Editor's Note: Prior ordinances codified herein include portions of Ordinance Nos. 457, 823, 939, 945, 986, 1002, 1264, 1368.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide standards and regulations for the use of parks, recreational facilities and recreational programs in accord with Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey (R.S. 40:61-1).
For the purpose of this chapter, the following words shall be used as herein defined:
Shall mean lands and public premises owned or leased by the Township of Ocean in the County of Monmouth which are dedicated by map or deed to the Township for recreational purposes or declared by any action of the Township of Ocean to be for recreational use by the public.
Shall mean the duly appointed personnel of the human services department.
Shall mean any person, either actually living or maintaining a residence in the Township of Ocean, County of Monmouth and declaring such municipality to constitute his legal residence at the time of the use or enjoyment of the privileges herein provided.
All parks shall be open for use between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and sunset. They shall be officially closed from sunset until 7:00 a.m. The recreation office may alter the opening and closing times of the parks, when it is in the public interest to do so.
Any section or part of any park may be declared by the recreation office closed to the public at any time and for any interval of time, either temporarily or at regular and stated intervals and either entirely or merely to certain uses or when same is filled to capacity or when it is in the public interest to do so.
[Ord. 1659, § II; Ord. 1828, § I; Ord. No. 2016-2261]
No person shall enter upon or use any park facility or area which is closed to the public, unless so authorized to do so by the recreation office.
No person shall have in their possession or bring to a park or outdoor recreational area any glass container or other glass object.
No person shall willfully mark, deface, disfigure, damage, tamper with, displace, or remove any trees, shrubbery, flowers, buildings, equipment, signs, tables, fences, soil or stone, or any other item, temporary or permanent which is included in a park or recreational facility.
No person shall fail to cooperate in maintaining restrooms and washrooms and other recreational buildings and facilities in a clean and sanitary condition.
No papers, debris, cans, refuse or any other materials or property in the nature of debris or refuse shall be left or deposited in or on the property comprising the park or any area thereof.
All litter, refuse, and recyclable materials will be deposited in appropriate containers as provided by the Township. Where receptacles are not provided, all such material shall be carried away from the park by the person responsible for its presence and properly disposed of elsewhere.
No person shall bring to a park for the purpose of discarding or dumping any refuse, grass, leaves, brush, or any item or material.
All pets shall be restrained at all times on adequate leashes not greater than eight feet in length which is held by a responsible person.
Persons accompanying pets are responsible for the immediate removal of feces.
Certain areas of the parks may be designated as restricted from pets by the recreation office, when it is in the public interest to do so.
No person shall hunt, harm, frighten, kill, trap, shoot, or throw objects at any animal or bird; nor shall any person remove or be in possession of the young of any animal or the eggs, nest or young of any bird.
No person shall drive or park any motor vehicle, including but not limited to automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, mopeds, and any and all motorized recreational vehicles, on any area except the paved park roads and parking areas or such other areas as specifically posted.
No person shall exceed the speed limit of 10 miles per hour or as designated on roads within any park or recreation area.
No person shall use park drives or parking lots for the purpose of demonstrating any vehicle or for the purpose of instructing another to drive or operate any vehicle.
No person shall leave a vehicle standing or parked in parks or recreational areas when those areas are closed, unless so authorized by the recreation office.
No person shall construct or erect any structure of whatever kind, whether permanent or temporary except as authorized by the recreation office.
No person shall consume or be in possession of alcoholic beverages in parks or recreation areas, except in designated areas and under conditions authorized by the recreation office.
No person shall solicit alms or contributions for any purpose, or engage in the business of soliciting, distributing, selling, or peddling any liquids, edibles, goods, wares, merchandise, services, or circulars in any park or recreation area unless authorized by the recreation office.
No person shall post by any means or erect or cause to be erected, any sign, placard, advertisement, or inscription whatever, in any park or recreation area or highways or roads adjacent thereto, without authorization of the recreation office.
No person shall carry or possess fireworks, explosives, firearms of any description, or air-rifles, spring-guns, bows and arrows, slings, or any other forms of weapons potentially inimical to wildlife and dangerous to human safety or any instrument that can be loaded with and fire blank cartridges, or any kind of trapping device.
