In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1968 Bylaws have been included in the 2023 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Chapter/Section from 1968 Bylaws
Location in 2023 Code
Ch. 1, Meetings
Ch. 70, Art. I
Ch. 2, Rules and Procedures at Town Meetings
Ch. 70, Art. II
Ch. 2A, Board of Selectmen to be Known as the "Select Board"
Ch. 64
Ch. 3, Powers and Duties of Town Officers Not Prescribed by Statute
Sec. 1
Ch. 38, § 38-1
Sec. 2
Ch. 38, § 38-2
Sec. 3
Ch. 46, Art. I, § 46-1
Sec. 4
Ch. 46, Art. I, § 46-2
Sec. 5
Ch. 46, Art. I, § 46-3
Sec. 5A
Ch. 46, Art. I, § 46-4
Sec. 5B
Ch. 186, Art. II
Sec. 6, Town Administrator
Ch. 46, Art. II
Sec. 7
Ch. 7, Art. I, § 7-1
Sec. 8
Ch. 195, Art. I
Sec. 9
Ch. 7, Art. I, § 7-2
Sec. 10
Ch. 46, Art. I, § 46-5
Sec. 11
Ch. 46, Art. I, § 46-6
Sec. 12
Ch. 46, Art. I, § 46-7
Sec. 13
Ch. 46, Art. I, § 46-8
Sec. 14, Finance Director/Accountant
Ch. 46, Art. III
Ch. 4, Advisory Committee
Ch. 7, Art. II
Ch. 5, Registration and License Requirements for Dogs
Ch. 120, Art. I
Ch. 5A, Regulations for Control of Dogs
Ch. 120, Art. II
Ch. 6, Capital Budget Committee
Ch. 7, Art. III
Ch. 7, Town Traffic Safety Committee
Ch. 7, Art. IV
Ch. 7A, Council on Aging
Ch. 7, Art. V
Ch. 8, Hunting Bylaw
Ch. 142
Ch. 9, Unregistered Cars
Ch. 214, Art. I
Ch. 10, Public Ways
Ch. 205
Ch. 11, Dangerous Excavations
Ch. 133
Ch. 12, Disorderly Behavior
Sec. 1
Ch. 181, § 181-1
Sec. 2
Ch. 181, § 181-2
Sec. 2A
Ch. 105
Sec. 2B
Ch. 170, Art. I
Sec. 3
Ch. 105, § 105-3; Ch. 170, Art. I, § 170-2; Ch. 181, § 181-3
Ch. 13, Police Regulations
Ch. 214, Art. II
Ch. 14, Repeal of By-laws
Ch. 1, Art. I
Ch. 15, Recreation Commission
Ch. 7, Art. VI
Ch. 16, Violations
Ch. 1, Art. II
Ch. 17, General Wetlands Bylaw
Ch. 226
Ch. 18, Historic District Commission
Ch. 7, Art. VII
Ch. 19, Common Victualler's License
Ch. 219
Ch. 20, Personnel Bylaw
Ch. 53
Ch. 21, Groundwater Protection Bylaw
Ch. 149
Ch. 22, Driveways
Ch. 125
Ch. 23, Anti-Littering and Dumping
Ch. 195, Art. II
Ch. 24, Farm Pond
Ch. 138
Ch. 25, Comprehensive Stormwater Management Bylaw
Ch. 200
Ch. 26, Stretch Energy Code
Ch. 112, Art. I
Ch. 27, Registration of Solicitors
Ch. 186, Art. I
Ch. 28, Revolving Funds
Ch. 19, Art. I
Ch. 29, Marijuana Not Medically Prescribed
Ch. 170, Art. II
Ch. 30, Denial or Revocation of Permits
Ch. 164, Art. I
Ch. 31, Sherborn Affordable Housing Trust Bylaw
Ch. 4