The purpose of the Light Commercial District is to permit a
mix of low-impact professional office and retail uses to provide a
diverse mix of goods and services to residents surrounded by a residential
setting within the municipality and region, achieving an improved
balance of commercial development within the municipality, and utilizing
suitable land for low-impact commercial development in an efficient,
functional, and aesthetic manner, while minimizing impacts on adjacent
residential areas. Development controls will ensure sign control,
attractive landscaping, desirable setbacks, traffic control and compatibility
with nearby residential uses.
In the Light Commercial District, the following regulations
shall apply.
A building may be erected, altered or used and a lot or premises
may be used for any of the following purposes and no other:
C. Laboratory, research, testing and experimental, not involving the
danger of fire or explosion nor any noise, vibration, smoke, dust,
odor, glare, heat or other influence outside a building.
D. Retail sale of goods appropriate to the surrounding residential areas,
such as but not limited to beverages (except alcoholic beverages),
bicycles, books (except adult bookstores), clothing, confections,
drugs, dry goods, flowers, food, gifts, personal and household supplies,
photographic supplies, snacks and prepared foods, sporting goods and
F. Restaurants (excluding drive-through restaurants and alcohol service).
H. Short-term rental pursuant to the terms and conditions of Chapter
165 of the Code of the Township of Bern.
[Added 5-2-2023 by Ord. No. 342-2023]
The following are permitted as a conditional use requiring approval by the Township Supervisors, pursuant to §
184-210 of this chapter.
B. Massage therapy establishments.
D. Age-restricted planned residential developments, pursuant to the following additional conditions in addition to those set forth in §
184-210 of this chapter:
Lot area and density.
Dwelling Type
Without Both Public Sewer and Water
With Both Public Sewer and Water
1- or 2-family detached or semidetached building
Lot area per dwelling unit
45,000 square feet
10,000 square feet
100 feet
80 feet
Side yard
15 feet
15 feet
Front yard
30 feet
30 feet
Rear yard
35 feet
35 feet
Townhouse or apartment (both public sewer and water are required)
Lot area
5 acres
8 dwelling units per acre
Side yard
15 feet
Front yard
30 feet
Rear yard
35 feet
For dwelling unit determination, refer to § 184-175 (mobile home parks included).
The minimum lot size for a site is one acre, except that when
both public water and sewer service is provided the minimum lot size
is 10,000 square feet. The minimum lot size per unit of use is one
acre unless both public water and sewer service is provided, in which
case the minimum area per unit of use is 5,000 square feet.
The minimum front yard shall be 50 feet in depth measured from
the street line. The minimum side and rear yard shall be 25 feet.
The maximum building height shall be 35 feet.
The minimum lot width per site shall be 200 feet at the street
line and the building setback line. The minimum lot width where both
public sewer and water is provided shall be 100 feet at the street
line and the building setback line.
At least 25% of the lot shall be maintained as open area.
Each use shall comply with the performance standards found in §