[Added 12-17-2007 by Ord. No. 2006-270; amended 10-15-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-147]
The City of Quincy acknowledges there are densely populated residential areas within the City that are near nonresidential uses that generate significant demand for parking. The City finds that persons employed by or who use these nonresidential facilities frequently park their vehicles on nearby residential streets, negatively affecting the general well-being of residents by way of heavy congestion. This residential permit parking ordinance aims to regulate parking in designated residential areas to:
Reduce hazardous traffic conditions resulting from residents competing with nonresidents to park in certain residential areas.
Promote traffic safety and safety of children and other pedestrians.
Protect residents of such areas from unreasonable burdens of obtaining parking and accessing their residences.
Preserve the character of such areas and neighborhoods as residential.
Preserve values of property.
Encourage the use of public transportation.
Promote efficiency of maintenance to ensure clean, safe streets.
Promote the peace, comfort, convenience and welfare of all inhabitants of the City.
Ensure reasonable access for visitor parking in areas regulated by residential parking restrictions.
The City Council may by ordinance establish residential parking areas.
Residential parking may be limited or restricted in such areas to certain locations, hours and time.
Designation of a residential permit parking area may be initiated by the City Traffic, Parking, Alarm and Lighting (TPAL) Department, the City Council or by petition signed by at least 60% of property owners in any requested area, filed with the City TPAL Department. The request must specify the area affected and issues caused by nonresidential parking, including identification of peak times and locations. Such an area must be at least one street block in length.
The TPAL Department may investigate the requested area to determine the feasibility of residential permit parking. This investigation may include but shall not be limited to observations, surveys, studies, community meetings or any other method deemed appropriate.
After completing its investigation, the TPAL Department will submit a recommendation to the City Council for designation or rejection of a residential parking permit area. The following shall be considered when making a recommendation:
That the proposal is consistent with the policy and goals set forth in this article.
That the proposed area primarily consists of residential streets.
That the size of the proposed area is appropriate to adequately address the identified issues.
That no other reasonable alternatives should be pursued.
Any other factor deemed relevant under the circumstances.
Program administration.
The residential parking permit program will be administered by the City of Quincy TPAL Department. Residential permits shall identify the area to which they apply and shall be of a design specified by the City TPAL Department.
One such permit will be issued to an owner of a motor vehicle who meets the requirements set forth in this article and is principally garaged at an address contiguous to a designated residential parking district.
Stickers shall be affixed to front passenger side window.
Resident parking permits shall expire one year from the date of issuance.
A residential parking permit shall not guarantee or reserve a parking spot in a designated area, and the City reserves the right to align the number of passes issued with the amount of available parking in the designated area.
A residential parking permit shall not authorize the standing or parking of any vehicle in such places and times previously restricted.
Residential parking rules will be in effect in locations designated through the process above between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m., Sunday through Friday, unless otherwise decided and displayed.
Application process.
Applications must be made either online or in person with the City of Quincy TPAL Department using official form designed by TPAL.
Each applicant must submit proof of residency and current motor vehicle registration issued by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles. Registration must be for the vehicle for which an application is being made which is principally garaged in the City of Quincy.
A valid motor vehicle registration with an address within a designated residential zone and any one of the following documents will be accepted as proof of residency:
A valid driver's license with address within a residential zone.
A tax, municipal water or utility bill with the applicant's name and address issued within the last 90 days.
A rental or lease agreement signed within the last 90 days.
All applicants must have paid their motor vehicle excise tax and all parking tickets before a permit is issued.
Upon receipt of application, a representative of the TPAL Department will conduct a review to verify the need for off-street parking. Permits will only be granted to applicants who can demonstrate need for on-street parking.
Visitor parking.
Visitors planning on parking in residential parking areas during the restricted hours must obtain a visitor parking pass.
Visitor parking passes will be obtained either online or in person from the City of Quincy TPAL Department.
Visitor parking passes will be granted for a time period not to exceed 14 days.
Should a visitor parking pass be needed for a period of time greater than 14 days, an application for a long-term visitor pass must be made in person at the offices of the City of Quincy TPAL Department.
A letter from the resident stating the reason for the extended permit and a copy of vehicle registration must be included in the application.
Long-term visitor passes will be issued on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the TPAL Department.
The City of Quincy reserves the right to restrict the issuance of visitor permits based on the availability of parking in any residential zone.
Business parking.
Business owners located within designated residential areas that have demonstrated insufficient off-street parking are eligible to apply for business permit parking.
Business permits will be valid Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Business permits shall identify the area to which they apply and shall be of a design specified by the TPAL Department.
Applications must be made online or in person with City of Quincy TPAL Department.
If application is made by employers, a list of employee license plates on company letterhead and copies of applicable vehicle registrations must be provided.
Permits will only be issued after a site visit is conducted by City designee and need for on-street parking is confirmed.
Cost of business permit is $85 a year per vehicle up to five passes. If additional passes are needed there is an additional fee of $17.
Business permits expire one calendar year after date of issuance.
Business permits are nonrefundable.
All applicants must have paid their motor vehicle excise tax and all parking tickets.
All applicants must be employed by a business validly registered and licensed with the City, and all real estate property taxes and personal property paid.
Exemptions, exclusions and special considerations.
Any vehicle bearing veteran or handicap plates, or bearing a properly displayed special parking placard, shall be exempt from residential parking restrictions.
Students from out of state who can demonstrate active full-time student status at local college or university may obtain a resident parking permit subject to the same terms and conditions as Quincy residents. Students at other area colleges living in Quincy can apply for a resident parking permit if they provide proof of active full-time student status and a local lease.
Visiting nurses or caretakers who can demonstrate active service to a Quincy resident in a residential parking district may apply for temporary visitor parking on an as needed basis and at the discretion of the TPAL Department.
The following vehicles will not be eligible for a residential parking permit:
Taxicabs or any vehicles bearing livery plates.
Any vehicle with a gross vehicle weight over 2 1/2 tons bearing commercial plates.
Any vehicle with a gross vehicle weight under 2 1/2 tons bearing commercial plates for which the owner cannot clearly demonstrate need for residential permit.
Any vehicle bearing dealer or repair plates.
Any vehicle registered to an address identified as a transit-oriented development.
Any nonmotorized equipment, including but not limited to trailers, campers, boats or other recreational equipment deemed inappropriate by the TPAL Department.
It shall be a violation of this article to:
Park in a designated parking area without a residential permit or visitor/business pass.
Display a permit on any vehicle other than for which it was issued.
Sell, copy or otherwise transfer a permit.
Provide false information while applying for permit.
The City may revoke any permit issued under this article upon finding the permit was issued under false pretenses or a finding of violation of this article by the permittee.
The fine for violating the residential parking permit program shall be $50 for each violation for up to two violations and shall increase to $100 per violation over two violations; further violations will be subject to towing at the owner's expense.
The right is reserved to modify or eliminate residential parking permit areas under the same process for review as the original petition as set forth above.