Fires are permitted only in grills provided by the Township of Ocean in areas designated as picnic facilities.
No person shall drop, throw, or otherwise scatter lighted matches or flammable material within any park or any highways, roads, or streets abutting or contiguous thereto. No person shall build or attempt to build a fire except in designated areas or as authorized by the recreation office.
No person shall leave a bicycle in other than those designated bicycle parking areas or utilize bicycles or other recreational equipment without regard for the safety of self or others.
No person shall utilize any recreational facility for a purpose other than that for which it was intended.
No person shall engage in loud, boisterous, threatening, abusive, or insulting language or engage in any disorderly conduct or behavior tending to breach the public peace.
No person shall bring to a park any horse or other farm animal or wild animal without the written consent of the recreation office.
No person shall swim, wade, or bathe in any waters within or adjacent to any park.
No person shall go onto the ice on any of the waters within or adjacent to any park except such areas as are designated for skating and provided an authorized safety signal is displayed.
Feeding of Migratory and Wild Waterfowl.
Statement of Purpose. It has been determined that the presence of large numbers of migratory and wild waterfowl on or around public lands, ponds, lakes, streams and other bodies of water within the Township of Ocean creates a public health nuisance due to the accumulation of droppings in and around said public lands, ponds, lakes, streams and other bodies of water which is inimical to the health and general welfare of the public. The purpose of this ordinance is to prevent such conduct that may attract such migratory and wild waterfowl to the properties within the Township.
Definitions. As used in this paragraph, the term "migratory waterfowl" and/or "wild waterfowl" shall be defined to include those nondomesticated species of birds commonly known as "swans," "geese," "brant," "seagulls," "river and sea ducks" and any other waterfowl that generally follows a seasonal migration pattern.
Feeding of Migratory or Wild Waterfowl Prohibited. No person or persons shall feed, cause to be fed or provide food for migratory or wild waterfowl within the Township of Ocean on lands either publicly or privately owned.
Exceptions. This paragraph shall not be construed to prohibit humane acts towards migratory or wild waterfowl in individual cases, such as temporary nurturing of a wounded bird on one's own premises.
Prohibited Conditions. No person or persons shall create or foster any condition or allow any condition to exist or continue which results in a congregation or congestion of migratory or wild waterfowl or in an accumulation of waterfowl feces or droppings on private or public property within the Township of Ocean creating a public health nuisance or in any manner threatening the health, safety and welfare of the public and or the waterfowl.
Enforcement. The police department, community development office and the health officer including his or her designee are hereby authorized and directed to enforce the provision of this paragraph.
Violations and Penalties. Any person or persons convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this paragraph shall be subject to penalties as are contained in the general penalty provision of the Township of Ocean codified ordinances.
No person shall smoke, chew or possess lighted cigarettes, pipes, cigars, electronic cigarettes or any other type of tobacco or cannabis product at recreation facilities which includes playgrounds, athletic fields, tennis courts, and trailways. Outdoor rental facilities, which include designated picnic groves and the Joe Palaia Park festival grounds, are excluded except that the smoking, chewing, or possessing of lighted cigarettes, pipes, cigars, electronic cigarettes or any other type of cannabis product shall still not be permitted.
[Ord. No. 2016-2261; amended 8-12-2021 by Ord. No. 2362]
[Ord. 2018, § I]
Purpose. The purpose of this subsection is to prohibit the feeding of unconfined wildlife in any park, privately owned land or on any other property owned or operated by the Township of Ocean, so as to protect public health, safety and welfare, and to prescribe penalties for failure to comply.
Definitions. For the purposes of this subsection, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meanings stated herein unless their use in the text of this subsection clearly demonstrates a different meaning. When not consistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the plural number include the singular number, and words used in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory.
Shall mean to give, place, expose, deposit, distribute, or scatter any edible material with the intention of feeding, attracting or enticing wildlife.
Shall mean and include those nondomesticated species of birds commonly known as swans, geese, brant, seagulls, river and sea ducks and any other waterfowl that generally follows a seasonal migratory pattern.
