[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Bridgeville 4-14-2003 by Ord. No. A03-3. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Commissioners of Bridgeville may award to each organized volunteer fire service or organized provider of other emergency services in the Town of Bridgeville annual grants which may be in addition to all other grants or payments made by the Commissioners of Bridgeville to them. The grants shall be known as the "Bridgeville Emergency Services Enhancement Funding Program."
On or before January 31 of each year, the Commissioners of Bridgeville shall receive from the Town Treasurer his/her estimate of the funds that may be available for grants as a result of the imposition of the surcharge described hereinafter.
On or before February 28 next following, the Commissioners of Bridgeville shall receive from volunteer fire service and other organized providers of fire protection and emergency services to the Town of Bridgeville applications for grants and shall recommend for inclusion in the annual budget the distribution of the estimated funds which may be available for grants. The recommendation shall be reviewed by the Commissioners of Bridgeville, and they shall make the final determination as to the distribution of the grants, the method of distribution, establish periodic or annual amounts to be distributed and such determination shall be a part of the annual budget adopted by it.
The Bridgeville Emergency Services Enhancement Funding Program grants shall be funded by means of, and there is hereby imposed, a surcharge of not less than .25% and not to exceed .50% of the construction value shown in the applications for building permits issued by the Town of Bridgeville. Said surcharge shall be paid to and collected by the Town as are all other building permit fees.
Each volunteer fire service or other organized provider of fire protection and emergency services to the Town of Bridgeville accepting grants from the Bridgeville Emergency Services Enhancement Funding Program shall annually submit to the Town Treasurer, or his/her designee, its financial statement and shall further identify those costs or expenses which have been paid for by grant funds.
The Town Treasurer is hereby authorized to promulgate such rules and regulations, including required audit, as he/she deems necessary for the purpose of giving full force and effect to the provisions of this chapter.
The collection of the surcharge and the award of grants shall commence in fiscal year 2004.