These Regulations are promulgated by the Town of Sherborn Conservation Commission (hereinafter referred to as the "Commission") pursuant to the authority granted to it under § 226-5 of the Sherborn Bylaw.[1] These Regulations are intended to be read together with the Sherborn Bylaw, which has many provisions that are not repeated in these Regulations. These Regulations will be used to implement and enforce the Sherborn Bylaw. These Regulations supersede all existing rules and practices previously applicable to procedures and proceedings before the Commission.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 226, Wetlands.
All of the procedures and requirements set forth in the Act and the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Regulations at 310 CMR 10.00 et seq. are hereby incorporated and made a part of these Regulations, except where they differ from or depart from the Sherborn Bylaw or these Regulations. Where the Sherborn Bylaw or these Regulations differ from the state regulations, the Sherborn Bylaw and these Regulations will be applied in addition to the Act and state regulations. The applicant should first address the Act and state regulations at 310 CMR 10.00 et seq. and then supplement the application to comply with the Sherborn Bylaw and the Sherborn Wetlands Regulations.
The purpose of these Regulations is to establish definitions, presumptions, performance standards and uniform procedures by which the Commission carries out its responsibilities under the Sherborn Bylaw. These Regulations intend to utilize the Home Rule authority of the Town to protect resource areas defined in the Sherborn Bylaw for additional wetland interests, standards for burdens of proof, presumptions, performance standards, and procedures stricter than those of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (MGL c. 131, § 40) and regulations thereunder (310 CMR 10.00).
The Sherborn Bylaw establishes a public review and decisionmaking process by which activities affecting protected resource areas are to be regulated, in order to contribute to the protection of the following interests:
Quality and quantity of public and private water supplies.
Quality and quantity of groundwater supplies as well as recharge and storage areas.
Prevention of pollution.
Wildlife habitat and wildlife.
Wetland ecosystem health, including protecting wetland plant habitat.
Flood control.
Storm damage prevention.
Prevention of erosion and sedimentation.
Groundwater is the predominant source of drinking water in the Town of Sherborn; therefore, protection of interests related to water quality and quantity, including, but without limitation, interests B(1), (2) and (3), and the ability of jurisdictional areas defined in Article IV of these Regulations to function to protect and contribute to those interests, is essential.