[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Cicero 12-22-1997 by L.L. No. 3-1997. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Town of Cicero recognizes the increased demand for wireless communications transmitting facilities and the need for the services they provide. Often facilities require the construction of a communications tower. The intent of this chapter is to protect the town's interest in siting towers in a manner consistent with sound land use planning by: minimizing visual effects of towers through careful design, siting and vegetative screening; avoiding potential damage to adjacent properties from tower failure or falling debris through engineering and careful siting of tower structures; and maximizing use of any new or existing tower and encouraging the use of existing buildings and/or structures to reduce the number of towers needed; while also allowing wireless service providers to meet their technological and service objectives for the benefit of the public.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
An accessory facility or structure serving or being used in conjunction with a telecommunications facility or tower and located on the same lot as the telecommunications facility or tower. Examples of such structures include utility or transmission equipment, storage sheds or cabinets.
A system of electrical conductors that transmit or receive radio frequency signals. Such signals shall include but not be limited to radio, televisions, cellular, paging, PCS and microwave communications.
Telecommunications facilities which utilize existing towers, buildings or other structures for placement of antenna(s) and which do not require construction of a new tower.
Towers and/or antennas and accessory structures used in connection with the provision of cellular telephone service, personal communications services (PCS), paging services, radio and television broadcast services and similar broadcast services.
A structure designed to support antennas. It includes, without limit, freestanding towers, guyed towers, monopoles and similar structures which employ camouflage technology.
Co-located antennas. Telecommunications facilities comprised of co-located antennas utilizing existing buildings or structures other than towers shall be permitted in any district upon the issuance of a building permit.
New towers. Telecommunications facilities requiring construction of a new tower also shall be deemed a permitted use in any district, but shall require the following permits and/or approvals:
On municipal or government owned property at any height, a tower shall be permitted upon the issuance of a building permit in accordance with the standards set forth by Chapter 210, Zoning, of the town and upon site plan approval by the Planning Board.
In industrial and agricultural districts where the proposed tower is 150 feet or less in height, or in any nonresidential district where the proposed tower location is more than 500 feet from any adjoining residential use and the proposed tower is 150 feet or less in height, site plan approval from the Planning Board shall be required in accordance with the standards set forth in this section and in Chapter 210, Zoning, of the Town of Cicero.
In all other districts and locations, telecommunications facilities requiring construction of a new tower shall require, in addition to site plan approval, a tower permit from the Planning Board in accordance with the standards set forth in this section.
For each telecommunications facility requiring only a building permit, the applicant shall submit a written application and such other supporting materials as are generally required for such permits under Chapter 210, Zoning.
For each telecommunications facility requiring a tower permit, the applicant shall submit a written application for such permit to the Planning Board on a form prescribed by the Planning Board.
Each applicant for a telecommunications facility, other than a telecommunications facility requiring only the issuance of a building permit, shall submit an environmental assessment form (long form), with the visual addendum, and an analysis demonstrating that location of the telecommunications facility as proposed is necessary to meet the frequency reuse and spacing needs of the applicant's telecommunications system and to provide adequate service and coverage to the intended area. In addition, each applicant shall submit a site plan prepared to scale and in sufficient detail and accuracy showing a minimum of:
The exact location of the proposed telecommunications facility and/or tower, together with any guy wires and guy anchors, if applicable;
The maximum height of the proposed telecommunications facility and/or tower;
A detail of tower type (monopole, guyed, freestanding or other);
The location, type and intensity of any lighting on the tower;
Property boundaries and names of adjacent landowners;
Proof of the landowners' consent if the applicant does not own the property;
The location of all other structures on the property and all structures on any adjacent property within 10 feet of the property lines, together with the distance of those structures to any proposed tower;
The location, nature and extent of any proposed fencing, landscaping and/or screening; and
The location and nature of proposed utility easements and access road, if applicable.
The following criteria and additional requirements shall apply to each application for site plan approval for a telecommunications facility:
Setbacks. All towers shall be set back from all adjacent property lines a sufficient distance to safeguard the general public and/or adjacent property. In the absence of any evidence supporting a greater or lesser setback distance, a setback of the tower from any adjacent residential property line equal to the tower height and setback of at least 50 feet from any other adjacent property line shall be deemed adequate. The required setbacks may be decreased in those instances when the applicant has submitted plans for a tower designed to minimize damage to adjacent property in the event of a structural failure. Accessory structures and guy anchors must comply with the minimum setback requirements of the underlying district.
