First warden to serve as presiding officer at meetings of certain committees, §
Boards, committees and commissions, §
2-51 et seq.
Editor's Note: Printed herein are the rules of procedure
for appointed boards, committees and commissions, as adopted on February
20, 1994, and amended as follows:
Amended March 16, 1994
Amended August 20, 2008
Further amendments to the rules are indicated by parenthetical
history notes following amended provisions. The absence of a history
note indicates that the provision remains unchanged from the original
adoption and amendments through August 20, 2008. Obvious misspellings
and punctuation errors have been corrected without notation.
The following rules of procedure are to be adopted and used
by all Town Council appointed Boards, Committees and Commissions.
Modified versions may be adopted by any Board, Committee or Commission
after approval by the town Council of any proposed modifications.
1. Upon
the formation of a newly appointed Town Board, Committee and/or Commission,
an organizational meeting will be called to order at which time the
Board, Committee, or Commission will elect a Chair, Vice-Chair and
Secretary which officers shall serve for a one-year term.
2. The
Chair will be the presiding officer at all meetings. In the temporary
absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall exercise all the duties
and prerogatives of the Chair.
3. The
presiding officer shall preserve order and decorum at all meetings
and shall decide all questions of order (subject to an appeal by any
other members of the Board, Committee, or Commission). The presiding
officer may speak on general questions, may make motions and vote
on all questions.
4. The
presiding officer shall propound all questions and motions in the
order in which they are moved unless the subsequent motion be previous
in nature. The presiding officer shall distinctly put every question
to vote.
— A majority of the whole number of members of the Board, Committee,
or Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business
unless otherwise specified by law. At least 24 hours' notice
of the holding of an adjourned meeting shall be given to all members
who were not present at the meeting for which the adjournment was
— A motion shall be carried by the affirmative vote of a majority
of the whole number of members of the Board, Committee, or Commission
and the presiding officer shall declare the passage or defeat of any
motion. In the case of a tie, the motion shall be defeated. Votes
shall be by voice. The presiding officer cannot vote twice (once as
member, then again in the Chair's capacity as presiding officer).
When a conflict of interest arises which prohibits a member from voting
on a motion, the motion shall be carried by the affirmative vote of
a majority of those members of the whole Board, Committee or Commission
eligible to vote.
7. It
is impermissible for members of any Board, Committee or Commission
to abstain from a vote unless a conflict of interest exists. Said
abstention shall not be construed as a vote for or against any motion.
Any motion may be withdrawn by the moving member at any time before
the taking of a vote thereon, or before an amendment is made to such
8. When
a vote has been passed, it shall be in order for the Board, Committee
or Commission to move its reconsideration at any time within forty-five
days of its initial passage at any special or regular meeting. A motion
for reconsideration must be carried by a vote of all of the members
of the Board, Committee, or Commission. All quasi-judicial Boards,
Committees and Commissions are exempt from this provision. Decisions
of a quasi-judicial nature cannot be reconsidered once a formal vote
has been taken.
— (Robert's Rules of Order shall take precedence.) Order
of Motions of precedence shall be:
c. Raise
a question of privilege.
h. Postpone
to a certain time.
l. Main
The lowest in rank being the last of the list and the highest
in rank at the beginning of the list. When any motion is pending before
the Board, Committee, or Commission, any motion higher on this list
than said pending, shall take precedence and be acted upon first and
those following shall be out of order.
10. The
following motions shall be UNDEBATABLE:
c. Raise a question of privilege.
11. A
regular meeting time shall be set by a majority of all members of
the Board, Committee, or Commission.
12. Each
Board, Committee, or Commission shall set a closing date for the agenda
of any scheduled meeting.
13. All
meetings will convene in the Town Hall, Old Town Road; Island Free
Library, Dodge Street, Block Island School, High Street; or at the
Sewer Plant, Spring Street, unless other arrangements are made. All
meetings should adjourn at an established time.
14. All
Boards, Committees, or Commissions shall have a Clerk of meetings
to record all action and vote of the Board, Committee or Commission.
It will be the responsibility of the Clerk to notify all members of
the Board, Committee, or Commission of meetings scheduled and to post
publicly notice of same in accordance with law.
15. All
requests or opinions of the Town Solicitor, or any other special legal
counsel by the Board, Committee, or Commission must be approved by
the New Shoreham Town Manager or the New Shoreham Town Council (with
exception of the Planning and Zoning Boards).
16. Members
of the audience may be recognized to speak briefly on any matter on
the agenda that may be before and under discussion by the Board, Committee,
or Commission. Remarks, if any, shall be confined to the question
under consideration and shall avoid personalities.
17. Anyone
in the audience requesting permission to read a written statement
or letter, shall first supply a copy of same to the Clerk/Secretary
for the records.
18. A
period of time prior to the closing of the regular meeting shall be
set aside to entertain questions, comments and suggestions on any
subject from the audience in an orderly manner. There will be no action
taken thereon.
19. A
special meeting of the Board, Committee, or Commission may be called
by the presiding officer or by a majority of the members of the Board,
Committee, or Commission. The agenda for all meetings of the Board,
Committee, or Commission shall be posted at least 48 hours prior to
the time of such meeting unless it is decided by the Town Manager/Town
Council that an emergency exists. Public notices shall contain the
date, time, location and subject (agenda) of the meeting. Any regular
meeting of the Board, Committee, or Commission can be canceled by
a majority vote of the members.
20. All
meetings shall be open and accessible to the public pursuant to Title
42, Chapter 46 of the Rhode Island General Laws [G.L. 1956, § 42-46-1
et seq.].
21. Regular
Order of Business:
b. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting.
22. Smoking
will not be permitted within the building, neither by members of the
Board, Committee, or Commission nor by the General Public.
23. A
copy of the minutes of all meetings will be in the hands of each member
within two weeks after every meeting, and shall be approved by a majority
vote of the Board, Committee or Commission at the next regularly scheduled
meeting. Once approved, a copy of same shall be forwarded to the Town
Manager and Town Council for review. The original shall be filed permanently
for public review.
24. The
Clerk or Secretary shall be required to notify the Town Manager/Town
Council of any member who has been absent for three consecutive regularly
scheduled meetings, or a member has been absent for 20% of all scheduled
meetings of the Board, Committee or Commission within the previous
year, or failure of a quorum to meet.
25. Robert's
Rules of Order shall prevail in the absence of any specific rules
as set forth herein. Legal notification of all meetings as aforementioned
shall not be deemed to prevent legal notification as required by Rhode
Island General Law, where applicable.
26. These
general Rules of Procedure shall be superseded in any specific requirements
of the Town's Charter, Ordinances or Laws of the State of Rhode
Island or by such modification as may be adopted by any Board, Committee
or Commission after prior approval by the Town Council.
27. Boards,
Committees and Commissions may appoint subcommittees composed of its
own members to further its charge, but may not appoint any members
from outside their respective Board, Committee or Commission, unless
specifically authorized by the Town Council.