The purpose of this section of this article is to provide the reader with a clear understanding of how to interpret the Township's zoning districts. The overall purpose of these districts is to bring to fruition the "Goals and Objectives" Section of the Reserve Township Comprehensive Plan. This section of the chapter has been created in order to achieve these Goals and Objectives. Further, the purpose of zoning districts is to accomplish the following:
Establish areas in of the Township that are of harmonious character and environment.
Eliminate conflicting land uses within Township neighborhoods.
Provide buffers where differing land uses adjoin one another.
To this extent, Article IV, § 430-41, has established seven "Zoning Districts" within Reserve Township. Each of these seven zoning districts has similar character and environmental characteristics that make them unique. All land within the entire Township is contained within one of the seven zoning districts found in this article and chapter.
Article VI, § 430-42, establishes the Reserve Township Zoning Map. The Reserve Township Zoning Map establishes physical boundaries between zoning districts. These boundaries are delineated by color and in heavy black line on the Reserve Township Zoning Map.
Each section of this Article IV from §§ 430-40 through 430-42 contains standards for each of these individual districts. Specifically, these sections contain the Township standards for the following:
Use regulations (permitted, conditional and special exceptions).
Use regulations (accessory uses).
Off-street parking requirements.
Off-street loading requirements.
Lot standards.
Zero lot line applicability.
Prohibited (reverse frontage lots).
Required evergreen buffer.
Applicability. §§ 430-41 through 430-42 of this chapter establish Reserve Township's seven zoning districts. These districts include all land within the entire Township. Each subsection of § 430-41 applies to all lands in Reserve Township. However, each subsection is applicable to its specific zoning district.
Principal uses on residential lots. There shall be one principal and permitted use on a legally sized and dimensioned lot in all residential zones.
In order to achieve the purpose of this article (Article IV, § 430-40, Purpose), Reserve Township is hereby divided into seven zoning districts. The following chart is a complete listing of Reserve Township's seven zoning districts.
Zoning District Name
Short Code Identification
Single Household Residential
Two Household Residential
Multi Household Residential
Trailer Household Residential
Community Commercial
General Commercial
Light Industrial
Single Household Residential R-1. The aim of this district is to retain a rural character and allow for residential development in areas that do not have public infrastructure. Due to the lack of public sewer and water, development is proposed to occur in lots large enough to support both water well and a on lot sewage disposal systems. Geological constraints such as slope and soil type are other factors that contribute to the land use/zoning classification.
Two-Household Residential R-2. The district was established to encourage single household dwelling units in areas serviced by public water and sewer at a higher net density than that in the R-1 Residential district. Maximum net densities in this district are capped at two single household dwelling units per acre. This district permits single household attached and detached dwelling units.
Multi Household Residential R-3. This district has been formed to allow higher density than R-1 or R-2 for a variety of single household dwelling types at a variety of densities. Access to public sewer and water is a standard that guided the location of these districts. Not only are single household dwelling units permitted as a regular use; but multi family units such as garden apartments and condominiums are as well. Land use concepts such as performance zoning, zero lot line technique, density bonuses and clustering are encouraged in this district. This district is proposed to be serviced by both public sewer and water.
Trailer Household Residential R-4. In order to have areas of the Township that permit mobile homes and trailers as regular uses, the R-4 Residential district has been established. Zoning ordinance standards regarding permanent foundations and availability of public infrastructure should be considered when developing in this district.
Community Commercial C-1. This zoning district has been established to encourage retail activity and nearby residential areas and neighborhood commercial services that are geared toward the local community. All establishments should be required to have rear loading access via a service street or alley, sufficient parking, landscaping and lighting. Sidewalks and street furniture are encouraged at shopping centers and commercial strips.
General Commercial District C-2. This district is designed to encourage large-scale retail, commercial, and service activities. These commercial activities require larger parking facilities, lighting, landscaping and off-street loading areas. Commercial activities in this district are regional in nature and serve the regional population rather than the local community. All establishments should be required to have rear loading access via a service street or alley, sufficient parking, landscaping and lighting. Sidewalks and street furniture are encouraged at shopping centers and commercial strips.
