Pursuant to the authority contained in MGL c. 41, §§ 108A and 108C, this Bylaw.
Incorporates and includes the Position Classification and Compensation Schedule (herein referred to as the "PLAN") for the payment of salaries and wages to the employees of the Town of Walpole covered by the PLAN;
Specifies certain working conditions such as hours of employment and certain fringe benefits applicable to employees who occupy positions subject to the PLAN and who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement with the Town in accordance with MGL c. 150E; and
Provides for the administration of this Personnel Bylaw.
[Amended 5-7-2022 SATM by Art. 16]
The PLAN shall apply to all officers and employees in the services of the Town (whether Full Time, Part-Time, Seasonal, Casual, Special, Civil Service or other), other than those positions covered by a separate contract or collective bargaining agreement and under the direction and control of the School Committee. Nothing herein, however, shall bar using the PLAN or its provisions or facilities as a guide to authorized officials or committees in determining the compensation of such.
All employees included in the PLAN shall be eligible to receive any pay based upon their job classification as provided by the schedules adopted herewith. All adjustments shall be subject to the approval of the Town Administrator and Select Board.
[Amended 5-7-2022 SATM by Art. 16]
No pay shall be reduced as a result of the installation of the PLAN. Any existing rates above the maximum shall become personal rates and apply only to the present incumbent. When employment ends, no successor shall advance beyond the maximum for the job.
The classification and schedule of pay under the PLAN shall be as shown in the appended "Classification of Positions and Pay Schedules" as from time to time amended.[1]
Editor's Note: The current Wage and Salary Schedules are on file in the office of the Town Clerk.
If any provision of this bylaw shall conflict with any Civil Service law or regulation applicable to any position, or any other law, it shall be deemed modified by the law or regulation sufficiently only to end the conflict.
This bylaw may be amended by vote of the Town at any regular or special meeting.
To adopt the proposed Bylaw governing the classification of Personnel and the Administration of Standard Rates of salaries and wages as specified in Article 2 of the Special Town Meeting Warrant for action March 22, 1954, and Classification of Positions and Pay Schedules included in the report of the Wage and Salary Committee with amendments.
To permit adequate study, proposed amendments other than those initiated by the Board shall first be presented to the Board in writing, but not less than 45 days immediately before the date of the meeting in which it is intended to seek action on the said amendment.
No person shall be employed or paid as an employee in any position subject to the provisions of the PLAN under any title other than those in the schedules or under any title other than that of the job the duties of which are actually performed. The job title in the PLAN shall be the official title of the position and shall be used in all administration and employment records, and in every other connection involving personnel or fiscal processes.
All employees will be classified in one of the following categories:
Full-time employees work a full workweek for a continuous and indefinite period. They receive all benefits where applicable and within established limits.
Part-time employees work less than a full workweek. Part-time employees who work a minimum of 20 hours a week on a regular continuous basis for an indefinite period receive benefits as do full-time employees but only in proportion to hours worked.
Part-time employees who work less than 20 hours a week will receive pay for the hours they actually work and are not entitled to any benefits other than holiday pay where applicable.
Temporary employees work for a continuous period not to exceed six months. After 90 days' employment, they receive paid holidays provided they work the workday before and the workday after the holiday. They are entitled to no other benefits.