The purpose of this article is to establish procedures to be followed in qualifying candidates for promotion in the Town Rescue service.
[Amended 7-20-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-7]
Candidates for promotion will be accepted from personnel currently employed in the Department who have satisfactorily completed at least three years of service as a Rescue member to apply for Lieutenant and three years as a Lieutenant to apply for Captain. If there are no three-year candidates from the Lieutenant Division, a requirement of one year served as a Lieutenant shall apply.
To qualify, candidates must pass the following qualifying tests:
Oral Examination. The oral examination will be conducted by a panel of three, consisting of two local area Chiefs, Captains or Lieutenants and one Rescue Officer and member in good standing of Local 3023, all with a rank equal to or higher than the examination being given. The Chief may be present during the oral board process.
Written examination.
Such written examination will be given to each candidate under the supervision of the Personnel Board and Chief of Rescue at a time and place chosen by the Chief.
The written exam shall be provided by a third-party testing company and consist of the most current edition of the following categories.
Town of Lincoln policies and procedures.
State of Rhode Island AEMT basic and cardiac protocols.
NFPA 1021 Emergency Incident Officer.
[Amended 7-20-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-7]
Ratings for promotion will be made on the basis of points scored on the tests given, with the oral examination to be given first, with the following weights to apply:
Oral Exam: 25% (25 points maximum), distributed in the following manner:
One to five points: Chief.
One to five points: Education. Enrolled but less than 30 credits: one point; 30 credits but less than 60: two points; 60 credits (associate's degree): three points; greater than 60 but less than 120: four points; bachelor's degree: five points.
Fifteen points total (five points/interviewer): Oral Board.
Written examination:
75% (75 points maximum).
Minimum qualifying score: total of (1) and (2)[1]: 75 points.
Editor's Note: So in original.
All such candidates passing the minimum qualifying score will be given one additional point score for each completed year of Rescue service with the Town Rescue Service, up to, but not exceeding, 12 years.
The additional points will be added to the total score achieved by the addition of the oral and written test scores, but only if the total achieved is no less than 75 points.
[Amended 7-20-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-7]
Within five days of the completion of the tests by the candidates, the Personnel Board will notify the Chief of Rescue Services and the Town Administrator of the final standings of the candidates based on the procedures outlined above. Said list of candidates shall be valid for a period of one year, commencing from the date the list is certified by the Personnel Board. If, during the year, the number of candidates falls to two, the Town shall have the option to post for a new exam(s).
All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
This chapter shall take effect upon passage.