[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Browntown as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 1991]
The purpose of this Association shall be to provide proper fire protection for all persons and properties situated within the district boundaries by the joint and mutual supervision and funds of the municipalities involved.
It is the common belief of the undersigned that greater protection against fire losses in their respective communities can be secured by the joint purchase and ownership of firefighting equipment, and that a more effective fire organization can be promoted by the joint and mutual cooperation of all of these municipalities with the existing Volunteer Fire Department of Browntown, and that the cost of protection can be more equitably shared by the municipalities involved.
The name of this Association shall be the "Browntown, Cadiz, and Jordan Fire District," and its headquarters shall be located in the District Fire Station in the Village of Browntown, Green County, Wisconsin.
District territory.
The district shall consist of the following described territory:
All property lying within the Village limits of the Village of Browntown, Green County, Wisconsin.
All property lying within the Town of Cadiz, Green County, Wisconsin.
All property lying within the Town of Jordan, Green County, Wisconsin.
All as shown on the attached maps of said municipalities, which maps are hereby made a part of this Association by incorporation, and the boundaries therein designated shall be controlling for the purposes of this Association.[1]
Editor's Note: Said maps are on file in the Village office.
Any additional territory may be added to the district by the members upon the following conditions:
That the proposed territory be contiguous to the existing boundaries of the district.
That a written petition of all of the legal owners of the property proposed to be annexed shall be filed with the members.
That a favorable vote in favor of the petition be made by at least four of the six members.
Any territory may be detached from the district by a written petition therefor by the legal owners of the lands to be detached and upon a favorable vote of at least four of the six members.
No additional to or detachment from the district shall be finally determined by the members until they shall have first consulted with the members or other officers of the Fire District or territory from which the lands are to be detached or to which they are to be added.
The management and control of this Fire District shall rest in a Board of Members consisting of six members allocated among the municipalities as follows:
Number of Members
Village of Browntown
2 members
Town of Cadiz
2 members
Town of Jordan
2 members
The said members shall be appointed by the Village or Town Board of each of the said respective municipalities, and such appointments shall be certified by the Clerk of each municipality, within 10 days of the appointment, to the secretary of this Association.
The said members shall be appointed by said municipal Boards for terms of two years, commencing from the April meeting 1992; provided, however, that to secure continuity, the first appointments shall be as follows:
One member for one year and one member for two years.
Any vacancy occurring in the said Board of Members by virtue of death or resignation of any member shall be filled by a special appointment by the Village or Town Board of such municipality losing a member, and such special appointment shall be for the unexpired term of the previous members.
The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected by the Board of Members from among their number, and they shall hold office for a term of one year from the April meeting.
The Board of Members may remove any officer for cause and may appoint such additional officers as it deems for the best interests of the Association.
Any vacancy occurring among the said officers shall be filled by the Board of Members at a special election called for that purpose.
All meeting shall be held at the District Fire Station in the Village of Browntown, Green County, Wisconsin.
There shall be an annual meeting of the Board of Members to be held in December meeting each year, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary to give at least five days' notice of such meeting by mailing to each member such notice, to state that the meeting is the annual meeting and the time at which said meeting will be held.
A special meeting of the Board of Members may be held whenever called by the Secretary, upon the direction of the President, or upon the written direction of a majority of the members. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to give at least five days' notice of such meeting by mailing to each member such meeting notice, to state the purpose and time for the said meeting.
A majority of the Board of Members shall constitute a quorum for all purposes excepting as otherwise specifically provided by these articles.
The Board of Members shall have the exclusive power to purchase, lease, sell, and dispose of, for the Association, all of the property and equipment and supplies, and on such terms and conditions as it shall determine, and the legal ownership of the same shall be held in the name of the Fire District.
The Board of Members shall request the Browntown Volunteer Fire Department to submit a proposal budget for its operation during the fiscal year beginning January 1. Such proposed budget shall be submitted not later than September 1 of each year, and upon receipt of the same, a special meeting or meetings shall be called by the Secretary to discuss, amend, enlarge, or reduce the various items of said proposed budget and to make final approval of the same. All payments provided by said budget shall be made by the Secretary-Treasurer of the District upon direction of the President of the Board of Members.
For the particular purpose of presenting said proposed budget and for the additional purposes of acting as an Advisory Committee to the Board of Members, the Browntown Volunteer Fire Department shall name and appoint three of its members who shall serve as the only representatives of such Volunteer Fire Department, and all requests, suggestions, advice, and problems shall be presented to the Board of Members by said Advisory Committee, who shall in all respects represent the said Volunteer Fire Department.
