Council concerning all of the above and alternative means of securing funds for public art through legislation; and
To review applications for Master Sign Plans for murals within the boundaries of the City of Blue Springs and to make recommendations concerning such requests to the Planning Commission.
[Ord. No. 4885, 2-3-2020]
[R.O. 1996 § 120.155; Ord. No. 3334 § 1, 9-6-2000]
The Blue Springs Public Art Commission's status shall, to the extent possible, be such that contributions made for public art are tax deductible under State and Federal law. Contributions from entities other than the City shall be received and shall be expended by such Commission independently of the City. The City shall not be responsible or liable to or for actions of the Commission unless specifically approved by written contract or agreement with the Commission or a third party.
[R.O. 1996 § 120.160; Ord. No. 3334 § 1, 9-6-2000]
Title to the works of art are to be vested in the Blue Springs Public Art Commission and/or the City or leased to the Commission or City for reasonable periods of time as determined by the Commission or the City. Any ownership by the City is to be approved by the City Council.
[R.O. 1996 § 120.165; Ord. No. 3334 § 1, 9-6-2000]
The City, in its discretion, may allow works of art to be displayed on sites owned or controlled by the City.
[R.O. 1996 § 120.170; Ord. No. 3334 § 1, 9-6-2000]
The Blue Springs Public Art Commission may by easement, lease or other written agreement provide sites on privately owned property for such works of art.
[R.O. 1996 § 120.175; Ord. No. 3334 § 1, 9-6-2000]
The Blue Springs Public Art Commission shall be responsible for obtaining adequate property and liability insurance for such works of art unless insurance is specifically provided by and is approved by the City under its standard insurance coverage.
[R.O. 1996 § 120.180; Ord. No. 3334 § 1, 9-6-2000; Ord. No. 4813, 4-15-2019; Ord. No. 5111, 4-18-2022]
The Commission will consist of seven (7) members who have an interest in or knowledge in the various studies of the arts, including but not limited to paintings, sculptures and similar works.
[R.O. 1996 § 120.185; Ord. No. 3334 § 1, 9-6-2000; Ord. No. 4813, 4-15-2019; Ord. No. 5111, 4-18-2022]
The Mayor, with the consent and approval of a majority of the City Council, shall appoint all members of the Public Art Commission. Members shall serve for three (3) year terms. All members shall be residents of Blue Springs. Best efforts will be made to have representation from each Council District. Appointment of a successor or reappointment of a member shall be effective on or about May 1 following expiration of the member’s term. Members shall continue to hold office until reappointed or their successor is appointed. The Mayor, with the consent and approval of a majority of the City Council, shall appoint a person to fill the unexpired term of that member.
Any member of the Public Art Commission may be removed from office for misconduct, neglect of duty, or lack of qualifications by executive order of the Mayor after receiving the consent of a majority of the entire City Council, or by a five-sevenths (5/7) vote of the City Council on its own initiative.
The Mayor, with the consent and approval of a majority of the City Council, shall appoint a Chair and Vice Chair annually on or about May 1 for a term of one (1) year. No member shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms as Chair or Vice Chair.
Any sub-committee of the Public Art Commission shall require approval of the City Attorney and City Council. Any approved sub-committees shall abide by all Sunshine Laws.
Rules of Procedure shall be adopted and amended from time to time by Resolution by the City Council.
The Public Art Commission shall submit, on or before April 1 of each year, a written report to the City Council containing activities and updates of the board.
[R.O. 1996 § 120.190; Ord. No. 3334 § 1, 9-6-2000; Ord. No. 5111, 4-18-2022]
The City may from time to time appropriate funds, in its discretion, for the Commission that will enhance the general welfare and benefit of the City as a whole. The Public Art Commission shall adhere to City financial policies.