[Ord. No. BOH 2-2005 § VI; Ord. No. BOH 02-2009 § VI]
For the purposes of this Article, the terms used herein are defined as follows:
Shall mean the thorough removal of dust and other contaminating material in such a way as to prevent the entry thereof, as far as may be possible, into other rooms or dwellings; washing with soap and hot water; and scouring, airing and exposure to sunlight.
Shall mean the application of disinfecting substances to infected materials in sufficient concentration and for a sufficient length of time to destroy pathogenic bacteria. When gaseous disinfectants are used, all cracks, crevices and openings shall first be closed.
Shall mean the placing apart of infected persons for the purpose of preventing contact with other persons and the establishment of restrictions directly surrounding such persons.
Shall mean the condition resulting from restrictive measures which are applied to household premises or areas of greater magnitude for the prevention of the spread of communicable diseases to other areas.
[Ord. No. BOH 2-2005 § VI; Ord. No. BOH 02-2009 § VI]
The diseases as set forth and revised in Chapter H of the State Sanitary Code shall be reportable in the manner prescribed.
The following cases are also reportable by State law: all animal bites.
[Ord. No. BOH 2-2005 § VI; Ord. No. BOH 02-2009 § VI]
All reports of cases or suspected cases of reportable diseases shall be governed by the rules and regulations as set forth in N.J.S.A. 26:4-15 to 4-26.
[Ord. No. BOH 2-2005 § VI; Ord. No. BOH 02-2009 § VI]
Whenever a report of a communicable disease is received, the person infected shall, at the discretion of this Board, be isolated or quarantined as this Board may order or direct.
In establishing isolation or quarantine, the Board shall define the place and the limits of the area within which the infected person is to be isolated. No person except the attending physician or nurse shall enter or leave the area of isolation without the permission of this Board. Isolation or quarantine shall be continued until it is determined by examination that the person no longer has the disease in an infectious state.
After the isolation or quarantine of any person infected with or exposed to a communicable disease shall have been established, such person shall not leave the apartment or premises where he is isolated or quarantined, nor shall any other person remove such person or permit him to be removed, unless a permit for such removal shall have been issued first by this Board.
[Ord. No. BOH 2-2005 § VI; Ord. No. BOH 02-2009 § VI]
No person shall expose or permit the exposure of anyone to any communicable disease or its causative agent.
No person suffering from a communicable disease or harboring the causative organism of any communicable disease and no articles, which may tend to propagate or spread such disease shall be brought into the Township without permission from the Health Officer. Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of any person that such persons or articles have been brought into this Township without the permission of the Board, he shall immediately give notice thereof to this Board. No person shall remove any such diseased person or infected article from any house or place without approval of the Board.
[Ord. No. BOH 2-2005 § VI; Ord. No. BOH 02-2009 § VI]
The regulations covering this are covered in N.J.S.A. 26:4-6 and are governed thereby.
[Ord. No. BOH 2-2005 § VI; Ord. No. BOH 02-2009 § VI]
This Board may, if it shall be deemed necessary, require a person believed to be a carrier of disease germs to furnish specimens for examination. It shall be the duty of such person to furnish the necessary specimens for examination or to permit the Board or its representative to collect such specimens.
[Ord. No. BOH 2-2005 § VI; Ord. No. BOH 02-2009 § VI]
Whenever this Board shall deem it necessary to establish the true character of any disease which, in its opinion, may be communicable, a medical examination of the person infected may be required, and such specimens of secretions or other material for examination shall be taken from such person, and it shall be the duty of such person to submit to such examination and furnish such necessary specimens. No person shall interfere with or prevent the securing of such specimens. The Board may cause any person suspected to be infected with a communicable disease to be isolated or quarantined until medical or laboratory examinations show that the person is free of the causative organisms of disease.
[Ord. No. BOH 2-2005 § VI; Ord. No. BOH 02-2009 § VI]
Every veterinarian who shall attend any animal within this Township having or suspected of having rabies, glanders, anthrax or any other communicable disease transmittable to humans shall, within 12 hours thereafter, report in writing to this Board the location of such diseased animal, the type and character of the disease and the name and address of the owner.
It shall be the duty of any person having knowledge of any dog, cat or other animal infected with rabies or suspected of being infected with rabies within this Township to forthwith notify the Board and, if possible, give a description of the animal, the location where it may be found and the name and address of the owner or the person having custody thereof.
Whenever a dog, cat or other animal shall have bitten any person, the owner or person in charge thereof shall securely confine such animal for the purpose of observation in such a manner and for such a period as may be designated by this Board.
[Ord. No. BOH 2-2005 § VI; Ord. No. BOH 02-2009 § VI]
This is covered under the rules and regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and is governed thereby.
[Ord. No. BOH 2-2005 § VI; Ord. No. BOH 02-2009 § VI]
Whenever death has been caused by communicable disease, the transportation, care, disposal and burial of the body shall be in accordance with the regulations regarding same as required by the State Sanitary Code and in accordance with such further regulations as this Board may direct.