Shall mean any individual, corporation, company, partnership, firm, association, or political subdivision of this State subject to municipal jurisdiction.
Shall mean all animals that are neither human nor domesticated.
Prohibited Conduct. No person shall feed, in any public park or on any other property owned or operated by the Township of Ocean or on any privately owned lands, any wildlife, excluding confined wildlife (for example, wildlife confined in zoos, parks, or rehabilitation centers, or confined wildlife at environmental education centers).
Feeding of Migratory or Wild Waterfowl Prohibited. No person or persons shall feed, cause to be fed or provide food for migratory or wild waterfowl within the Township of Ocean on lands privately owned.
Prohibited Conditions. No person shall create or foster any condition or allow any condition to exist or continue which results in a congregation or congestion of migratory or wild waterfowl or in an accumulation of waterfowl feces or droppings on private or public property within the Township of Ocean creating a public health nuisance or in any manner threatening the health, safety and welfare of the public and/or the waterfowl.
Enforcement. The police department, community development office and the health officer including his or her designee are hereby authorized and directed to enforce the provision of this subsection.
Violations and Penalties. Any person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this subsection shall be subject to penalties as are contained in the general penalty provision of the Township of Ocean codified ordinances.
[Ord. 2018, § I]
Any person violating the regulations governing the usage of parks and recreational facilities of the Township, may be asked to leave the premises and/or be subject to fines and penalties as established in Chapter 3 of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Ocean.
[Ord. 1659, § II]
Individuals, families, or groups not exceeding 10 persons may utilize any park facility at will, during normal hours of operation. However, in all cases, those with permitted, reserved, and exclusive use of any facility authorized by the recreation office take precedence in use.
Groups larger than 10 persons may be required to obtain a permit for utilization of any park facility.
[Ord. 1659, § II; Ord. 1695, § I; Ord. 2036, § I; Ord. No. 2015-2247]
Usage of indoor recreational and picnic facilities at any of the Township's parks or recreation buildings owned or leased by the Township of Ocean, by a resident or nonresident service organization, private concern or individual for social events or gatherings shall be permitted upon obtaining a permit from the recreation office on a first-come, first-served basis. Those organizations, concerns, or individuals shall follow the procedures established by the recreation office and pay the Township such fees as provided for below.
The closing hours for the use of any indoor recreational facility shall be: 11:00 p.m. (prevailing time) Sunday through Thursday and 12:00 a.m. (prevailing time) on Friday and Saturday.
In addition to fees for rental of indoor and picnic facilities, the recreation office shall collect a security deposit of $200 for indoor facilities and $100 for picnic facilities, for each occasion of use. This fee will be payable in cash and is refundable in full upon leaving the facility in a condition which is deemed satisfactory by the recreation office. If the facility is left in an unsatisfactory condition, the Township will refund only that portion of the security deposit which is not used to return the facility to a satisfactory condition. The security deposit may also be forfeited if inappropriate behavior/action warrants the termination of the event.
For use of the southeast quadrant of the Deal Test Site for special events, organizations will post a security deposit in the amount of $1,000 to ensure the return of the site to original condition and the maintenance of order during the event.
The Township reserves the right to reject the usage of Township facilities by any organization or individual for reasons of the public good.
Residency within the Township shall be based on whether the individual, or in the case of an organization over 50% of the membership, resides within the Township.
A Facility Supervisor will be scheduled when meeting rooms are rented for private social events. These part-time employees will be on premises from the start of the event until the facility is cleaned and locked. At the discretion of the Recreation Director, a Facility Supervisor may also be scheduled when an event is held that is not social in nature.
The individual or organization renting or reserving any recreational facility assumes full responsibility for the conduct and safety of the guests at that event.
Additional requirements for teen social functions:
Adult chaperone ratio of one adult/10 teens required.
Complete guest list of teens invited to function will be provided to recreation office prior to event.
The number of teen guests (12-19 years) is limited to a maximum of 60.
Adult securing use of the facility for a teen function must reside within the Township of Ocean.
