[Ord. No. 2014-14 § 9]
The Anderson Avenue corridor is identified in the Master Plan as the Borough's principal core, for which the Master Plan recognizes the need for enhancement through the development of detailed development standards to assure the continued vitality of the corridor. The below standards are intended to address the concern of the Master Plan and supersede existing development regulations, which have continued applicability in areas, other than the Anderson Avenue corridor.
In preparing an application for site plan review, planned, development review, conditional use request, and other matters requiring site plan review, the applicant shall be guided by the design standards affecting building orientation, building sustainability, building architecture, signs, off-street parking, and streetscape contained herein.
Applications for residential development shall comply with the standards set forth in the Residential Site improvement Standards (R.S.I.S.) N.J.S.A. 5:21.
[Ord. No. 2014-14 § 9]
Buildings and principal entrances are to be oriented to the corridor or, in the alternative, to an area of public open space, abutting a building, such as plazas or court yards. In the case of multiple building developments, building's interior to the site are to relate functionally and visually to one another and are to be unified through the use of compatible architectural design features.
A minimum of 60% of the building facade, facing the corridor, is to be within five feet of the coterminous front building line/right-of-way.
[Ord. No. 2014-14 § 9]
Buildings are to promote environmental health through the incorporation of materials and/or green technology elements to a level that would satisfy minimum LEED certification as promulgated by the United States Green Building Council.
[Ord. No. 2014-14 § 9]
Signs which may be displayed along the Anderson Avenue corridor are limited to wall signs, window signs, and awning/canopy signs.
Wall Sign Standards.
Wall signs may only display the name, with or without a logo, products or services relating to uses occupying the building on which the sign is placed.
A wall sign may be placed on the building facade on which the main entrance is located; except that a wall sign may be placed on each facade of a building having street frontage. Where an on-site parking area abuts a building, a wall sign may also be placed at the building entrance from the parking area, provided the parking area is not situated between the building and a street line.
Wall signs may not cover any portion of a wall opening and may not be erected in a manner which would impede egress from any door, window, or fire escape.
Wall signs are not to extend above the first story of the building or 14 feet, whichever is the lesser, and in any case, are not to extend above a roof line.
A minimum height of eight feet is to be maintained from grade to the bottom of the sign, which sign is not to project more than nine inches from the facade.
Maximum area is limited to 10% of the first floor area of the facade to which affixed; further providing, the maximum vertical dimension of the sign does not exceed 24 inches. The maximum horizontal dimension is limited to 75% of the facade width. Where a building may have more than one wall sign, the dimensions of any such sign, located on other than the facade having them main entrance, are limited to 75% of the dimensions of the wall sign on the main entrance facade.
Walls signs at a building entrance from an on-site parking area, which is not situated between the building and a street line, are limited to an area of 12 square feet and a vertical dimension of two feet.
Window Signs.
Window signs may be displayed in windows of facades having a street frontage and are limited to display in first story windows.
Only one sign is permitted per window to a maximum of two such signs per business use.
Maximum sign area is limited to 20% of the window area.
The signs may be internally illuminated.
Window signs limited to indicate membership in a retail or professional organization or credit card or credit association, to show manufacturers' or required licenses, or advertisements referable to sales within, may be attached to windows on the interior of the business use provided that the aggregate area employed for such purpose shall not exceed 20% of the total window area on which it is located. This percentage includes, but is not limited to, any and all products/stock causing an obstructed view through the window area, In addition, all window tinting on any type of glazing shall be prohibited.
All businesses must install a backlight that will have a minimum of a 60-watt light fixture for safety purposes, Installation of this fixture will require a permit from the Building Department and an inspection to be performed by the Electrical Inspector. This fixture must be installed by a New Jersey licensed electrician.
Awning/Canopy Signs.
Awning/canopy signs may be placed on the first story of a facade having street frontage.
Signs are limited to placement on the portion of the awning/canopy, which is parallel to the street line, and may not be placed on the end elevations.
Sign copy is limited to the name of the business and street address; a logo(s) is also permitted.
Lettering is limited to 18 inches in height.
Maximum sign area is limited to 60% of the area of the awning/canopy, excluding the aggregate area of the end elevations.
[Ord. No. 2014-14 § 9]
Parking may be provided beneath buildings, to the rear of buildings, and inside yards. Alternatively, structured parking may be provided.
Parking facilities may be provided in side yards, provided not more than 30% of the width of the parcel frontage is so utilized and the perimeter of the parking area is screened by decorative wall, fence, or plant materials; further providing, said wall, fence, or plant materials does not exceed a height of three feet where occurring within a clear line-of-sight triangle.
Structured parking should be concealed behind "liner buildings" with exposed elevations subject to the corridor design guidelines.
