Building sewers shall be no less than four inches in diameter.
Pipe used in a building sewer shall be one of the following types:
Cast-iron soil pipe, medium weight.
Vitrified clay sewer pipe, standard or extra strength.
Cement asbestos sewer pipe, Class 2400.
PVC H.D. Schedule 40; NSF CS—207—60; ASTM—D—1785—64T.
[Added 10-14-1975 by Res. No. 1975-47]
[Amended 10-14-1975 by Res. No. 1975-47]
Uniform bearing shall be provided along the entire length of a building sewer and if the soil condition is such that this is not provided, No. 2 gravel or sand must be used to provide such a bearing surface. All joints of a building sewer shall be watertight and rustproof, and the trench shall be free of water during installation of joints. No cement mortar joints or hotpoured joints shall be used.
Where an improved property, at the time of securing a permit under § 418-14 to connect to a sewer, shall be served by its own sewage disposal system or device, the existing house sewer line shall be broken on the structure side of such sewage disposal system or device and attachment shall be made, with proper fittings, to continue such house sewer line as a building sewer, undiminished in inside diameter, but not less than four inches, to the lateral.
All pipes of a building sewer shall be laid commencing at the lateral and working upgrade to the building.
Fittings in a building sewer shall conform to the type of pipe used in construction.
Changes in direction in a building sewer must be made by use of Y-branches or of one-eighth- or one-sixteenth-bends. Caulking of lead or poured joints to angles of less than a one-sixteenth-bend equivalent only shall be permitted.
Fittings or connections in a building sewer which have an enlargement chamber or recess with a ledge, shoulder or reduction of pipe area that shall offer any obstruction to flow shall not be allowed.
Joints in cast-iron soil pipe in a building sewer shall be packed with oakum in the bell and spigot terminations and, thereafter, shall be filled with molten lead to a depth of at least one inch and shall not be depressed more than 1/8 inch below the rim of the hub. The lead then must be caulked in place. No paint, varnish or other coating shall be permitted on the jointing material until after the building sewer has been tested and approved as provided in §§ 418-37, 418-38 and 418-39.
Such joints may also be of the compression type, which is made using a rubber gasket. Such joint shall conform to ASTM specifications C-564-65T and shall be approved by the Borough.
Joints of vitrified clay sewer pipe in a building sewer shall be of the compression-type joint commonly known as the "O-ring" joint or such other type as may be approved by the Borough. All O-ring joints shall be in accordance with ASTM designations C-425, Type III, and shall be laid according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
Joints in cement asbestos sewer pipe in a building sewer shall be made with sleeve couplings of the same composition as the pipe and shall be sealed with rubber rings.
Joints between cast-iron soil pipe and vitrified clay sewer pipe in a building sewer shall be made by use of a rubber O-ring compression-type fitting, as approved by the Borough.
Each building sewer shall be provided with a horizontal trap, known as an "interceptor trap," of not less than four inches inside diameter, of cast-iron equivalent to cast-iron soil pipe. Such trap shall be provided with a vent and clean-out openings, each to be at a level at least equal to the finished grade level and to be provided with vent cowls. Lines from such trap to such finished grade level shall be of the same size and material as the building sewer.
The interceptor trap required under § 418-34 shall be located at a point to be determined and approved by the Borough in accordance with the rules and regulations applicable thereto as adopted by the Borough. Such trap and its vent shall be on the property side of the curb.
The slope or grade of a building sewer, when the inside diameter is four inches or more, shall, except where otherwise approved by the Borough, be no less than 1/4 inch per foot of length and shall be downward in the direction of the flow.
The Borough shall observe all testing of a building sewer. All equipment and material required for testing shall be furnished by the owner of the improved property to be connected to a sewer.
In the event a building sewer is not approved by the Borough, a further test or tests shall be made following completion of necessary corrections. A fee as set by the Borough Council will be charged by the Borough for observation of each test.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
No building sewer shall be covered until it has been inspected, tested, as provided in § 418-37, and approved. If any part of a building sewer is covered before so being inspected, tested and approved, it shall be uncovered for inspection and testing at the cost and expense of the owner.
Every building sewer shall be tested by filling the same with water completely, so that every section shall be tested with not less than a four-foot head of water. Water shall be kept in the building sewer for 15 minutes before inspection starts. If a four-foot head of water cannot be obtained, provisions must be made for an air test of four pounds and not less than three pounds for 15 minutes with no pressure drop. If any leakage is observed, the installation shall not be approved.
[Amended 10-14-1975 by Res. No. 1975-47]
Upon approval of the test of a building sewer by the Borough, a certificate of approval will be issued to the owner of the improved property to be connected to a lateral.
Whenever the Borough has reason to believe that any building sewer has become defective, such building sewer shall be subject to test and inspection. Defects found upon such test and inspection, if any, shall be corrected as required by the Borough, in writing, at the cost and expense of the owner of the improved property served through such building sewer.
Every building sewer of any improved property shall be maintained in a sanitary and safe operating condition by the owner of such improved property.
Every excavation for a building sewer shall be guarded adequately with barricades and lights to protect all persons from damage and injury. Streets, sidewalks and other public property disturbed in the course of installation of a building sewer shall be restored at the cost and expense of the owner of the improved property being connected, in a manner satisfactory to the Borough.
After any section of the sewer system constructed by the Authority or by the Borough shall have been completed, and after all connection units required to be connected to such section shall have been so connected and such system shall have been accepted by the Borough for operation and maintenance, the owner of each additional connection unit thereafter connected to such section shall comply with respect to such connection with the provisions of Articles V and VI hereof.