[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Mount Holly Springs 12-11-1961 as (Ch. I, Part 5, of the 1979 Code of Ordinances). Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The Council of the Borough of Mount Holly Springs, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, hereby signifies its intention and desire to organize an Authority under the provisions of the Municipality Authorities Act, 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5601 et seq., its amendments and supplements for the purposes of exercising any and all powers conferred by said Act necessary and incidental to acquiring, holding, constructing, improving, maintaining and operating, owning and leasing, either in capacity of lessor or lessee, of sewers, sewage systems or parts thereof, sewage treatment works, including works for treating and disposing of industrial waste, and waterworks, water supply works, and water distribution systems.
The Mayor, President of Council and the Secretary of the Borough hereby are authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the Borough of Mount Holly Springs, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Articles of Incorporation for said Authority, in substantially the following form:
To the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:
In compliance with the requirements of the Act of May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, known as the "Municipality Authorities Act of 1945," as amended and supplemented, and pursuant to an ordinance adopted by the municipal authorities of the Borough of Mount Holly Springs, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, expressing the intention and desire of the municipal authorities of said municipality to organize a municipal authority under said Act, the said municipality hereby does certify:
The name of the Authority is "Mount Holly Springs Borough Authority."
The said Authority is formed under the provisions of the Act of May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, known as the "Municipality Authorities Act of 1945," as amended and supplemented.
No other Authority has been organized under the said Municipality Authorities Act of 1945, as amended and supplemented, or under the Act of June 28, 1935, P.L. 463, as amended, and is in existence in or for the incorporating municipality.
The name of the incorporating municipality is: Borough of Mount Holly Springs, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.
The names and addresses of the municipal authorities of said incorporating municipality are: . . .
The names and addresses and terms of office of the first members of the Board of the said Authority, each of whom is a resident and citizen of said incorporating municipality, are as follows: . . .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Borough of Mount Holly Springs, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, has caused these Articles of Incorporation to be executed by its Mayor and its President of Council, attested by its Secretary, and the seal of the Borough to be affixed, this _____ day of __________, 1961.
President of Council
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The following named persons be and they hereby are appointed as the first members of the Board of the Authority for the following terms of offices as indicated in a complete copy of this legislation on file in the Borough offices.
The adoption of this chapter is deemed necessary for the benefit and preservation of the public health, peace, comfort and general welfare of, and will increase the prosperity of, the people of the Borough of Mount Holly Springs, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.