[Ord. No. 2014-14 § 9]
Massing. A building should not be permitted to have a total measurement greater than 150 feet in length along any wall, roof or footprint plane. Building wall offsets, including both projections and recesses, should be provided along any building wall measuring greater than 50 feet in length in order to provide architectural interest and variety to the massing of a building and relieve the negative visual effect of a single, long wall. The total measurement of such offsets should equal a minimum of 10% of the building wall length, The maximum spacing between such offsets should be 40 feet, The minimum projection or depth of any individual offset should not be less than two feet. Roofline offsets should be provided along any roof measuring longer than 75 feet in length in order to provide architectural interest and variety to the massing of a building and relieve the negative visual effect of a single, long roof.
Horizontal Courses. All visibly exposed sides of a building should have an articulated cornice, The cornice should terminate the top of a building wall, may project out horizontally from the vertical building wall plane and should be ornamented with moldings, brackets and other details that should be appropriate to the architectural style of a building. Belt courses, running horizontally along the face of the building, are to be encouraged at floor, lintel, or sill levels.
Continuity of Treatment. The architectural treatment of a facade or roof should be completely continued around all visibly exposed sides of a building. All sides of a building should be architecturally designed so as to be consistent with regard to style, materials, colors and details.
Roof. The type, shape, pitch, texture and color of a roof should be considered as an integral part of the design of a building and should be architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors and details of such building, The minimum permitted roof pitch should be 8/12 and all gables on a building should be of the same pitch. A flat roof may be permitted on a building of a minimum of two stories in height, provided that all visibly exposed walls should have an articulated cornice that projects out horizontally from the vertical building wall plane. Mansard roofs are permitted. Architectural embellishments that add visual interest to roofs, such as dormers, belvederes, masonry chimneys, cupolas, clock towers and such similar elements are encouraged, provided these elements are architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors and details of the building.
Windows. Windows should be architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors and details of a building. Windows should be vertically proportioned. Retail and personal service business uses may have large pane display windows on the ground level, provided that such window should be framed by the surrounding wall and should not comprise greater than 75% of the total ground level facade area of such building. All other windows should be double-hung or casement types. A building designed of an architectural style that normally has windows with mountings or divided lights should utilize them. As compatible with the design of a building, the use of mountings to affect the look of small window panes is encouraged.
Entrances. All entrances to a building should be defined and articulated by utilizing such elements as lintels, pediments, pilasters, columns, porticoes, porches, overhangs, railings, balustrades and other such elements, where appropriate, Any such element utilized should be architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors and details of such building.
Physical Plant. All air-conditioning units, HVAC systems, exhaust pipes or stacks and elevator housing should be shielded from view. Such shielding should be accomplished by utilizing the walls or roof of the building or a penthouse-type screening device that should be designed to be architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors and details of such building.
Materials, Colors and Details. All materials, colors and details used on the exterior of a building are to be architecturally compatible and compatible with the style of the building. Exterior building walls may be brick, CMU block, or granite. Exterior building walls and architectural treatments made part of the building, such as, but not limited to, belt courses, cornices, and pilasters, are to be of neutral earth tone hues. Building exteriors are limited to the use of no more than four colors. Buildings, having a minimum height of 50 feet, may utilize LED (light emitting diode) lighting to outline the roofline.
Signage. Signs affixed to the exterior of a building should be architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors and details of the building and other signs used on the site.
Awnings and Canopies. The ground level of a building in a business district may have awnings or canopies, where appropriate, to complement the architectural style of a building. Canvas or cloth awnings may also be used on the upper levels of a building. Signage on awnings should conform to the corridor sign standards. Ground level awnings and canopies should conform to the following standards:
The maximum height from ground-level to uppermost portion of such awning or canopy should not exceed the height of the sill or bottom of any second story window or 14 feet, whichever is less. In the case of single-story buildings, said maximum height should not exceed 12 feet or the top of the wall, whichever is less.
The minimum height from ground level to lowermost portion of awning or canopy should be eight feet.
The maximum horizontal projection dimension of an awning from the building wall, including any appurtenances, should not exceed five feet. Such awning may project over a public sidewalk.
An awning's surfacing material should be constructed of canvas, cloth, or vinyl.
The awning should contain no more than three colors and be compatible with the architectural color scheme of the entire building.
[Ord. No. 2014-14 § 9]
Streetscape Elements. Appendix 1, attached hereto, depicts the preferred style of benches, street luminaires, bus shelters, trash receptacles, and street tree to be utilized along the Anderson Avenue corridor.
Crosswalk Design. Appendix 2, attached hereto, depicts the preferred crosswalk design featuring stamped concrete with a bounding concrete band of Scofield Winter Rose coloration (SG117-4).
Sidewalk Improvement Design. Appendix 3, attached hereto, depicts the preferred sidewalk improvement design along the corridor featuring removal of the existing curb and replacement with curb having a decorative edge.
Editor's Note: Appendices 1, 2 and 3, referred to herein, may be found on file in the Borough offices.