Future shared use of new towers. In the interest of minimizing the number of new towers, the Planning Board may require, as a condition of either site plan or tower permit approval, that the applicant indicate in writing its commitment to co-location of telecommunications facilities and that the applicant will design the tower to have a minimum height and carrying capacity needed to provide future shared usage. The condition for co-location may not be required if the applicant demonstrates that provisions of future share usage are not feasible or impose an unnecessary burden based upon:
The number of Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) licenses foreseeably available for the area;
The kind of tower site and structure proposed;
The number of existing and potential licensees without tower spaces;
Available spaces on other existing and approved towers; and
Potential adverse visual impacts by a tower designed for shared usage.
Aesthetics. Telecommunications facilities shall be located and buffered to the maximum extent which is practical and technologically feasible to help insure compatibility with surrounding land uses. In order to minimize adverse aesthetic effects on neighboring residences to the extent possible, the Planning Board may impose reasonable conditions on the applicant, including the following:
The Planning Board may require reasonable landscaping consisting of trees or shrubs to screen the base of the tower and accessory structures to the extent possible from adjacent residential property. Existing on-site trees and vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible.
The Planning Board may require that the tower be designed and sited so as to avoid, if possible, application of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) lighting and painting requirements, it being generally understood that towers should not be artificially lighted, except as required by the FAA;
The tower shall be of a galvanized finish or painted matte gray unless otherwise required by the FAA and accessory facilities should maximize use of building materials, colors and textures designed to blend with the natural surroundings; and
No tower shall contain any signs of advertising devices.
Traffic, access and safety.
A road turnaround and two parking spaces shall be provided to assure adequate emergency and service access. Maximum use of existing roads, public or private, shall be made. Road construction shall, at all times, minimize ground disturbance and vegetation cutting and road grades shall closely follow natural contours to assure minimal visual disturbance and reduce soil erosion potential.
All towers and guy anchors, if applicable, shall be enclosed by a fence not less than six feet in height or otherwise sufficiently secured to protect them from trespassing or vandalism.
The applicant must comply with all applicable state and federal regulations including, but not limited to, FAA and FCC regulations.
The applicant shall provide a certification from a qualified, licensed engineer, certifying that the tower or telecommunications facility meets applicable structural safety standards and upon operation does not interfere with local radio and/or television frequencies.
Removal of obsolete/unused facilities. The applicant shall agree, in writing, to remove the tower or antennas if the telecommunications facility becomes obsolete or ceases to be used for its intended purpose for 12 consecutive months. Removal of such obsolete and/or unused towers or antennas shall take place within six months of cessation of use. Such agreement shall also include a commitment by the applicant to impose a similar obligation to remove any unused and/or obsolete tower or antennas upon any person subsequently securing rights to co-locate on the tower or telecommunications facility.
Public involvement. The Planning Board shall notify adjacent property owners within 500 feet of any application for any telecommunications facility permit and shall allow input from such property owners upon its site plan review.
The following criteria and additional requirements shall apply to each application for a tower permit:
Height. The building height regulations otherwise applicable in the underlying district shall not apply to towers, provided that the applicant submits sufficient information to justify the proposed height as the minimum necessary to achieve its coverage objectives. In no event, however, shall any tower exceed a height of 250 feet without first obtaining a height variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Shared use of existing towers and/or structures. At all times, shared use of existing towers and/or structures, e.g., municipal water tank, buildings, towers, etc., shall be preferred to the construction of new towers. An applicant for a tower permit shall present a report inventorying existing towers and/or structures within a reasonable distance of the proposed site and outlining opportunities for shared use of existing facilities as an alternative to a proposed new tower. The applicant shall submit documentation demonstrating good faith efforts to secure shared use on existing towers or structures as well as documentation of the technical, physical and/or financial reasons why shared usage is not proposed. Written request for shared use shall be provided where applicable. The applicant shall also demonstrate efforts to locate a new tower on the same site as an existing tower or structure, if it is not co-locating on the existing tower or structure.
