[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Sherborn as Ch. 11 of the 1968 Bylaws. Amendments noted where applicable.]
No owner of any land in the Town shall excavate his land or cause such land to be excavated, or permit an existing excavation to remain, if such excavation will constitute a hazard to the public safety. Within five days after such owner has been notified in writing by the Select Board that in their opinion such excavation constitutes a hazard to the public safety, the owner shall erect barriers or take other suitable measures to protect the public from the excavation.
[Amended 2008]
The provisions of Chapter 82A of the General Laws and 520 CMR 14.00, regarding excavation and trench safety, shall be expressly incorporated into this bylaw.
[Added 2008]
The Director of Department of Public Works or his or her designee, appropriately trained, shall administer the provisions of this chapter in accordance with MGL c. 82A, § 2, and 520 CMR 14.00.
[Added 2008]
The fee for permits issued in accordance with this chapter shall be set by the Director of Department of Public Works, in accordance with MGL c. 82A, § 2.
[Added 2008]
Any person violating this chapter shall be fined $200 for each offense.