No building, grading, or sediment control permit shall be issued
until a satisfactory stormwater management plan (or a waiver thereof)
shall have undergone a review and been approved by the Village, after
determining that the plan or waiver is consistent with the requirements
of this chapter. After review of the stormwater management plan, and
modifications to that plan as deemed necessary by the Village, a stormwater
management final plan must be submitted to the Village for approval.
The stormwater management plan shall at a minimum include the following:
A. Contact information. The name, address, and telephone number of all
persons having a legal interest in the property and the tax reference
number and parcel number of the property or properties affected.
B. Topographic base map. One inch equals 200 feet topographic base map
of the site, which extends a minimum of 100 feet beyond the limits
of the proposed development and indicates existing surface water drainage
including streams, ponds, culverts, ditches, and wetlands; current
land use including all existing structures; locations of utilities,
roads, and easements; and significant natural and man-made features
not otherwise shown.
C. Calculations. Hydrologic and hydraulic design calculations for the
predevelopment and post-development conditions for the design storms.
D. Soils information. If a stormwater BMP depends on the hydrologic
properties of soils (e.g., infiltration basins), then a soils report
shall be submitted. The soils report shall be based on on-site boring
logs or soil pit profiles. The number and location of required soil
borings or soil sites shall be determined based on what is needed
to determine the suitability and distribution of soil types present
at the location of the BMP.
E. Maintenance and repair plan. The design and planning of all stormwater
management facilities shall include detailed maintenance and repair
procedures to ensure their continued function. These plans will identify
the chapters or components of a stormwater BMP that need to be maintained
and the equipment and skills or training necessary. Provisions for
the periodic review and evaluation of the effectiveness of the maintenance
program and the need for revisions or additional maintenance procedures
shall be included in the plan.
F. Landscaping plan. The applicant must present a detailed plan for
management of vegetation at the site after construction is finished,
including who will be responsible for the maintenance of vegetation
at the site and what practices will be employed to ensure that adequate
vegetative cover is preserved.
G. Stormwater best management practices operations and maintenance agreement.
Proof of a recorded stormwater best management practices operations
and maintenance agreement binding on all subsequent owners of land
served by stormwater BMPs, to ensure maintenance and repair in accordance
with the specifications of this chapter.