[Ord. 1659, § II; Ord. 2036, § I; Ord. 2143; Ord. No. 2014-2221]
The proposed field reservation fee schedule as found in Subsection 16-5.3, includes per use rates for residents, nonresidents, nonprofit entities and private entities for softball, baseball and multi-purpose fields. It is acknowledged that there are youth based organizations within the Township which provide a significant service to our residents through the provision of youth athletic programs. Accommodations within the reservation fee schedule have been addressed to acknowledge such services.
It is the intent of the Department of Human Services to continue to have facilities open to residents of our community and their families for informal use of our athletic fields. Although if a reservation is requested, it is proposed to have fees applied. It is expected that organized groups and/or leagues obtain facility reservations prior to use of Township facilities.
Requests for On-Going Use of Outdoor Facilities. Requests for ongoing use of outdoor facilities will be accepted as follows:
For outdoor facility use beginning April 15 or any time thereafter, requests will be accepted as of February 1 of the scheduling year.
When it is necessary to prioritize facility requests due to potential conflicts, the following priority order will be applied:
Township of Ocean sponsored programs;
Township of Ocean School District sponsored activities;
Township of Ocean based nonprofit organizations;
Requests by others.
Scheduling Procedure Associated with Outdoor Facilities.
Reservations: Groups/individuals who wish to secure a field reservation shall comply with the following:
Complete a request form as provided by the Department of Human Services. Applicant must be at least 22 years of age.
Provide a certificate of insurance naming the Township of Ocean as certificate holder and additional insured.
If the field reservation is secured by an individual who is not associated with any said organization/league and therefore is unable to forward a certificate of insurance from an organization/league, the individual shall sign and submit a Hold Harmless as provided by the Township.
Submit the established reservation fee, if applicable, as noted in Subsection 16-5.3. All checks are payable to the Township of Ocean.
Established fees are assessed for single one-time use and multiple/on-going use.
The Township of Ocean reserves the right to limit the number of reservations based on the good of the general public for facility availability and maintenance needs of the athletic facilities.
Reservation Fees.
Specific field reservation fees are indicated in Subsection 16-5.3.
Individual reservation requests (one-time use) shall be assessed the reservation fee based on the permanent residency of the individual submitting the request.
Reservation requests, submitted on behalf of a team for repeated use of a field, shall include a team roster to determine resident or nonresident fee schedule. If no roster is submitted, nonresident rates shall apply.
Reservation requests, submitted on behalf of an organization for repeated use of a field, shall be assessed the reservation fee based on the location of the organization submitting the request.
Waiver of Fees.
Reservation fees and light fees will be waived in the following instances:
Activities hosted by the Township of Ocean.
School activities recognized and organized by Township of Ocean.
Wanamassa Fire Company as it pertains to use of the fields at Wanamassa Firemen's Memorial Park.
Reservation fees and light fees may be waived if it is determined that the following criteria(s) have been satisfied based on the point system noted. At least five points are needed for a waiver of fees.
Township of Ocean community based organizations (or a similarly constituted entity). (2 points)
Any organization which actively publicizes program for which reservation is requested, to all residents with no priority given to members of a specific organizations. (2 points)
At least 75% of the participants involved in the activity for which the reservation request is made, permanently reside within the Township of Ocean. (2 points)
A youth based organization which requires volunteers to participate in the Rutgers Youth Sports Council Training and also provide criminal background checks for the volunteers, involved in the program for which reservation is requested, who direct unsupervised contact with youth. (1 point)
Activity, for which the reservation request is made, is not already provided through the Township or an alternate nonprofit entity. (1 point)
Reservation fees will not be waived for the following:
Requests received by private entities.
Special event reservation fees as indicated in Subsection 16-5.3a,2 are not eligible to be waived regardless if noted criteria are satisfied.
Refunds. Reservation fees are nonrefundable. In the event of inclement weather which restricts use of reserved facility, an alternate date may be schedule based on availability.
RESIDENT (INDIVIDUAL) - An individual who permanently resides within the Township of Ocean.
RESIDENT (TEAM) - Team contact and at least 75% of the team roster permanently reside within the Township of Ocean.
RESIDENT (ORGANIZATION) - Organization based in, and whose primary service area is, the Township of Ocean.
PER USE - Not to exceed a two-hour block of time.