The following types of telecommunications facilities are not subject to the provisions of this section:
Antennas used solely for residential household television and radio reception.
Satellite antennas measuring two meters or less in diameter and located in commercial districts and satellite antennas one meter or less in diameter, regardless of location.
In addition, telecommunications facilities may be repaired and maintained without restrictions.
[Added 12-11-2019 by L.L. No. 5-2021]
Purpose and definitions.
Purpose and intent.
The purpose of this chapter is to regulate the placement of certain wireless communication facilities in the Town. The standards set forth herein are created to provide objective, technically feasible criteria applied in a nondiscriminatory manner that reasonably match the aesthetics and character of the immediate area regarding all of the following, which the Town shall consider when reviewing an application:
The location of the ground-mounted communication facilities;
The location of a wireless facility on a pole or other device;
The appearance and concealment of communication facilities, including those relating to materials used for arranging, screening and landscaping;
The design and appearance of a wireless support structure including any height requirements adopted in accordance with this chapter.
This chapter applies to the public ROW but does not restrict the Town's right to regulate communication facilities on non-Town-owned property or outside of the public ROW under the same terms and conditions set forth herein.
Intent. In enacting this chapter, the Town is establishing uniform standards to address issues presented by certain wireless facilities, including without limitation, to:
Prevent interference with the use of streets, sidewalks, alleys, parkways and other public ways and places;
Prevent the creation of visual and physical obstructions and other conditions that are hazardous to vehicular and pedestrian traffic;
Prevent interference with existing facilities and operations of facilities presently lawfully located in rights-of-way or public property;
Ensure efforts are made to preserve the character of neighborhoods in which facilities are installed;
Protect against environmental damage, including damage to trees, public and private property; and
Facilitate the appropriate and reasonable deployment of small wireless facilities to provide the benefits of reliable access to wireless telecommunications technology, broadband and 9-1-1 services to homes, businesses and schools within the Town.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Ministerial review of an application by the Town relating to the review and issuance of a permit, including review by the Code Enforcement Officer to determine whether the issuance of a permit is in conformity with the applicable provisions of this chapter.
Communications equipment that transmits and/or receives electromagnetic radio frequency signals used in the provision of wireless services. This definition does not apply to broadcast antennas, antennas designed for amateur radio use, or satellite dishes for residential or household purposes.
Uniform building, fire, safety, electrical, plumbing, or mechanical codes adopted, or incorporated, by the Town.
Any person who submits an application under this chapter.
A written request, on a form provided by the Town, for a permit.
The Town of Cicero or any agency, subdivision or any instrumentality thereof.
To install or mount a small wireless facility on an existing support structure, an existing tower, or on an existing pole. "Collocation" has a corresponding meaning.
Collectively, the equipment at a fixed location(s) within the public ROW or on public or private property that enables communications services, including: (i) radio transceivers, antennas, coaxial, fiber-optic or other cabling, power supply (including backup battery), and comparable equipment, regardless of technological configuration; and (ii) all other equipment associated with any of the foregoing. A communications facility does not include the pole, tower or support structure to which the equipment is attached.
Cable service, as defined in 47 U.S.C. § 522(6); information service or broadband, as defined in 47 U.S.C. § 153(24); or telecommunications service, as defined in 47 U.S.C. § 153(53).
A provider of communications services and includes a cable operator, as defined in 47 U.S.C. § 522(5).
A pole that is specially designed and placed for aesthetic purposes.
Review of an application by the Town Planning Board relating to the review and issuance of a permit that is other than an administrative review.
An eligible facility request as set forth in 47 C.F.R. 1.40001(b)(3), as that section may be amended from time to time.
The Federal Communications Commission of the United States.
Collectively, any and all federal, state, or local law, statute, common law, code, rule, regulation, order, or ordinance.
Inspections, testing and/or repair of existing communication facilities that maintain functional capacity, aesthetic and structural integrity of a communications facility and/or the associated support structure, pole or tower, that does not require blocking, damaging or disturbing any portion of the public ROW.
A written authorization (in electronic or hard copy format) to install, at a specified location(s) in the public ROW or at a specific location on public or private property, a communications facility, tower or a pole to support a communications facility.
An applicant who has received a permit under this chapter.
An individual, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, association, trust, or other entity or organization, including a governmental entity.
