[Editor's Note: Rooming and boarding houses can only be licensed by the State of New Jersey by virtue of NJAC 5:27. The date of license for rooming and boarding houses shall be determined by State law which differs from Borough dates obtained herein.]
[Ord. 6/26/56, S1]
As used in this chapter a hotel, lodging, boarding and rooming house shall include every dwelling house and other building or structure kept, held or used, where sleeping, lodging, boarding, or light housekeeping rooms are offered for pay for three or more persons.
As used in this chapter:
Shall mean a house where the business of furnishing sleeping accommodations to guests, with or without meals.
Shall mean a house where the business of accommodating roomers is carried on in substantially the same manner as a boarding house except that no meals are served as part of such accommodations.
Shall mean a house where the business of accommodating lodgers is carried on in substantially the same manner as a rooming house except that the unit rented as part of such accommodations is a furnished apartment rather than a furnished room.
Shall mean a house where the business of keeping boarders generally is carried on and where a furnished room and meals are regularly served as a part of such accommodations.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S2; Ord. BH:88-3]
No building or parts of buildings shall be used as a hotel before the person desiring such use makes an application and receives from the secretary of the Board of Health a permit authorizing such use. Such permit shall be issued only to persons of good moral character, and shall not be transferable. Such annual permits shall run from January 1 and terminate on December 31. Permits issued after January 1 shall also expire on December 31. Application for renewal of permits shall be the same as if an original permit is applied for. Such permit shall be signed by the secretary of the Board of Health, and shall be posted in a prominent place in the house.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S2]
Before any permit is issued, the secretary of the Board of Health shall submit the application, together with the plans hereinafter referred to, to the Borough building inspector, to the health officer, and to the Borough fire chief and shall not issue such permit until he has received a written approval from the health officer that the building complies with the terms of the chapter, the sanitary code of the State, and Borough, and the written approval of the building inspector, showing that the building complies with the local building code, and the written approval from the fire chief stating that the premises complies with the fire prevention code. The building shall also comply with any building regulations as prescribed by the Statutes of the State of New Jersey.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S3]
All such applications for permits shall be in writing and presented to the secretary of the Board of Health on blanks to be furnished by the secretary, setting forth the name of the applicant, his address, his occupation, and if he is not the owner of the building, the name of the owner of the building, the location where the business is to be conducted, the number of rooms in the building, and which rooms are to be occupied as sleeping rooms, together with the sanitary facilities, which includes wash basins, toilets, and bathing facilities.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S4]
Before a permit is issued, the person making the application shall file plans in triplicate, plans of each floor of the building used for the purpose herein mentioned, which plans shall be drawn to scale of not less than one-quarter inch to a foot showing all fire escapes, stairs, halls, all the bedrooms and exits of each floor, and a statement in writing, showing the number of lodgers housed on each floor, and the number of lodgers to be housed in each room, which shall be written on the application.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S5]
Fire escapes shall conform to tenement house laws of the State of New Jersey. No building three or more stories in height shall hereafter be used as a hotel, rooming, lodging or boarding house, unless such building is equipped with at least two fire escapes, location of which shall be shown on plans, reaching from the topmost story thereof to the ground. The exits to the fire escapes shall be at least three feet in width, and shall, at all times, be open and unencumbered so that there is no obstruction to their use. A red light on the doorway leading to the fire escape or exit shall be lighted at all times. Doors leading to such fire escapes shall be hung so that they shall open outwardly and be so latched that they can be unfastened by anyone on the inside thereof.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S6]
No more than three adults, or two adults and two of their children shall be permitted to sleep in one sleeping room in the house. Sleeping rooms for one person shall be no less than 75 square feet, sleeping rooms for two people should be no less than 100 square feet, sleeping rooms for three people should be no less than 125 feet, and sleeping rooms for four people no less than 150 square feet of floor space. Each room shall have adequate ventilating and heating facilities: There shall be in each house at least one toilet, one wash basin, and one bath or shower for the accommodation of each six persons that the licensed premises are permitted to accommodate, or portion thereof.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S6]
All bedrooms shall have sufficient heat furnished during October 15th to May 15th. In accordance with local sanitary codes the temperature in such bedrooms during all hours shall not be less than 70 degrees.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S7]
The permittee shall at all times comply with the local and State health and sanitary regulations and requirements, and all fire and police regulations and requirements, and all building department regulations and requirements, the building code of the Borough, and regulations as prescribed by the statutes of the State of New Jersey.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S8]