COMMERCIAL OR PRIVATE - An entity which provides an activity, which is not sponsored by the Township or by a registered nonprofit, in which a fee is charged and/or a service is offered.
[Ord. 1659, § II; Ord. 1695, § I; Ord. 1741, § I; Ord. 1763, § I; Ord. 1978, § III; Ord. 2036, § I; Ord. 2038, § I; Ord. 2096, § I; Ord. 2142; Ord. 2143; Ord. 2177a; Ord. 2205; Ord. No. 2014-2221; Ord. No. 2015-2247; Ord. No. 2016-2260; amended10-25-2018 by Ord. No. 2309]
The following fees are hereby designated and established and the recreation office is hereby authorized to charge and collect said fees:
West Park Recreation Center — downstairs (per six hours of use).
$280 - $320 (Mondays -Thursdays).
$330 - $370 (Fridays - Sundays).
$340 - $380 (Mondays - Thursdays).
$390 - $430 (Fridays - Sundays).
West Park Recreation Center — upstairs (per six hours of use).
$200 - $240 (Mondays - Thursdays).
$250 - $290 (Fridays - Sundays).
$260 - $300 (Mondays - Thursdays).
$310 - $350 (Fridays - Sundays).
Oakhurst Park Meeting Room (per six hours of use).
$230 - $270 (Mondays - Thursdays).
$280 - $290 (Fridays - Sundays).
$300 - $350 (Mondays - Thursdays).
$350 - $400 (Fridays - Sundays).
For events in which the rental fee is waived but a Facility Supervisor is assigned, the group will pay a fee of $25 per hour from the start of the event until the facility is cleaned and locked (maximum of six hours of use).
A facility renter may request to extend their use of a meeting room. If approved, there will be an additional charge of $50 per hour. This arrangement will be considered up to four weeks prior to the scheduled event. Events will not be extended on the day of the function.
For events hosted in the large meeting room of the West Park Recreation Center, that accommodate between 85 and 130 guests and at which alcohol is on the premises, the Department reserves the right to schedule a second facility supervisor at an additional cost of $100 to be paid by the facility renter.
Municipal Gymnasium.
Gym rental fees (per hour):
Resident group: $55;
Nonresident group: $100;
Township of Ocean Board of Education: *$20 (*May be applied as a credit toward Township of Ocean use of Board of Education facilities);
Nonresident Board of Education: $80.
[Amended 12-30-2021 by Ord. No. 2374]
Teen and adult sports (per activity):
Residents: $15 to $75 per participant.
Nonresidents: $20 to $85 per participant.
Youth sports (per activity):
Residents: $20 to $85 per participant.
Nonresidents: $30 to $100 per participant.
Youth/adult instruction (per activity):
Residents: $15 to $200 per participant.
Nonresidents: $20 to $250 per participant.
Youth/adult activities (per activity):
Resident: $10 to $100 per participant.
Nonresident: $15 to $120 per participant.
Summer recreation (per two-week session):
Residents: $75 to $120 per participant.
Nonresidents: $100 to $150 per participant.
Summer Full Day recreation (per week):
Residents: $125 to $300 per participant.
Nonresidents: $140 to $400 per participant.
Project Extend Morning Child Care (per month):
Residents: $55 to $145 per participant.
Project Extend Afternoon Child Care (per month):
Residents: $75 to $245 per participant.
Project Extend Summer Care (per week):
Residents: $80 to $215 per participant.
Nonresidents: $80 to $265 per participant.
Project Extend Fees:
[Amended 1-26-2023 by Ord. No. 2409]
Special Activity Fee: $5 to $100 per participant.
Registration Fee: $50 per family.
Late Payment Fee: $50 per late payment in accord with registration agreement.
Maximum Family Fee for Project Extend (per month) - not to exceed $600; does not include holiday care or half-day care fees, late fees or returned check fees.
Field Reservation Fees.
Reservation Fees. The following fee schedule has been established to reserve the softball and baseball fields located at Wanamassa Firemen's Park. Per use shall be scheduled in two-hour blocks of time.