A legally constructed pole, such as a utility, lighting, traffic, or similar pole made of wood, concrete, metal or other material, located or to be located within the public right-of-way. A pole does not include a tower or support structure.
A communications service provider or a wireless services provider and includes any person who owns and/or operates within the public ROW any communications facilities, wireless facilities, poles built for the sole or primary purpose of supporting communications facilities, or towers.
The area on, below, or above property that has been designated for use as or is used for a public roadway, highway, street, sidewalk, alley or similar purpose, and for purposes of this chapter shall include public utility easements, but only to the extent the Town has authority to permit use of the area or public utility easement for communications facilities or poles, towers and support structures that support communications facilities. The term does not include a federal interstate highway or other areas that are not within the legal jurisdiction, ownership or control of the Town.
Unless otherwise specified or restricted by the terms of the easement, the area on, below, or above a property in which the property owner has dedicated an easement for use by utilities. "Public utility easement" does not include an easement dedicated solely for the Town's use, or where the proposed use by the provider is inconsistent with the terms of any easement granted to the Town.
In connection with an existing pole, support structure or tower, to replace (or the replacement of) same with a new structure, substantially similar in design, size and scale to the existing structure and in conformance with this chapter and any other applicable Town regulations, in order to address limitations of the existing structure to structurally support collocation of a communications facility.
A wireless facility that meets each of the following conditions:
The facilities:
Are mounted on structures 50 feet or less in height including their antennas as defined in 47 CFR 1.1320(d); or
Are mounted on structures no more than 10% taller than other adjacent structures; or
Do not extend existing structures on which they are located to a height of more than 50 feet or by more than 10%, whichever is greater;
Each antenna associated with the deployment, excluding associated antenna equipment [as defined in the definition of "antenna" in 47 CFR 1.1320(d)], is no more than three cubic feet in volume;
All other wireless equipment associated with the structure, including the wireless equipment associated with the antenna and any pre-existing associated equipment on the structure, is no more than 28 cubic feet in volume;
The facilities do not require antenna structure registration under 47 CFR Part 17;
The facilities are not located on tribal lands, as defined under 36 CFR 800.16(x); and
The facilities do not result in human exposure to radiofrequency radiation in excess of the applicable safety standards specified in 47 CFR 1.1307(b).
The State of New York.
A freestanding structure other than a pole or a tower to which a wireless facility is attached at the time of the application.
Any structure built for the sole or primary purpose of supporting a wireless facility. A tower does not include a pole or a support structure.
The equipment at a fixed location(s) that enables wireless services. The term does not include: (i) the support structure, tower or pole on, under, or within which the equipment is located or collocated; or (ii) coaxial, fiberoptic or other cabling that is between communications facilities or poles or that is otherwise not immediately adjacent to or directly associated with a particular antenna. A small wireless facility is one type of a wireless facility.
A person, including a person authorized to provide telecommunications service in the state, that builds or installs wireless communication transmission equipment, wireless telecommunications facilities or wireless telecommunications support structures, but that is not a wireless services provider.
Any services provided using wireless telecommunications facilities.
A person who provides wireless services and is authorized to provide such services pursuant to an FCC license.
Governance of deployment in ROW.
Access to public ROW:
Agreement. Prior to installing any communications facility in a public ROW, or any pole built for the sole or primary purpose of supporting a communications facility, or any tower, a person shall enter into a license agreement ("license agreement") with the Town, which shall be filed with the Onondaga County Clerk's Office, expressly authorizing use of the public right-of-way for the purpose of deploying small wireless facilities and necessary support structures.
General terms. The license agreement shall include:
Authorization of the provider's nonexclusive use of the public ROW for the sole purpose of installing, maintaining and operating communications facilities, including any pole built for the sole or primary purpose of supporting the communications facilities and any tower, to provide the services expressly authorized in the license agreement, subject to applicable laws, this chapter and the terms and conditions of the license agreement. The license agreement authorizes use only of the public ROW in which the Town has an actual interest. It is not a warranty of title or interest in any public ROW and it does not confer on the provider any interest in any particular location within the public ROW. No other right is granted except as expressly set forth in the license agreement. Nothing herein shall authorize the use of the Town's poles, towers, support structures, or other structures in the public ROW. All use of Town poles, towers, support structures, and other structures in the public ROW shall require the execution of an "attachment agreement," and the payment of separate fees for such use.
