[Rev. Ords. 1989, § 5-41]
No person shall store, keep or have in possession for any purpose or use in any building or place within the town more than five gallons of naphtha, gasoline, benzene, benzol or other hydrocarbon that will flash or inflame at a less temperature than 110° F. unless such person shall have first filed with the town council a statement of the maximum quantity to be kept, stored, or had in possession and of the place where and the manner in which it is to be kept, stored or had in possession by such person. The town council with regard to the public safety must have first approved in writing the maximum quantity, place where, and manner in which it is to be stored, kept or had in possession. It shall not be stored, kept or had in possession by such person in any greater quantity, or in any such other place or manner, than so specified in the approval. Any such approval may be rescinded at any time at the pleasure of the town council.
[Rev. Ords. 1989, § 5-42]
Not more than five barrels in the aggregate of any one or more of the substances stated in § 5-41 shall be stored or kept in any building or place within a thickly settled area or a business section of the town except in a steel tank which shall be located under ground, and the top of such tank which is located in any building shall be below the level of the lowest floor or basement in the building containing the same. All pipes shall be arranged to drain back into the supply tank. If in the opinion of the town council the public safety will be as well or better protected by having the tank other than underground, then it shall be in such other location as may be approved in writing by the town council in the manner aforesaid. Any such approval may be rescinded at any time at the pleasure of the town council.
[Rev. Ords. 1989, § 5-43]
Filler pipes shall not be less than 1 1/4 inches in diameter and located outside of the building, and shall be provided with a screw plug or cap and kept securely locked when not in use.
[Rev. Ords. 1989, § 5-44]
Vent pipes shall not be less than one inch in diameter. They shall be carried to a point not less than 12 feet above the ground level at the filling point. They shall terminate not less than five feet from any door or window opening. They shall be fitted with an approved weather hood screened with a noncorrosive wire screen, not coarser than no. 30 mesh.
[Rev. Ords. 1989, § 5-45]
It shall be the duty of the fire chief to enforce the provisions of this article and such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the town council for the safety of the inhabitants. All violations shall be reported for prosecution.
[Rev. Ords. 1989, § 5-46]
Nothing in this article shall apply to the storage of naphtha, benzine, gasoline or other hydrocarbon in tanks or vehicles using the same for fuel or motive power.