[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Quincy 2-8-2021 by Order No. 2020-051. Amendments noted where applicable.]
In conformances with M.G.L. Chapter 110 Section 5, any person conducting business in the City of Quincy under any title other than the real name of the person conducting the business (whether individually or as a partnership), shall file in the City Clerk's Office a certificate stating the full name and residence of each person conducting such business, the place, including street and number, where, and the title under which, the business is conducted.
Such certificate shall be signed by each such persons in the presence of a person authorized to take oaths and each such persons shall produce evidence of identity;
Such certificate shall be in force and effect for four years from date of issue and be renewed every four years thereafter;
The fee for such certificate shall be $40, including each subsequent renewal;
A person who has filed such certificate shall, upon discontinuing, retiring or withdrawing from such business, or in case of a change of residence of such person or location of the business, file in the City Clerk's Office a statement under oath of such discontinuance, retirement, withdrawal or change;
The fee for such discontinuance, retirement, withdrawal or change shall be $10.
Certificates issued under this section shall be subject to qualification, modification, denial, or revocation at the sole discretion of the City Clerk.