Light Industrial L-I. This zone has been created to provide areas for assembly, processing and small-scale manufacturing. Access to Interstate Highways and public infrastructure are the foundation for establishing this type of land use in the Township. Due to the amount of existing commercial uses in the current Manufacturing Zone, commercial uses will be permitted as lesser uses in this zone.
Permitted uses. Permitted uses are those that do not require variances and simply require a zoning permit and/or an occupancy permit from the Reserve Township Zoning Officer. Article III, § 430-24, addresses zoning permits and Article I, § 430-16, addresses occupancy permits. Table IV-A, the Reserve Township Land Use, Off-street parking, and Off-street loading requirements illustrates permitted uses with a "P" on the table.
R-1 Single Household Residential District. See TABLE IV-A.
R-2 Two-Household Residential District. See TABLE IV-A.
R-3 Multi-Household Residential District. See TABLE IV-A.
R-4 Trailer Household Residential District. See TABLE IV-A.
C-1 Community Commercial District. See TABLE IV-A.
And less intense residential area.
C-2 General Commercial District.
And less intense residential area.
LI Light Industrial District.
And less intense residential area.
Conditional uses. Conditional uses are those that require approval from the Township Board of Commissioners. Conditional uses have a set of requirements found in Article III, § 430-28, Conditional uses. Table IV-A, the Reserve Township Land Use, Off-street parking, and Off-street loading requirements illustrates permitted uses with a "C" on the table. The following are conditional uses in Reserve Township:
R-1 Single Household Residential District. See TABLE IV-A.
R-2 Two-Household Residential District. See TABLE IV-A.
R-3 Multi Household Residential District. See TABLE IV-A.
R-4 Trailer Household Residential District. See TABLE IV-A.
Accessory uses. Accessory uses are those that are ancillary to the principal permitted use on the lot. Accessory uses are those that do not require variances and simply require a zoning permit and/or an occupancy permit from the Reserve Township Zoning Officer. Article III, § 430-24 addresses zoning permits and Article I, § 430-16 addresses occupancy permits. Table IV-A, the Reserve Township Land Use, Off-street parking, and Off-street loading requirements illustrates permitted uses with an "A" on the table.
Special exception uses. Special exception uses are those that may be allowed on a particular lot provided that the Reserve Township Zoning Hearing Board approves the use. Conditions of the use may be required as part of the granting of the special exception use. Article III, § 430-28 addresses special exception uses. Table IV-A, the Reserve Township Land Use, Off-street parking, and Off-street loading requirements illustrates permitted uses with an "S" on the table.
Temporary uses. Temporary uses are those that may be allowed on a particular lot provided that the Reserve Township Zoning Officer approves the use for a period not to exceed 90 days unless renewed. Conditions of the use may be required as part of the granting of the special exception use. Article X, § 430-113, addresses Temporary uses. Table IV-A, the Reserve Township Land Use, Off-street parking, and Off-street loading requirements illustrates permitted uses with a "T" on the table.
Carnival structures.
Construction trailers.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
For informational purposes, a Zoning Map is attached to this chapter, but in the event of any dispute between the informational map and the chapter, or the Official Map at the Municipal Building, the Official Zoning Map shall control.
District boundaries.
Boundaries indicated as approximately following natural features or the center lines of streets, highways or alleys should be construed to follow such center lines.
Boundaries indicated as approximately following the boundary line of a recorded lot or separate parcel of land shall be construed as following said line of recorded lot or parcel of land.
Boundaries indicated, as approximately following Township boundaries shall be construed as to follow said Township boundaries.
Such dimensions shall determine boundaries indicated by measured distances on the Zoning Map. The scale of the map shall determine distances not specifically indicated on the Zoning Map.
Amending the Zoning Map. The Reserve Township Zoning Map may be amended only through the following:
Simple amendment to this chapter.
Landowner curative amendment as provided by this chapter and PA MPC, as reenacted and amended.
Municipal curative amendment.
Map amendment time frames. Any amendment to the Reserve Township Zoning Map must be made within 60 days of the amendment. All changes will be made through ordinance. The map revisions will require the following:
Revision date.
Ordinance number.
Signature of the Chairman of the Reserve Township Secretary.