[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Montague 12-9-57. Section 65-15 amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I. Other amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A vehicle which is or may be used for living or sleeping purposes, so designed that it is or may be mounted on wheels and used as a conveyance, either through its own or other motive power; except, however, Pullman cars and devices used upon stationary rails or tracks.
A tract of land used for the location of or to accommodate two or more trailers, not including lots on which unoccupied trailers are exhibited for purposes of sale only.
Any person, firm or corporation owning, leasing or controlling any tract or parcel of land in said township on which two or more trailers are used or intended for use as living accommodations shall be deemed the proprietor of a trailer camp; and it shall be unlawful for him or it to operate a trailer camp without a license from the Township of Montague.
It shall be incumbent upon the proprietor of a trailer camp to cause trailers therein to be located so as to be at least 40 feet from any public road or street and 25 feet from any other trailer or structure, and in uniform rows so that continuous alleyways not less than 25 feet in width are maintained to permit access to the camp from a street or public road, for the protection of life, health and public welfare.
Unless central buildings containing running water and toilet facilities with proper and approved septic tanks or sewer connections to conform with regulations of the State Board of Health and municipal health ordinances are provided and maintained for the use of trailer residents, guests and invitees, each trailer shall, within one day after it is parked in a trailer camp, be connected with proper septic tank or sewerage disposal system to provide sanitation in accordance with state and municipal health regulations.
It shall be incumbent upon the proprietor of a trailer camp to keep a register and to record therein the name of the person or head of the family occupying each of said trailers showing the date of entry on said lands, license number of the automobile, number and description of the trailer, the last permanent address of the person or head of the family using said trailer and the names of all persons using or living in each trailer.
Said register and said trailer camp shall be subject to inspection at all times upon request of the Township Committee or its duly authorized agents.
The following regulations shall be complied with:
The park shall be maintained in a clean, orderly and sanitary condition at all times.
No dogs, cats or other animals shall be permitted to run at large in the park or elsewhere.
At least one hand fire extinguisher of a type approved by the Board of Fire Underwriters for each five trailers within a trailer camp shall be provided and made available for use by occupants at all times.
Any license granted hereunder may be revoked or suspended after notice and hearing before the Township Committee for failure to comply with these regulations and the payment of the license fee herein provided.
Any person, firm or corporation desiring to operate a trailer camp shall first make application in writing for a license to the Township Committee, which said application shall describe the lot, tract or area to be used for such trailer camp, and shall deposit therewith the sum of $200 for the basic license fee to cover a twelve-month period from the date of issuance of the license. Licenses shall be renewable annually, subject to payment of like fees and further subject to compliance with regulations hereunder.
The licensee shall, between the first and 10th day of each month during the license period, report in writing to the Municipal Clerk the number of the trailers in said camp within the preceding month, and shall pay therewith a fee of one dollar ($1) per day for each trailer that has been accommodated in said camp for the preceding month or any part thereof.
Said fees are hereby expressly declared to be imposed for revenue purposes.
[Amended 12-12-67]
It shall be unlawful to park or locate a trailer, except mobile travel trailers under certain conditions as provided in § 65-12, below, in the Township of Montague other than in a licensed trailer camp, except that this provision shall not apply to any trailers located in the Township of Montague at the time this section is finally adopted, nor shall this provision apply to transients using public highways who may park thereon for not more than three hours for the purpose of shopping or otherwise, if in conformity with all traffic regulations.
[Added 12-12-67; amended 9-8-15 by Ord. No. 2015-08]
A mobile travel trailer may be located in the Township of Montague in a trailer park, as regulated by this chapter, or in a private campground regulated and licensed under the Private Campgrounds Code adopted by the Township Committee of Montague Township,[1] and said mobile travel trailers may also be stored and located in any place with the permission of the owner, so long as said mobile travel trailer is not used for living or sleeping accommodations, subject to compliance with applicable zoning requirements.
Editor's Note; See Ch. 31, Campgrounds, Private.
No trailer shall be placed or permitted on privately owned lands in said township nearer to any building or side line of a lot than 25 feet or nearer a public street or highway than 40 feet.
Except as provided in § 65-4, no trailer shall be used for living accommodations in Montague Township unless it is connected with an approved septic tank or sewer system and is serviced with running water.
[9-14-76 by Ord. No. 76-15]
Any person, firm or corporation who violates any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof before a court of competent jurisdiction, be subject to a fine not exceeding $500 or imprisonment for a term of not exceeding 90 days, or both. Each day that such violation exists shall constitute a separate offense and be punishable by such fine or imprisonment, or both.