State law reference — Impoundment, G.L. 1956, § 4-13-15.
[Rev. Ords. 1989, § 3-66]
Any dog found running at large shall be seized by the animal control officer and impounded in the dog pound and confined in a humane manner for a period of not less than five days if the dog is not claimed before that time.
[Rev. Ords. 1989, § 3-67]
When a dog is found running at large and its ownership is known to the animal control officer, such dog need not be impounded, but the officer may cite the owner of such dog to appear in court to answer to charges of violation of this chapter.
[Rev. Ords. 1989, § 3-68]
Immediately upon impounding any dog, the animal control officer shall make every possible reasonable effort to notify the owner of the dog and inform him of the conditions whereby he may regain custody of such dog.
[Rev. Ords. 1989, § 3-69]
The owner shall be entitled to regain possession of any impounded dog, except as provided in the case of certain dogs, upon payment of impoundment fees which are on file in the town clerk's office. Proof of ownership may include a license receipt, affidavits of neighbors or a photograph.
[Rev. Ords. 1989, § 3-70]
Any dog impounded hereunder may be reclaimed as herein provided upon payment by the owner to the animal control officer of fees in the amount provided in a schedule on file in the county clerk's office. Such fees shall be collected by the animal control officer and turned over to the town clerk, who shall deposit them with the town finance director.
State law reference — Fees, G.L. 1956, § 4-13-15.
[Rev. Ords. 1989, § 3-71]
Dogs not claimed by their owners before the expiration of five days may be disposed of in a humane manner at the discretion of the animal control officer, except as provided in § 3-72 in the cases of certain dogs.
[Rev. Ords. 1989, § 3-72]
The animal control officer may transfer title to any dog held at the dog pound to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals after the legal detention period has expired and such dog has not been claimed by its owner.