After final approval of the said budget, the members shall determine the amount of funds necessary to operate the Fire District for the coming year, and the said sum shall then be raised by a tax levy to be made by each of the municipalities involved upon the equalized valuation of all of their properties within the Fire District, the mill rate thereon to be determined by the Board of Members. The equalized valuation of the property of each municipality shall be certified, in writing, by the Clerk of each of the same, to be filed with the Secretary of this Fire District. After the tax levy has been determined by the Board, the Secretary shall, in writing, inform the Clerk of each municipality of the amount to be raised for that municipality.
The Board of Members shall exercise all other general authority over the Fire District and supervisory powers over the Browntown Volunteer Fire Department. The Board shall determine the territory to be serviced, as well as the storage facilities for the equipment, but the said Board shall not interfere with the general conduct or operation or activities of the Browntown Volunteer Fire Department, nor with its individual finances, nor with its purchase of needed supplies and equipment not exceeding $500 per item.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Members and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect. He shall execute all contracts and agreements authorized by the Board and shall submit a complete and detailed report of the financial condition of the district at the annual meeting and from time to time report to the Board all matters within his knowledge regarding the district, and shall perform such additional duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Members. The Board President shall sign all checks and contracts.
The Vice President shall discharge the duties of the President in the event of his absence or disability, and shall perform such additional duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Members.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall countersign all checks, contracts, etc., and shall keep a correct and complete record of all proceedings of the district and shall keep an accurate account of all monies received and disbursed. He shall perform all general duties which are incident at the offices of Secretary-Treasurer, subject to the direction of the Board of Members.
All compensation to be paid to the members and officers or other employees of the district shall be determined by the Board of Members, and payment of the same shall be made from the renewal funds of the district.
The Board of Members may, from time to time, by a vote of four of its six members make, alter, amend, and rescind all or any of the articles and bylaws of this Fire District. The Secretary shall give a written notice to all members of any meeting at which amendments are to be discussed and voted upon.
[Added 2-11-1992]
All accidents occurring on roads in the Village of Browntown will be charged $300 minimum and $500 maximum for the first hour and for every hour thereafter to persons involved, only if they are not residents of Browntown Cadiz Jordan Fire District.
[Adopted 2-20-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-1]
Pursuant to §§ 60.55, 60.555, and 60.557, Wis. Stats., the Village of Browntown hereby establishes the following policy and procedure for the payment of Fire Department response incurred by the Village of Browntown.
The property owners of real estate within the Village of Browntown for which Fire Department response is provided, or persons for which Fire Department response is provided, shall be responsible for the costs of the Fire Department response based upon the fee schedule.
The Browntown Cadiz Jordan Fire District fee schedule shall be determined by the appointed members of the Fire District Board.
The fee schedule may be based on, but not limited to, a per-hour charge for equipment dispatched; a per-hour charge for labor to offset the cost of training, insurance, etc.; a charge for consumable materials used, such as, but not limited to, foam, air pack refill, medical supplies, and water, subject to billing by the Village of Browntown Water Utility, etc.,
The fee schedule shall be reviewed and approved a minimum of once per year.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
It is the policy of the Village of Browntown to contract with the Fire Department listed in § 145-13 above. Any property owner requesting fire protection directly from any fire department other than listed in § 145-13 shall be responsible for the full costs billed to the Village from the fire call from any authorized fire department. This section shall not apply to the costs of any other department responding at the request of an authorized department under mutual aid.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Coming to the scene of a fire or hazardous materials incident, traffic or vehicular accident, or hazardous condition, or any investigation in connection with a fire, hazardous materials incident, accident or hazardous condition.
Any condition creating a concern for the physical welfare of persons in the immediate area of the situation (including downed utility lines or gas leaks not in an occupied structure) requiring a Fire Department response.
Gathering of evidence or data in connection with arson investigations, or special investigations required to determine the responsibility of persons for fires, spills, accidents or hazardous conditions. Investigations do not include the normal investigation made to determine cause and origin of a fire.
A natural person, corporation, partnership or other entity with legal capacity.
The costs of fire calls as outlined above shall be billed by the Browntown Cadiz Jordan Fire District Board to the property owner and paid to the Browntown Cadiz Jordan Fire District within 90 days of the date of bill. The failure to pay the bill within 90 days will result in interest being charged at the rate of 1% per month from the date of the bill. Those bills remaining outstanding, including interest, for more than 90 days as of November 1 of any year shall become a lien against the real estate to which Fire Department response was provided and shall be placed on the tax roll as a delinquent special charge pursuant to § 66.0627 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
Should any section or provisions of this article be declared invalid, such decisions shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this article.