Every person conducting any hotel, lodging, boarding or rooming house shall at all times keep therein a standard hotel register in which shall be inscribed with ink the name and home address of every guest or person renting or occupying a room. The name of such guests shall be written upon the register by the person themselves, and if they cannot write, the names shall be written in by the person renting such room, stating that the person renting the room could not sign his name, which also shall include the home address of such person, if transient, and the person renting such room shall thereupon write opposite the name so registered, the number of the rooms assigned to each guest, and the time when the same is rented, whether a.m. or p.m., and until all such entries have been made in such register, no guest shall be permitted to occupy privately any room in such house. At any time any rooms are surrendered, it shall be the further duty of such agent to enter the time thereof in the register opposite the names of all the persons making such surrender. Such register shall be open at all times to the inspection of any guest of such house and any peace officer of the Borough.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S8]
In case a reference book or other record is kept in addition to the standard hotel register, the information herein required, in whole or in part, may be kept in such reference book or record, and all entries therein shall be a part of the hotel, lodging, boarding or rooming house record, and shall be subject to the same inspection as the standard hotel register.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S9]
It is unlawful for any person to write or cause to be written in any register in any hotel, lodging, boarding or rooming house any other or different name than the true name of such person, or the name by which such person is generally known.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S10]
No room shall be rented or assigned to, or privately occupied jointly by persons of opposite sex unless such persons are registered as husband and wife or as parent and minor child, and in no case, notwithstanding such registration, if the manager or person in charge of such hotel, lodging, boarding or rooming house shall have reasonable cause to believe that such persons do not bear the relation to each other as represented upon such register.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S11]
No room in any hotel, lodging, boarding or rooming house shall be rented for sleeping or lodging purposes more than once between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. of the following day, except to bonafide travelers with baggage.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S12]
Every person conducting a hotel, lodging, boarding or rooming house shall cause each sleeping room in such house to be numbered in a plain and conspicuous manner. Such number shall be placed on the outside door of the room and no two rooms shall bear the same number.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S13]
In the conduct of any hotel, lodging, boarding or rooming house, the acts of the agent, servants or employees of the owner thereof, shall be deemed to be the acts of the employer or owner.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S14]
Permits issued under this chapter may be revoked by resolution of the Board of Health whenever it shall find that the permittee or owner, agent, servant or employee of the permittee has violated the provisions of this chapter or permitted the same to be violated, or has violated any other ordinance of the Borough or any Statutes of the State of New Jersey in the conduct of the business for which this permit is granted; however, no such permit shall be revoked unless charges in writing shall first have been filed with the secretary of the Board of Health setting forth with reasonable certainty the nature of the charges against the permittee. Upon the filing of charges as aforesaid, the Board of Health, shall fix the time and place for the hearing of the charges, and a copy of the charges as filed together with notice of time and place of hearing, shall be served on the permittee at least five days prior to the date fixed by the Board of Health for the hearing.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S14]
Any notice thereof for charges against the permittee shall be served either:
By delivering a copy personally to the permittee, or
By leaving a copy with some person of suitable age and discretion in the place of the business of the permittee, or if no such person can be found at the place of business of the permittee, by leaving such notice for the permitted at his place of business as set forth in his application for license.
At the hearing of the charges, the permittee shall have the right to appear and defend the charges and if he so desires, to be represented by counsel.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S15]
Any inspections which may be made by the health officer, by the building inspector or the fire chief may be made by any one of them, or any one duly authorized by them to make such inspection and they may make inspections before or after the permit is issued, at all reasonable hours.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S16]
The permit fee for any permit issued hereunder shall be based upon the following schedule, to wit, for any hotel, rooming, lodging or boarding house designed to accommodate, or which it is intended to accommodate:
Not more than six guests, fifteen ($15.00) dollars per annum.
More than six guests but less than 13 guests, twenty-five ($25.00) dollars per annum.
More than 12 guests at the rate of fifty ($50.00) dollars per annum.
[Ord. 6/26/56, S17]
This chapter is not adopted for revenue, but is a regulatory chapter, and is enacted to safeguard the health, life and safety of the occupants of the buildings wherein the permit is issued.