[Amended 5-7-2022 SATM by Art. 16]
The hiring rate shall be the minimum of the rate range for the job unless otherwise authorized by the Town Administrator.
All new employees shall be hired on a probationary basis for one year. By the end of the one-year probationary period, the employee's Department Head shall recommend to either permanently appoint or terminate the employee. Such recommendation to go into effect upon approval of the Administrator. Action by the Town Administrator will take place within a reasonable period following receipt of the Department Head's recommendation. The probationary period will continue until said recommendation is approved by the Town Administrator.
Progression through the PLAN is NOT automatic and shall be on the basis of merit on recommendation of the Department Head and the Town Administrator. As to employees hired prior to July 1, 2017, eligibility for step increase will be on the anniversary date or promotion date. If an evaluation rating of "Meets Expectations" or better is received at the annual review, the employee will advance a step on the PLAN.
[Amended 5-7-2022 SATM by Art. 16]
New hires. As to employees hired on or after July 1, 2017, the Department Head will complete a performance evaluation at the end of the one-year probationary period to determine the status of probationary to permanent. If the employee is recommended for permanent status, the employee will receive a merit increase if a rating of "Meets Expectations" or better is received. Eligibility for merit increase will be on the anniversary date or promotion date.
When an employee is promoted to a higher rate job, the entry shall be at the minimum of the job rate range or at the employee's own rate, whichever is the higher. An employee may also receive a step increase at the time, subject to recommendation by the Department Head and approval by the Town Administrator.
[Amended 5-7-2022 SATM by Art. 16]
An employee who is promoted to a higher rated job shall be given a maximum of 30 days trial period in the new position at the applicable rate of pay for the position. If at the end of 30 days of such trial period it is determined by his/her supervisor that the employee's performance in such position is not satisfactory then he/she may be returned to his/her old position and rate of pay.
[Amended 5-7-2022 SATM by Art. 16]
When rate ranges are affected by a wage increase voted by the Town, either fixed percentage or a fixed amount, all employees covered by the PLAN shall benefit but no employee shall be increased to a higher step in the rate range unless such increase shall be on the basis of merit, subject to recommendation by the Department Head and approval by the Town Administrator.
No job, position, or employee, or any rate of pay, can be reclassified or reallocated, nor any step (progression increase) granted unless the Town Administrator shall have specifically approved the action before it is taken.
The Town Administrator, or designee, shall inform the Select Board of each change in the content of a job or position.
An employee reclassified as a result of rate range revision shall continue at the current rate until such time as the Department Head recommends that qualification and performance warrant a merit increase and the Town Administrator approves.
No pay shall be reduced as a result of a rate range revision of the PLAN when an employee receives a pay rate above the maximum for the job. This rate becomes a personal rate and applies only to the present incumbent. When the incumbent's employment ends no successor shall advance beyond the maximum for the job.
No increase shall exceed the maximum of the current salary schedule.
[Amended 5-7-2022 SATM by Art. 16]
Anticipated pay adjustments will be considered by the Select Board each year with enough notice to inform the annual budget development process.
No overtime shall be paid to those positions listed on the Professional Salary Schedule, Administrative/Professional Schedule, Election Schedule and Inspection Schedule.[1]
Editor's Note: The current Wage and Salary Schedules are on file in the office of the Town Clerk.
For positions listed in the Hourly Schedule, Fire Schedule, Safety Schedule, and Recreation Schedule, overtime shall be paid at straight time rate for all hours worked in excess of the weekly authorized hours up to 40 hours. Overtime shall be paid at the rate of time and one half for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a scheduled workweek.
Compensatory time may be granted to all employees listed in Subsection A except those listed as Grade 4* or higher on the Professional Salary Schedule according to the following conditions:
Definitions. Compensatory time: Employees who in a given workweek actually work (excluding vacation, sick, personal or compensatory time taken) a number of hours which exceed the employee's weekly authorized hours may request, subject to the provisions of this Article, that such excess hours worked be converted to compensatory time. Employees shall be granted one-hour of compensatory time for each hour worked in excess of the regular workweek until the employee has actually worked 40 hours in the workweek. Approved compensatory time shall accrue at a rate of time and one-half for all hours actually worked in excess of 40 hours in a scheduled workweek. Employees in Grades P5-P12 who regularly attend scheduled board or commission meetings shall add 2.5 hours to their regular workweek hours for compensatory hour calculations only.
Accrual; approval. All hours worked above the regular weekly authorized hour limit will be approved in advance by either the Town Administrator or his designee. In an emergency situation, the additional hours will be approved during the next working day. The request for additional hours will be made by the Department Head and submitted to the Town Administrator on a Time Card.
Recording of compensatory time. After approvals by the Town Administrator, the Time Card will be returned to the Department Head for verification of hours worked. The Time Card will then be forwarded to the Personnel Department for recording.
Compensatory time. Use of compensatory time shall be scheduled during the year as best serves the public interest subject to the Department Heads approval. Such approval shall generally be granted provided that the use of the compensatory time is not "unduly disruptive":
Minimum compensatory time taken will be 1/2 of a workday.
Maximum accumulation of compensatory time will be 40 hours.
All compensatory time must be used by the end of the fiscal year in which it was earned. (See Article III for proration of benefit on part-time employees who work 20+ hours per week.)