Editor's Note: See also Revised General Ordinances of the Board of Health, Chapter BH9, Public Swimming Pools.
[1972 Code § 121-1]
It shall be unlawful for any person, partnership, association or corporation to establish, construct or maintain in the Borough any swimming pool, bathing beach or bathing establishment, whether for profit or nonprofit, without having first obtained a permit in the manner hereinafter provided. Any such permit may be suspended for cause by the Borough Council or upon the recommendations of the local Health Officials and a representative of the State Board of Health.
[1972 Code § 121-2]
Applications for commercial and nonprofit pool and bathing club permits shall be made to the Borough Council, which may, in its discretion and on compliance with the following rules and regulations, issue a license in writing upon payment of an annual license fee of $250 for such pool or beach, which shall expire on the thirty-first day of December in the year of issuance, and may be renewed upon the payment of the fee per annum, which permit shall not be transferable without the consent of the Mayor and Council.
In addition to the annual license fee, in the event of an unsatisfactory inspection by the Board of Health of the swimming pool, bathing beach or bathing establishment that shall require a reinspection, the owner of the permit as defined in subsection 25-1.1 above, shall be required to pay a reinspection fee of $50 for each reinspection of the pool facilities required to be undertaken by the Board of Health until a written satisfactory inspection report has been submitted to the Mayor and Borough Council.
[1972 Code § 121-3]
As used in this chapter:
Shall mean a corporation or domestic corporation which is organized pursuant to the "New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation Act," N.J.S.A. 15A:1-1 et seq.
Shall mean swimming pools, bathing beaches and bathing establishments where bathing and swimming are allowed, whether in artificial pools or the lakes or watercourses of the Borough, and which may be maintained or operated for the purpose of profit. This shall be construed to include apparatus, equipment and premises on which any swimming pool, bathing beach or bathing establishment is located, or the premises appurtenant thereto. The term "bathing establishment" shall hereafter be used in this chapter to include all swimming pools, bathing beaches and bathing establishments as aforesaid.
[1972 Code § 121-5]
Every bathing establishment shall be so designed and constructed and shall be maintained and operated as to be clean and sanitary at all times.
[1972 Code § 121-6]
In artificial pools, the inlets for fresh or repurified water and outlets shall be so located and spaced as to secure a maximum of dispersion of the inflowing water to the pool.
[1972 Code § 121-7]
Dressing rooms shall be so constructed as to facilitate thorough cleaning.
[1972 Code § 121-8]
Adequate and proper toilet facilities, conveniently located for use immediately before entering the pool, lake or watercourse, shall be provided at all bathing establishments.
[1972 Code § 121-9]
Adequate shower bath facilities shall be provided at all bathing establishments.
[1972 Code § 121-10]
The Board of Health or its duly authorized agent has the right of access to any bathing establishment at all times for the purpose of taking water samples and making inspection of the premises.
In the event that any apparatus used for the purpose of disinfecting swimming pool water shall become incapacitated and repairs are not made within the period of four hours, the Board of Health shall be immediately notified and the Board of Health shall then determine as to the future operation of the swimming pool until the necessary repairs are made.
[1982 Code § 121-11]
The water in any swimming pool must not be permitted to become acid at any time when the pool is in use. The water in any lake or watercourse used for swimming or bathing purposes in connection with any bathing establishments must be subject to tests by the local and State Boards of Health as to purity and safety for bathing purposes.
[1972 Code § 121-12]
Every bathing establishment shall be under the personal supervision of an operator, who shall keep a daily record of the number of persons using the pool or swimming facilities and, in the case of a swimming pool, when the bottom and sides of such pool are cleaned and the results of all excess chlorine tests.
[1972 Code § 121-13]
All rental bathing suits and towels shall be washed with soap and water or disinfectant and thoroughly dried after each use.
[1972 Code § 121-14]
Every bathing establishment shall be under the supervision of a competent attendant, who shall require a careful observation of sanitary regulations.
[1972 Code § 121-15]
No person showing evidence of sore or inflamed eyes, mouth, nose or ear discharges, skin eruptions, open lesions or any evidence of a communicable disease shall use any swimming pool, lake or watercourse used as a bathing establishment. No intoxicated person shall be permitted to use any swimming pool, lake or watercourse used as a bathing establishment.
[1972 Code § 121-16]
Placards reciting regulations as herein provided, and any other regulations of the Board of Health as may be issued from time to time, shall be posted conspicuously at the pool or enclosure and in the dressing rooms and offices of the bathing establishment.
[1972 Code § 121-17]
The right is granted to close any and all bathing establishments without notice, in case of epidemic or disease which the local Board of Health and the State Board of Health may jointly have reason to believe may be transmitted through the use of bathing establishments, or because of continued failure to meet the standards as set forth in this chapter
[1972 Code § 121-18]
A swimming instructor, lifeguard or other person trained in methods of lifesaving and artificial resuscitation must be on duty at all times when the pool is open to bathers.
Suitable lifesaving equipment must be provided and be readily accessible at all pools.
A standard first aid kit must be provided at all bathing establishments.
A safe unobstructed headroom must be provided above the free end of all springboards. The elevation of diving boards or towers above the water levels should not exceed the safe limit for unskilled divers. Construction of all public swimming pools shall conform, at a minimum, with the requirements in N.J.A.C. 8:26-1.1 et seq.
Boisterous or rough play, except supervised sports, shall be prohibited in the pool, on sidewalks, diving boards, floats, etc.
[1972 Code § 121-19]
No outdoor bathing establishment shall be kept open later than 10:00 p.m. prevailing time unless by special permission of the Mayor or President of the Council.
[1972 Code § 121-20; New]
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a penalty as stated in Chapter I, Section 1-5, General Penalty.