The provider shall, at its sole cost and expense, keep and maintain its communications facilities, poles, support structures and towers in the public ROW in a safe condition, and in good order and repair.
The provider shall keep and maintain liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 for each incident and an umbrella policy in the amount of $5,000,000 for each communication facility in a public ROW. The Town shall be included as an additional insured on each policy on a primary, noncontributory basis. The provider shall provide the Town with proof of such insurance in a form acceptable to legal counsel for the Town.
The license agreement shall include the name and contact information for the provider to be called in cases of emergencies.
The provider's use of space in ducts, conduits and on poles must comply with the terms of the license agreement, unless expressly exempted by the Town.
The Town shall have the right to access books and records, including audit rights, of the provider to determine that all applicable fees and payments have been made to the Town.
The provider shall provide proof to the Town that it has a license or authority from the owner to use an existing pole, tower or support structure in the public ROW for a communications facility.
The terms and conditions are not exclusive and the Town reserves the right to require additional terms and conditions in the license agreement.
Public ROW construction and installation requirements.
ROW permit.
Unless expressly authorized in this chapter or in writing by the Town, no person may construct, maintain or perform any other work in the public ROW related to communications facilities, poles built for the sole or primary purpose of supporting communications facilities, or towers without first receiving a permit to the extent required under this chapter, and any other permit or authorization required by applicable laws.
The Town shall not issue a permit unless the applicant, or a provider on whose behalf the applicant is constructing communications facilities, poles or towers, has executed a license agreement required by this chapter, or otherwise has a current and valid franchise with the Town expressly authorizing use of the public ROW for the communications facilities, poles or towers proposed in the application, and all applicable fees have been paid.
Location of new facilities.
The provider shall not locate or maintain its communications facilities, poles and towers so as to unreasonably interfere with the use of the public ROW by the Town, by the general public or by other persons authorized to use or be present in or upon the public ROW.
Aboveground placement of new poles and equipment cabinets shall meet the requirement set forth of this chapter.
Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Town or otherwise required by applicable laws, whenever any existing electric utilities or communications facilities are located underground within a public ROW, the provider with permission to occupy the same portion of the public ROW shall, if technically feasible, locate its communications facilities underground at its own expense. The Town may, in its sole discretion, approve aboveground placement of equipment cabinets, pedestals and similar equipment, pursuant to this chapter.
Construction standards. In performing any work in or affecting the public ROW, the provider, and any agent or contractor of the provider, shall comply with applicable provisions of this chapter and all other applicable laws.
Restoration requirements.
The provider, or its agent or contractor, shall restore, repair and/or replace any portion of the public ROW that is damaged or disturbed by the provider's communications facilities, poles, towers or work in or adjacent to the public ROW as required in this chapter and all other applicable laws.
If the provider fails to timely restore, repair or replace the public ROW as required in this subsection, the Town or its contractor may do so and the provider shall pay the Town's costs and expenses in completing the restoration, repair or replacement.
Removal, relocation and abandonment.
Within 120 days following written notice from the Town, the provider shall, at its own expense, protect, support, temporarily or permanently disconnect, remove, relocate, change or alter the position of any of its communications facilities, poles, support structures or towers within the public ROW, including relocation of aboveground communications facilities underground (consistent with the provisions of this chapter), whenever the Town has determined, in its sole discretion, that such removal, relocation, change or alteration is necessary to preserve public safety and welfare. Where removal is required, the Town will make a commercially reasonable effort to assist the provider in identifying and permitting an alternate location. The provider shall be responsible to the Town for any damages or penalties it may incur as a result of the provider's failure to remove or relocate communications facilities, poles, support structures or towers as required in this subsection.
The Town retains the right and privilege to cut or move any communications facility, pole, support structure or tower located within the public ROW, as the Town may determine, in its sole discretion, to be necessary, appropriate or useful in response to any public emergency. If circumstances permit, the Town shall notify the provider and give the provider an opportunity to move its own facilities prior to cutting or removing the communications facility, pole, support structure or tower. In all cases the Town shall notify the provider after cutting or removing the communications facility, pole, support structure or tower as promptly as reasonably possible.
