The purpose of this district is to encourage the production
of low- and moderate-income housing in conformance with the latest
procedural and substantive rules for affordable housing as determined
by the courts or other applicable authority, by permitting inclusionary
townhouse and multifamily development subject to the PRD-2 regulations
enumerated herein. This article is created in fulfillment of a settlement
agreement by and between the Borough of Old Tappan, New Jersey, and
the Fair Share Housing Center in connection with the Borough of Old
Tappan's declaratory judgment action captioned "In the Matter of the
Application of the Borough of Old Tappan" bearing docket number BER-L-6086-15
pursuant to In re the Adoption of N.J.A.C. 5:96 and 5:97 by the Council
on Affordable Housing, 221 N.J. 1 (2015).
Development within the PRD-2 District shall be governed by the Old Tappan Code, except where the provisions of the Residential Site Improvement Standards supersede or as specified in this Article
XXII, §§
255-108 through
255-121. Where the standards set forth herein in Article
XXII, §§
255-108 through
255-121 conflict with any applicable provisions of Chapters
218, and
255, the standards of this Article
XXII, §§
255-108 through
255-121 shall apply.
The definitions provided by §
255-4 shall apply within the PRD-2 District, except as indicated herein. The following definitions shall apply only within the PRD-2 District, shall supplement any nonconflicting definitions within §
255-4, and shall supersede any conflicting definitions within §
A dwelling unit in a building containing three or more family
or household units.
The boundary between any two or more lots created by subdivision
and located entirely in the PRD-2 District.
Refers to a subdivided portion of the tract, constituting a lot, on which mixed-use development as permitted by §
255-111C is or is to be located.
The vertical distance of exposed wall measured from the lowest
finished grade at each given point at the building wall to the elevation
of the roof deck at that same given point. Any parapet, structure,
apparatus, utilities, and/or equipment located on the roof may extend
no more than four feet above the permitted multifamily dwelling height,
with the exception of elevator overrides, which may extend no more
than six feet above the permitted multifamily dwelling height.
Refers to a subdivided portion of the tract, constituting
a lot, on which multifamily dwelling(s) are or are to be located.
A space available for the parking of a motor vehicle.
A portion of a building or structure designed for, or occupied
by, no more than one family or household, having its own private entrance,
and attached to one or more townhouses within the same building or
structure by one or more party walls. Portions of townhouses may be
located above another townhouse (i.e., a stacked townhouse).
The vertical distance of any exposed building wall measured
from the lowest finished grade at the building wall to the peak of
a sloped roof. Any parapet, structure, apparatus, utilities, and/or
equipment located on the roof may extend no more than four feet above
the permitted townhouse building height.
A subdivided portion of the tract, constituting a lot, on
which townhouses are or are to be located.
The entirety of land within the PRD-2 District.
Permitted uses shall be limited to the following:
A. Townhouses may have a maximum of three bedrooms.
B. Apartments, either within a multifamily dwelling or on the upper
levels of a building with nonresidential development on the first
floor. Market-rate apartments throughout the tract shall have a maximum
of up to 20% three-bedroom units, a minimum of 20% one-bedroom units,
and a maximum of 80% two-bedroom units.
C. Mixed-use development consisting of ground floor nonresidential development
as permitted within the B-1, Local Business District, and apartment
lobby, with apartments above, located within only that portion of
the property with direct frontage on Old Tappan Road, subject to the
minimum area and bulk requirements of the PRD-2 Zone. Drive-throughs
shall be permitted for any permitted nonresidential use component
of mixed-use development, with the exception of restaurant or refreshment
D. Multiple principal permitted uses are permitted on a single lot or
tract within the PRD-2 District.
The following architectural design standards set forth in this §
255-115 shall apply to multifamily dwellings and mixed-use development in the PRD-2 Zone.
A. Facade design.
Horizontal articulation between floors. Each mixed-use facade
facing a public right-of-way should be designed to have a delineated
floor line between street level and upper floors. This delineation
can be in the form of a masonry belt course, a concrete lintel or
a cornice line delineated by detailing.
Vertical articulation. Each building facade facing a public
right of way must have elements of vertical articulation comprised
of columns, piers, recessed windows or entry designs, overhangs, ornamental
projection of the molding, or recessed portions of the main surface
of the wall itself. The vertical articulations shall be designed in
accordance with the following:
Each vertical articulation must be a maximum of 40 feet apart.
