[Added 5-14-2019 by Ord. No. 2019:18]
All applications for subdivision or site plan approval shall be evaluated for their impact on critical slope areas as set forth herein. No buildings, improvements or structures, including roads, driveways and parking areas, shall be constructed nor shall any displacement of soil occur within critical slopes areas except in accordance with the following requirements:
Categories of slopes; map delineations. The following categories of slopes shall be identified on a plan drawn at a scale required as per the Township's site plan or subdivision submission requirements and showing existing and topographic elevations at two-foot contour intervals:
Category 1 slopes: 15% to 19.99%.
Category 2 slopes: 20% to 24.99%.
Category 3 slopes: 25% or greater.
The map shall also delineate those areas proposed for clearing, regrading and development; the location of all existing and proposed wells and septic systems; the location of all trees in excess of six inches in caliper and contiguous wooded areas; and soil types contained on the lot with specific reference to highly erodible soils as defined by the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service.
In platting a parcel for subdivision and siting proposed development, the applicant shall avoid disturbance of critical slope areas to the greatest extent practical. Maximum disturbance percentages are applied to each individual lot in a subdivision or site plan. Limited disturbance and development of critical slope areas is permitted in accordance with the following schedule:
Permitted Levels of Disturbance and Development in Critical Slope Areas
Slope Category
Maximum Area of Disturbance and Development
15% to 19.99%
20% to 24.99%
25% or greater
Disturbance of critical slope areas in an amount greater than indicated in ยงย 430-345C shall require a variance.
The Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment may waive the disturbance and development of small isolated noncontiguous pockets of critical slopes that are under 1,000 square feet in area per individual lot. Such disturbance may be permitted if the Board determines that the disturbance of the critical slope area is consistent with sound planning and promotes the goals and objectives of the Township's Master Plan; would not substantially impair the purposes of the Township's Zoning and Land Use Ordinances; and would otherwise result in practical difficulties for the applicant. Where the Board determines that such pocket or pockets are proximate to other critical slope areas and collectively are of such size to constitute a significant and substantially contiguous area, the Board may determine that the area is subject to the requirements of this section.
These requirements shall not apply to any development for which preliminary major subdivision approval, preliminary major site plan approval, final subdivision approval or final site plan approval was granted by a resolution of approval adopted by the Planning Board prior to the adoption of this provision, and which approval has not expired. In such cases, the requirements and conditions contained in the resolution of approval shall apply.