A provider shall notify the Town of abandonment of any communications facility, pole, support structure or tower at the time the decision to abandon is made; however, in no case shall such notification be made later than 30 days prior to abandonment. Following receipt of such notice, the provider shall remove its communications facility, pole, support structure or tower at the provider's own expense, unless the Town determines, in its sole discretion, that the communications facility, pole, support structure or tower may be abandoned in place. The provider shall remain solely responsible and liable for all of its communications facilities, poles, support structures and towers until they are removed from the public ROW unless the Town agrees in writing to take ownership of the abandoned communications facilities, poles, support structures or towers. Upon the issuance of a permit, the provider shall provide a removal bond in the amount estimated for the removal of all of the communication facilities that are the subject of an application, such estimated amount to be determined by the Code Enforcement Officer, after consultation with the Engineer for the Town.
If the provider fails to timely protect, support, temporarily or permanently disconnect, remove, relocate, change or alter any of its communications facilities, poles, support structures or towers or remove any of its abandoned communications facilities, poles, support structures or towers as required in this subsection, the Town or its contractor may do so and the provider shall pay all costs and expenses related to such work, including any delay damages or other damages the Town incurs arising from the delay.
Maps. Maps showing the location of equipment in ROW after construction shall be provided to the Town within 30 days after completion of construction, in conformance to the requirements of the Engineer for the Town.
Fees and charges.
Permit application fee. Every applicant for a co-location shall pay a permit application fee of $500 for a single up-front application, which application may include up to five small wireless facilities, and $100 per application for each additional small wireless facility thereafter. The fee shall be paid upon submission of the application.
Every application for a new pole in the public ROW shall pay a permit application fee of $1,000 for each new pole. The fee shall be paid upon submission of the application.
Small wireless facility administration fee. To ensure recovery of the Town's costs incurred in administering a provider's occupancy of the public ROW, the provider shall pay the Town $250 per small wireless facility attached to a company pole, per year, for as long as the license agreement is effective, and $270 per small wireless facility attached to a Town-owned pole, per year, as long as the license agreement is effective. The small wireless facility administration fee shall be due and payable within 30 days of issuance of the license agreement.
Other fees. The applicant or provider shall be subject to any other generally applicable fees of the Town or other government body, such as those required for electrical permits, building permits, or street opening permits, which the applicant or provider shall pay as required in the applicable laws, as well as attachment fees for the use of Town-owned poles, towers, support structures, ducts, conduits or other structures in the public ROW, as set forth in attachment agreements authorizing such use.
No refund. Except as otherwise provided in a license agreement, the provider may remove its communications facilities, poles or towers from the public ROW at any time, upon not less than 30 days' prior written notice to the Town, and may cease paying to the Town any applicable recurring fees for such use, as of the date of actual removal of the facilities and complete restoration of the public ROW. In no event shall a provider be entitled to a refund of fees paid prior to removal of its communications facilities, poles or towers.
Permit applications.
Permit required. Unless expressly authorized in this chapter or in writing by the Town, no person may construct, install or maintain in the public ROW any communications facilities or poles built for the primary purpose of supporting communications facilities, or towers, including the installation or collocation of communications facilities on existing poles, towers, support structures or other structures within the public ROW, without first receiving a permit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of an emergency, a provider or its duly authorized representative may work in the public ROW prior to obtaining a permit, provided that the provider shall attempt to contact the Town prior to commencing the work and shall apply for a permit as soon as reasonably possible, but not later than 12 hours after commencing the emergency work. For purposes of this subsection, an "emergency" means a circumstance in which immediate repair to damaged or malfunctioning facilities is necessary to restore lost service or prevent immediate harm to persons or property. A provider may maintain, repair, replace and make like-kind modifications to any small wireless facility that do not materially change the overall size, height and weight of the small wireless facility or exceed the structural capacity of the supporting structure without requiring additional applications, permits or other Town approval, other than any required electrical permit.
Permit application requirements. The application shall be made by the provider or its duly authorized representative and shall contain the following:
The applicant's name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address, including emergency contact information for the applicant.
The names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of all consultants, if any, acting on behalf of the applicant with respect to the filing of the application.
A description of the proposed work and the purposes and intent of the proposed facility sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of this chapter. The applicant shall state whether the applicant believes the proposed work is subject to administrative review or discretionary review and if the permit is an eligible facilities request.