Each vertical articulation must be a minimum of one foot deep.
Each projection, excluding projections of the main wall surface
that are not designed as overhangs, may extend into the required front
yard a maximum of two feet in depth.
Building walls with expansive blank walls are prohibited on
any Non- residential and/or mixed-use building facade facing Old Tappan
At least 30% of the first floor primary building frontage used
for retail or office shall be clear window glass permitting a view
of the building(s) interior. This percentage shall be calculated within
the area of the building facade that is located between three feet
and 10 feet above sidewalk level.
Doors and windows in retail and office uses should cover a minimum
of 40% of the building frontage on the street level.
A minimum of 40% of the front door in retail and office uses
shall consist of glass in order to maximize the visibility of the
store interior.
Recessed entries are encouraged to create additional pedestrian
environs, provide shelter for sidewalk patrons and enlarged windows
in the district.
B. Materials.
Exterior building materials shall be classified as either primary,
secondary or accent materials. The facade must be designed in accordance
with the following:
The primary material shall cover at least 50% of the facade
of the building.
Secondary materials shall cover not more than 40% of the facade.
Accent materials may include door and window frames, lintels,
cornices and other elements and may cover no more than 10% of the
C. Roof lines/building height.
The provisions of this §
255-115C shall apply to all buildings that do not have a sloped roof. The top of such buildings must be capped by a cornice.
An additional four feet in height for ornamentation such as
parapets and cornices is permitted. This additional height is only
permitted along a maximum of 66% of the facade to encourage a varying
roof line.
In addition to §
255-115C(2) above, for each portion of a building that provides cornices and similar appurtenances for ornamental purposes, such elements may not be more than 25 feet in length each.
All roof-mounted equipment shall be screened from public view
by use of parapet walls.
D. Awnings and canopies.
Canopies and awnings are encouraged at the ground floor level.
In buildings with multiple storefronts, all awnings or canopies
shall be designed of compatible materials.
Awnings and cornices shall be designed with a minimum vertical
clearance of seven feet and shall not extend more than five feet from
the face of the building.
Awnings and canopies are permitted to encroach within the front
yard setback.
In accordance with the settlement agreement between the Borough of Old Tappan, New Jersey, and the Fair Share Housing Center in connection with the Borough of Old Tappan's declaratory judgment action captioned "In the Matter of the Application of the Borough of Old Tappan" bearing docket number BER-L-6086-15 pursuant to In re the Adoption of N.J.A.C. 5:96 and 5:97 by the Council on Affordable Housing, 221 N.J. 1 (2015), the following requirements for low-and moderate-income dwelling units shall apply. To the extent the terms of this Article
XXII, §§
255-108 through
255-121, are inconsistent with any of the provisions of Ordinance No. 1144-19 ("the Borough Affordable Housing Ordinance"), the terms of this Article
XXII, §§
255-108 through
255-121 shall control.
A. Low- and moderate-income (Mount Laurel) housing requirements:
Market-rate and minimum low- and moderate-income housing set-aside:
The total number of affordable housing units shall not be less than
15% for rental units and 20% for for-sale units.
All affordable housing units shall be deed restricted as affordable
units for a minimum of 30 years.
Except to the extent specifically provided for herein, all low-
and moderate-income housing units shall be in conformance with the
latest applicable rules for affordable housing as determined by the
Council on Affordable Housing, the Uniform Housing and Affordability
Controls Act, N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1 et seq. ("UHAC"), the courts or other
applicable authority, as determined appropriate, including such issues
as phasing of building low- and moderate-income units in concert with
market-rate units.
Bedroom distribution of low- and moderate-income housing units.
Subject to the most current applicable COAH or other rules, the bedroom
distribution of low- and moderate-income units for affordable units
constructed in the PRD-2 Zone shall be as follows:
No more than 20% of the low- and moderate-income units shall
be one-bedroom units.
At least 20% of the low- and moderate-income units shall be
three-bedroom units, one of which shall be affordable for a very-low-income
At least 30% of the low- and moderate-income units shall be
two-bedroom units.
