[Adopted 12-2-2019 by Order No. 2019-125 (Ch. 18.30 of the 1993 Code)]
It is the purpose of this article to achieve a reduction in the use of disposable plastic shopping bags by retail establishments in the City, thereby advancing solid waste reduction, protecting marine ecosystems, protecting waterways, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This article seeks to reduce the number of plastic bags that are being used, discarded and littered, and to promote the use of reusable checkout bags and recyclable paper bags by retail establishments located in the City.
The following words shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly requires otherwise. When not inconsistent with the context, words in the singular number include the plural. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory.
Any retail check-out bag made predominantly of plastic, derived either from petroleum, natural gas, or a biologically based source, such as corn or other plant sources, which is provided to the customer at the point of sale.
The term "disposable plastic shopping bag" shall include:
Degradable plastic bags; and
Biodegradable plastic bags which are not commercially compostable as well as commercially compostable plastic bags.
The term " disposable plastic shopping bag" shall not include:
Reusable bags;
Produce bags; or
Product bags.
As used in the foregoing definition, the term "produce bag" or "product bag" shall mean any bag without handles used exclusively to carry produce, meats, seafood or other food items to the point of sale inside a retail store, or used to prevent such items from coming into contact with other purchased items.
A paper bag which is 100% recyclable and contains at least 40% post-consumer recycled content and displays the words "Recyclable" and "Made from 40% post-consumer recyclable content" in a visible manner on the exterior of such bag.
Any carry-out bag provided by a retail establishment to a customer at the point of sale. Such bags shall not include:
Bags, whether plastic or not, in which loose produce or bulk products are placed by the consumer to carry such items to the point of sale or checkout area of a retail establishment.
Laundry or dry cleaner bags.
Newspaper bags.
Bags used to contain or wrap frozen foods, meats or fish, whether pre-packaged or not, to prevent or contain moisture and/or to prevent contamination.
Any commercial enterprise, whether for or not for profit, including, but not limited to, restaurants, pharmacies, convenience stores, grocery stores, liquor stores, seasonal and temporary businesses, jewelry stores, and household goods stores.
A bag that is specifically designed and manufactured for multiple re-use, and is made of either polyester, polypropylene, cotton, or other durable material or composition, and meets the following standards:
Has a minimum lifetime capability of 125 or more uses carrying 22 or more pounds; and
Is machine washable or is made of material which can be cleaned or disinfected a minimum of 125 times.
No retail establishment shall provide a disposable plastic shopping bag to any customer for the purpose of enabling the customer to carry away goods from the point of sale. No provision of this article shall be read to preclude any establishment from offering reusable bags to customers for sale to customers or utilizing recyclable bags at checkout.
The penalty for violation of the provisions of this article by an establishment, following the issuance of a written warning notice to the establishment, shall be $50, and $100 for each subsequent violation. A warning notice for an initial violation shall provide at least 14 days for correction of such violation. No fine for a second or continuing violation shall be issued until at least 14 days after a warning is issued. This article may be enforced by any police officer or any agent of the City's Health Department, or by the Board of Licensing Commissioners.