If applicable, a copy of the authorization for use of the property from the pole, tower or support structure owner on or in which the communications facility will be placed or attached.
Detailed construction drawings regarding the proposed communication facility.
To the extent the proposed facility involves collocation on a pole, tower or support structure, a structural report performed by a duly licensed engineer evidencing that the pole, tower or support structure will structurally support the collocation (or that the pole, tower or support structure will be modified to meet structural requirements) in accordance with applicable codes.
For any new aboveground facilities or structures, accurate visual depictions or representations, if not included in the construction drawings.
If new construction, a plan explaining how collocations on the new pole, tower or support structure (if technically possible) would be possible for other providers who may wish to deploy small cell technology in the geographic area of the subject application.
Proprietary or confidential information in application. Applications are public records that may be made available pursuant to the New York State Freedom of Information Law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the applicant may designate portions of its application materials that it reasonably believes contains proprietary or confidential information as "proprietary" or "confidential" by clearly marking each portion of such materials accordingly, and the Town shall treat the information as proprietary and confidential, subject to the requirements of the New York State Freedom of Information Law and the Town's determination that the applicant's request for confidential or proprietary treatment of application materials is reasonable.
Ordinary maintenance and repair. A permit shall not be required for ordinary maintenance and repair. The provider or other person performing the ordinary maintenance and repair shall obtain any other permits required by applicable laws and shall notify the Town in writing at least 48 hours before performing the ordinary maintenance and repair.
Material changes. The Town may require payment of an additional permit application fee in the event the Town determines, in its sole discretion, that material changes to an application after submission amount to a new application and will materially increase the time and/or costs of the permit review process. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Town, any material changes to an application, as determined by the Town in its sole discretion, shall be considered a new application for purposes of the time limits set forth in this chapter unless otherwise provided by applicable laws.
Application fees. Unless otherwise provided by applicable laws, all applications pursuant to this chapter shall be accompanied by the fees required under this chapter.
Effect of permit. A permit from the Town authorizes an applicant to undertake only the activities in the public ROW specified in the application and permit, and in accordance with this chapter and any general conditions included in the permit. A permit does not authorize attachment to or use of existing third-party-owned poles, towers, support structures or other structures in the public ROW; a permittee or provider must obtain all necessary approvals and pay all necessary fees from the owner of any pole, tower, support structure or other structure prior to any attachment or use. A permit does not create a property right or grant authority to the applicant to interfere with other existing uses of the public ROW.
Duration. Any permit for construction issued under this chapter shall be valid for a period of 180 days after issuance and can be extended for an additional 90 days upon written request of the applicant, if the failure to complete construction is a result of circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the applicant.
An applicant may simultaneously submit up to five applications for communications facilities, or may file a single, consolidated application covering a batch of not more than 30 such communications facilities, provided that the proposed communications facilities are to be deployed on the same type of structure using similar equipment and within an adjacent, related geographic area of the Town.
Administrative review.
Permitted use. The following uses within the public ROW shall be permitted uses, subject to administrative review and issuance of a permit as set forth in this chapter. All such uses shall be in accordance with all other applicable provisions of this chapter, including without limitation, those set forth in this chapter below and the terms of any license agreement.
Collocation of a small wireless facility that does not exceed the maximum height set forth in this chapter or a collocation that qualifies as an eligible facilities request.
Modification of a pole, tower or support structure or replacement of a pole for collocation of a communications facility where the modification or replacement qualifies as an eligible facilities request.
Construction of a new decorative pole or a monopole tower (but no other type of tower) to be used for a small wireless facility that does not exceed the maximum height set forth in this chapter, provided that there are existing poles of similar height on the same block or within 300 feet of either side of the proposed new pole or monopole tower.
Construction of a communications facility, other than those set forth in Subsection B(3)(a)[1], or in this section, involving the installation of coaxial, fiber-optic or other cabling, that is installed underground or aboveground between two or more existing poles or an existing pole and an existing tower and/or existing support structure, and related equipment and appurtenances.
Application review.
The Town shall review the application either under the administrative review or discretionary review, as the case may be, and, if the application conforms with applicable provisions of this chapter and this section, the Town shall issue the permit, subject to the design standards set forth in this chapter.