Low- and moderate-income unit split. With regard to for-sale
low-, and moderate-income units, 50% of all low- and moderate-income
units shall be for moderate-income households, 37% shall be for low-income
households, and 13% shall be for very-low-income households, at 30%
of median income. With regard to rental low- and moderate-income units,
at least 36% shall be for moderate-income households, at least 47%
shall be for low-income households, and at least 15% shall be for
very-low-income households, at 30% of median income.
Notwithstanding Article
II and §§
80-6D(7) and
80-9B of the Borough Affordable Housing Ordinance, initial rents and sale prices shall be established based on the income limits as most recently published by the Affordable Housing Professionals of New Jersey at the time such units are rented or sold. Income limits shall be updated by the Borough annually within 30 days of the publication of determinations of median income by HUD as follows:
Regional income limits shall be established for the region that
the Borough is located within based on the median income by household
size, which shall be established by a regional weighted average of
the uncapped Section 8 income limits published by HUD. To compute
this regional income limit, the HUD determination of median county
income for a family of four is multiplied by the estimated households
within the county according to the most recent decennial Census. The
resulting product for each county within the housing region is summed.
The sum is divided by the estimated total households from the most
recent decennial Census in the Borough's housing region. This quotient
represents the regional weighted average of median income for a household
of four. The income limit for a moderate-income unit for a household
of four shall be 80% of the regional weighted average median income
for a family of four. The income limit for a low-income unit for a
household of four shall be 50% of the HUD determination of the regional
weighted average median income for a family of four. The income limit
for a very-low-income unit for a household of four shall be 30% of
the regional weighted average median income for a family of four.
These income limits shall be adjusted by household size based on multipliers
used by HUD to adjust median income by household size. In no event
shall the income limits be less than those for the previous year.
The regional asset limit used in determining an applicant's
eligibility for affordable housing pursuant to NJAC 5:80-26.16(b)(3)
shall be calculated annually by taking the percentage increase of
the income limits over the previous year's income limits, and applying
the same percentage increase to the regional asset limit from the
prior year. In no event shall the regional asset limit be less than
that for the previous year.
Very-low-, low- and moderate-income consolidation permitted. Notwithstanding §
80-6C(1) of the Borough Affordable Housing Ordinance, within the PRD-2 District, very-low-, low- and moderate-income units may be consolidated into a single building or buildings. Such a building need not contain any market-rate units.
Mixed-use, very-low-, low- and moderate-income apartments may
be located on the upper floors of buildings with nonresidential uses
on the first floor. All such very-low-, low- and moderate-income apartments
shall have access to the amenities of the multifamily dwelling.
Notwithstanding §
80-6B of the Borough Affordable Housing Ordinance, the first floor of all low- and moderate-income townhouses and all apartments shall be subject to the technical design standards of the Barrier Free Sub Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23-7. The technical design standards of the Barrier Free Sub Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23-7, shall exclusively control accessibility requirements in the PRD-2 District.
Notwithstanding §
80-8C of the Borough Affordable Housing Ordinance, the master deeds for inclusionary developments in the PRD-2 district may require differing sums as condominium or homeowner association fees and special assessments, provided the basis of calculating such sums is not the affordability of a unit or townhouse.
Construction of low- and moderate-income units associated with
the townhouses shall be required to be undertaken in accordance with
the phasing schedule established by N.J.A.C. 5:97-6.4(d). Construction
of low- and moderate-income units associated with the apartments shall
be required to be undertaken in accordance with the phasing schedule
established by N.J.A.C. 5:97-6.4(d). The phasing schedule established
by N.J.A.C. 5:97-6.4(d) shall not apply to the townhouses and apartments
on a cumulative basis, but rather the phasing schedule for the townhouses
shall be separate and distinct from the phasing schedule for the apartments.
Procedures regarding affirmative marketing of low- and moderate-income units and other requirements of inclusionary development units are subject to and determined by COAH rules or other rules determined appropriate by the court. Notwithstanding §
80-32 of the Borough Affordable Housing Ordinance, affirmative marketing plans shall be approved by the Borough Administrative Agent.
For the avoidance of doubt, development of the nonresidential component of a mixed-use development in the PRD-2 District shall not be exempt from payment of development fees pursuant to Article
IV of Chapter
45 of the Borough Code.