The New Shoreham Board of Water Commissioners adopt the following priority among the existing enactments which affect water in the Town of New Shoreham:
Public Acts establishing and amending the Water District; P.A. Chapter 18 (2000 as amended).
Current Management Agreement between the Town of New Shoreham Director of Public Works, the New Shoreham Board of Sewer Commissioners and the New Shoreham Board of Water Commissioners.
Regulations adopted by the Water District subsequent to the adoption by the Rhode Island General Assembly of P.A. Chapter 18 (2000).
Remaining provisions of enactments by the Town of New Shoreham, which are not inconsistent or superseded by the above legal enactments and documents.
The proposer must complete the applicable service application forms, along with all supporting documents as required for the project contemplated, to obtain approval for:
A service extension
A main extension
A request for service to a new project
An upgrade or change in use or occupancy that affects the water service requirements of the existing property
Application for service must be made in writing on the prescribed form, and signed by the owner or duly authorized agent. The application must fully state the purpose for which the water will be used, together with the proper legal description of the property, official town or city street and property owner of the premises or property to be supplied. All accompanying design drawings, calculations and pertinent detailed project data must be attached to the application.
In all cases where fire services may be required, a letter of review detailing the needed fire flow demand requirements for the sprinkler system must accompany the application submission. The review letter shall be signed by the local fire chief or district authority.
The proposal package must be in full compliance with all the rules, regulations and utility standards, along with any pertinent state and local regulations or codes.
Should the proposal package be found deficient in any manner during the initial review, a full re-submission shall be required.
All documents, along with the revised "Request for Plan Review Application" form, must be contained in the revised submission. The revised submission shall include all pertinent information from previous submissions and 2 sets of the revised plans.
It is expressly understood that the developer and/or proposer is entirely responsible for providing a project proposal package and design that is in full compliance with the current rules, regulations and utility standards. The Water Board assumes no responsibility for project proposal packages or design that do not fully comply with current Water Board requirements.
The applicant must follow the Rules and Regulations made by the New Shoreham Water District, as amended from time to time (included as Exhibit A in Section B). The Rules and Regulations constitute a contract between the customer and Water District upon acceptance by the District of an application for water service. The customer is considered to have expressed its consent to be bound thereby and to take water only for the purposes stated in the application at the established rate.
The applicant must furnish drawings showing the location of the premises to be supplied together with the location of all valves, pipes, hydrants, tanks, sprinkler heads, proposed connection points, applicable details, general notes, utility conflict corrections, and other appurtenances to be installed on the premises at the time of making the application.
The applicant also agrees to furnish the Water Board with drawings showing revisions to piping or appurtenances. The drawings shall become and remain the property of the Water Board.
Drawings shall be submitted on a maximum size of 24 inches by 36 inches prints. Two sets shall be submitted at the initial submission for indication of comments during the review stage. If a project is to be implemented in stages or phases, a master plan showing the entire site development, including all future expansion areas, shall be submitted for review during the first submission.
Drawings shall not be at a scale less than one inch per 40 feet and no more than one inch per 20 feet.
All site plans shall contain contours at a minimum of two foot intervals based on National Geodetic Vertical Datum (N.G.V.D.) and not with assumed elevations. Site plans shall include a locus map at a scale of not less than one inch equals 2,000 feet and a north arrow.
A thrust block or restrained joint pipe table shall be included on the plan reflecting the size(s) for all thrust blocks, length of all restrained pipe per fitting style and the accompanying fittings proposed.
All drawings are to be signed and wet-stamped by a registered, professional engineer licensed in the State of Rhode Island under whose direction the design has been prepared.
All applicable details shall be shown on the drawing sets.
Upon completion of all water main infrastructure and appurtenance work, the developer/owner shall provide a preliminary as-built drawing documenting the record of actual construction. The preliminary as-built drawing shall be on 24 inches by 36 inches sheets (plan scale one inch equals 40 feet) for review prior to activation of the new construction infrastructure. Upon approval by the Water Board, water service may be activated to facilitate development of the site.
The owner/developer shall provide a revised as-built drawing reflecting measurements from the building foundations and above grade permanent structures and/or visible accessible permanent features to water appurtenances (such as bends, valve boxes, services, and so on). Valve boxes, curb boxes and telephone poles are not considered permanent features to retain measurements from. The final as-built drawing(s) set shall accurately mark the location of each infrastructure component or appurtenance as constructed including, but not limited to:
Measured horizontal and vertical locations of the above and below grade water main, valves, fittings, services and appurtenances referenced to permanent surface improvements, above grade permanent structures and/or permanent visible and accessible features of the installation.
Information concurrent with the actual construction.
Distance from the main to curb box at each service.
3 point measured swing ties from permanent surface improvements, above grade permanent structures and/or visible and accessible features of the installation to identify all bends, services and end caps.
Depth of main at maximum of fifty-foot intervals. Ties at every 100-foot interval, each recorded service and at each bend.
Total overall footage.
Detail of water main tap connection and all utility crossings.
The completed water main and its proper orientation.
Valve opening rotation (open left).
Upon approval of the "blue line" submission, a 6-mil, double matte Mylar media and print of the final "as-built" record drawing(s) shall be submitted and will remain the property of the Water Board upon its approval and acceptance.
Upon final approval, the contractor shall also provide the "as-built" in AutoCad and PDF, latest edition digital format acceptable to the Water Board.
Water service will not be activated until all requirements have been met to the satisfaction of the Water Board.