Except as otherwise provided by applicable laws, the Town shall:
Within 10 days of receiving an application, notify the applicant if the application is incomplete and identify the missing information. The applicant may resubmit the completed application within 30 days without additional charge, in which case the Town shall have 10 days from receipt of the resubmitted application to verify the application is complete, notify the applicant that the application remains incomplete or, in the Town's sole discretion, deny the application; and
Make its final decision to approve or deny the application within 60 days for a collocation, and 90 days for any new structure, after the application is submitted.
The Town shall advise the applicant in writing of its final decision.
Maximum height of permitted use. Small wireless facilities, and new, modified or replacement poles, towers and support structures in the public ROW may be approved through administrative review as provided in this chapter only if the following requirements are met:
Each new, modified or replacement pole, tower or support structure installed in the public ROW shall not exceed 50 feet in height.
New small wireless facilities in the public ROW shall not exceed 50 feet in height.
Design standards. The design standards for communication facilities, poles built for the sole or primary purpose of supporting communications facilities, or towers shall be adopted by the Town Board and shall be published on the official Town website and made available to all applicants at their request. The design standards shall be subject to change upon a majority vote of the Town Board.
Discretionary review and approval. All other uses within the public ROW not expressly set forth or referenced in this chapter shall require compliance with, and issuance of, a site plan approval pursuant to the Town Code. In determining the deployment and placement of communication facilities, the Planning Board shall consider the following criteria and its impact on the surrounding neighborhood during the site plan review process: (i) the design standards set forth in this chapter; (ii) the compatibility of the proposed facilities with the character of the surrounding neighborhood; and (iii) the potential for collocation of other provider's communication facilities.
General public ROW installation requirements.
General work requirements.
General safety and compliance with laws. The permittee shall employ due care during the installation, maintenance or any other work in the public ROW, and shall comply with all safety and public ROW protection requirements of applicable laws, applicable codes, and any generally applicable Town guidelines, standards and practices, and any additional commonly accepted safety and public-ROW-protection standards, methods and devices (to the extent not inconsistent with applicable laws).
Traffic control. Unless otherwise specified in the permit, the permittee shall erect a barrier around the perimeter of any excavation and provide appropriate traffic control devices, signs and lights to protect, warn and guide the public (vehicular and pedestrian) through the work zone. The manner and use of these devices shall be described within a traffic control plan in accordance with the Uniform Manual of Traffic Control Devices. The permittee shall maintain all barriers and other traffic control and safety devices related to an open excavation until the excavation is restored to a safe condition or as otherwise directed by the Town.
Interference. The permittee shall not interfere with any existing facilities or structures in the public ROW, and shall locate its lines and equipment in such a manner as not to interfere with the usual traffic patterns (vehicular or pedestrian) or with the rights or reasonable convenience of owners of property that abuts any public ROW.
Utility. Before beginning any excavation in the public ROW, the permittee shall comply with applicable provisions of Dig Safely New York, Inc.
Compliance with permit.
All construction practices and activities shall be in accordance with the permit and approved final plans and specifications. The Town and its representatives shall be provided access to the work site and such further information as they may require to ensure compliance with such requirements. All work that does not comply with the permit, the approved plans and specifications for the work, or the requirements of this chapter, shall be removed at the sole expense of the permittee. The Town may stop work in order to assure compliance with the provision of this chapter.
In addition to obtaining a permit for installation of a communications facility, poles built for the sole or primary purpose of supporting communications facilities, or towers in the public ROW, an applicant must obtain all other generally applicable permits.
Mapping data. At the Town's request, the permittee shall provide to the Town a map depicting the location of communications facilities, poles, support structures and towers within the Town boundaries.
Attachment to and replacement of decorative poles. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this chapter, an applicant may not install a small wireless facility on a decorative pole, or replace a decorative pole with a new decorative pole, unless the Town has determined, in its sole discretion as part of the administrative review process, that each of the following conditions has been met:
The application qualifies for issuance of a permit under this chapter; and
The attachment and/or the replacement pole is in keeping with the aesthetics of the decorative pole.
Violation of this chapter. Violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be a violation punishable with a civil penalty of $250 for each violation. Each day that a violation occurs or is permitted to exist by the applicant or provider constitutes a separate offense.