[Adopted 3-9-2020 by Ord. No. 20-3]
There shall be a Town Manager appointed by a majority vote of all members of the Commissioners. He or she shall serve at the pleasure of the Commissioners, and the Commissioners shall determine the Town Manager's compensation. The Town Manager may be removed by a majority vote of all members of the Commissioners, but that removal shall not become effective until at least 30 days after written notice of removal is issued. The Commissioners shall appoint or designate an acting Town Manager if the Town Manager's position is vacant or if the Town Manager is unable to serve. Neither the President nor any member of the Town Commissioners may be appointed Town Manager during his term of office or within one year thereafter, except in the event of a national emergency.
The Town Manager shall have the authority to and shall be required to:
Be the chief administrative officer of the Town, see that governing laws, regulations, and ordinances are faithfully executed and enforced.
Be the head of the administrative branch of the Town government.
Appoint and remove all subordinate officers and employees of the Town in accordance with the rules and regulations of any merit system adopted by the Town.
Make an annual report and other reports to the Commissioners and to the public from time to time on the condition of municipal affairs.
Make recommendations to the Commissioners for the public good and welfare of the Town.
Arrange for the taking of minutes of all the Commissioners' meetings and keeping a full and accurate account of the proceedings of the Commissioners.
Sign contracts, bonds, or other instruments that require the assent of the Town.
Do such other things as the Commissioners may require, or as may be required elsewhere in the Charter, by state law, or by ordinance.