Failure to comply with any provision of this chapter, and/or failure to comply with an order to abate an activity, use and/or condition, shall be a violation of this chapter and subject to criminal prosecution and the revocation of a license.
Any person who has violated or permitted the violation of any provisions of this chapter shall, upon judgment thereof by any Magisterial District Judge, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 per day of violation, together with the costs of suit, including reasonable attorneys' fees. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense, for which a summary conviction may be sought. All judgments, administrative, enforcement, security firm or police response, and other costs, interest and reasonable attorneys' fees collected for the violation of this chapter shall be paid over to the Borough.
The Court of Common Pleas, upon petition, may grant an order of stay, upon cause shown, tolling the per diem fine pending a final adjudication of the violation and judgment. The Borough shall also have the right to seek injunctive relief for violations of this chapter.
If an owner of a short-term rental commits two or more offenses resulting in convictions within one year, the short-term rental license may be revoked.