Resident/Field/2 1/2 Hr. Use
Nonresident/Field/2 1/2 Hr. Use
Commercial or Private/Field/2 1/2 Hr. Use
Softball or baseball field
$25 - $50
$50 - $100
$85 - $170
Softball or baseball field (with lights)
$75 - $120
$110 - $200
$150 - $250
Special Event Reservation Fees. A nonprofit organization that meets the criteria as set forth in Subsection 16-4.3f that requests and has reserved two or more fields at one location for the purpose of hosting a special event fundraiser (i.e., tournament) shall have its reservation fees and light fees waived although additional fees may apply from other municipal departments (Public Works, Police Department) as it pertains to traffic/crowd control, maintenance, repairs, etc.
Clean-Up Fee. Reservation holders who fail to leave the facility in appropriate condition, will be assessed a minimum $100 clean-up fee and will jeopardize future use of municipal facilities. It is expected that trash/recyclables will be placed in the appropriate containers on site or carried off site if said containers have been filled to capacity.
There shall be a $10 service fee for all cancelled registrations and facility rentals.
Entities who are granted use of the festival grounds in the southeast quadrant of the Joe Palaia Park shall pay a $600 fee per day, be responsible for all electrical usage charges, and be responsible for all labor costs associated with clean-up, special set-up, crowd control and traffic control.
Vendor Permit Fee. $150/season (Seasons: January through June and/or July through December). The Township reserves the right to limit the number of permits issued for like items (i.e., vending carts or ice cream trucks). Vendor permit does not allow access to park locations during Township-sponsored special events (i.e., July 4th Celebration) or events sponsored by outside organizations which have received authorization for park use (i.e., Soccer Club Tournament, Ocean Township Festival, etc.).
The recreation office may at its discretion discount or waive the fee for recreation programs for those individuals demonstrating financial hardship.
The recreation office may discount or waive the fee for public service organizations desiring to utilize any picnic, ballfield or indoor recreation facility.
The recreation office may waive or reduce fees in effort to increase utilization and associated revenue.
Greens fee schedule noted includes reduced rates for evening hours and participation in league play and special events and promotions.
Greens Fees (17-61 years):
Residents: $12 - $40.
Nonresidents: $12 - $50.
Greens Fees (62 years +):
Residents: $12 - $40.
Nonresidents: $12 - $50.
Greens Fees (7-16 years):
Residents: $10 - $40.
Nonresidents: $10 - $50.
Equipment Rental Fees:
Residents: $2 - $30.
Nonresidents: $2 - $40.
Rental Fees for Picnic Grove.
Resident: $35 - $50.
Nonresident: $65 - $100.
Commercial Use: $65 - $150.
Rental Fees for Ballfields (Softball, Soccer and multipurpose fields). Fees per field per 2 1/2 hour use.
Resident: $10 - $50.
Nonresident: $30 - $100.
Commercial Use: $65 - $150.
Rental Fees for Band Shell at Joe Palaia Park. Fees per two-hour use.
Resident: $25 - $50.
Non-Resident: $50 - $100.
Commercial Use: $65 - $150.
[Added 12-8-2022 by Ord. No. 2405]
The Township Council of the Township of Ocean does hereby declare and establish that the municipal golf course of the Township of Ocean, commonly known as the "The William F. Larkin Golf Course at Colonial Terrace", shall hereafter be operated and maintained as a self-liquidating public utility for all purposes of the Local Bond Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:2-1 et seq. and Local Budget Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:4-1 et seq. of the State of New Jersey. The said golf course enterprise, together with all real property inventory, accounts receivable, contracts or other personality, shall hereafter be the property of the said utility.
[Added 12-8-2022 by Ord. No. 2405]
Said utility is hereby authorized to receive such fees, rents, rates or other charges for or in connection with the use or services of such municipal public utility, which sums shall be held, used and applied in accordance with the Local Bond Law and the Local Budget Law of the State of New Jersey, as well as other applicable statutes.
[Added 12-8-2022 by Ord. No. 2405]
Management of the utility hereinabove established shall be vested in the Township Manager of the Township of Ocean. There is hereby delegated to the Township Manager the power to establish reasonable rules and regulations governing the utility and its operations.